Going To Equestria

by Moony Scratch

The Fight

It's been a couple days, I think 5, almost the end of the week.

Me and Twilight are going out to dinner with Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Spike. Were all going to a fancy restaurant, Twilight scolded me for wearing my sweatshirt with a t-shirt over it, baggy jeans, and my beanie, I guess she wanted me to wear a tuxedo or something formal.

So we went over to Rarity’s shop so she could make me a custom suit. It took only 30 minutes which surprises me, but then again, it is Rarity. “There you go darling! Perfect! Is it not?” She said. I was amazed about what I was wearing, a purple tuxedo.

“Rarity! This is amazing! How did you know? I’ve only been here for 4 to 5 days?!” I said.

Rarity replied, “It just fits you don't you think?”

“It is perfect, thank you Rarity. The others will be surprised to see me in a tuxedo.” I said hugging her with joy.

“It’s what friends do for each other. It was my pleasure.” Rarity said with delight.

About 50 minutes later we all got together to finally go eat.

“Where’s Spike?” Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash asked.

“He got sick, from eating ice cream…” Twilight responded.

“Yea, when me and Twilight got home he had a huge tummy ache and there were empty ice cream containers everywhere.” I said.

“Awwww, is Spikey-Wikey alright?” asked Rarity.

“He will be in a day or two” I said.

“Can we eat now? I’m starving!” said Rainbow Dash.

“Me too.” said Fluttershy.

“Alright let's go everyone.” I said.

We arrived inside and Twilight was getting us a table, but something seemed off with Applejack, she didn’t talk at all, even when we were waiting for Pinkie.

“Is everything ok Appleja-” she stopped me before I could say anything else.

“Mind your own business, human.” she said, walking away to go greet Pinkie.

Rainbow Dash came over to me and asked, “Is something wrong?”

“AJ, just blew me off. Like she was mad at me or something…” I answered.

“What did you do?” asked Rainbow, “Maybe that’s why.”

I said, “Nothing, she’s been very nice to me and I’ve been nice back…”

“I’ll go talk to her.” Rainbow said.

“Thanks, that would help, because she’s not listening to me.” I said.

“No problem.” said Rainbow.

Rainbow went over to talk to Pinkie and Applejack. Then talked about, what I’m assuming was me.

15 minutes went by and we finally got our table, Rainbow flapped over to me and said, “What did you do?!”

“Nothing? Why?” I said.

“Every time I started to talk about you she said, “Stop talking about that, human” and she changed the subject.” Rainbow explained, “You had to do something, even if it wasn’t your fault.”

I tried to think back to when I went to AJ’s farm to see if she need help. Then suddenly I remembered what I did, I said to Rainbow, “I think it's because I, uh…”

“Spit it out!” said Rainbow with a loud voice.

“I might have walked in on her in the bathroom taking a shower…” I said discouraged.

“You, WHAT?!” yelled Rainbow, “THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!”

“It wasn't my fault... the door was open, and I had to go to the bathroom.” I said sadly, “I didn’t know she was in there.”

“DID YOU EVEN KNOCK?!” Rainbow screamed at me.

“I had to go really bad…” I said with a tear down my face.

“SERIOUSLY! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!” Rainbow yelled disrupting everyone else even our friends, “I WILL SOCK YOU IN THE FACE FOR DOING THAT!”

“Wait! What are you-” I said before getting punched, hard, in the face.

I started to bleed out my mouth and nose, I fell to the ground and moaned in pain.

“What’s going on here? Rainbow Dash!” Twilight said, “What are you doing?!”

“What does it look like?! I’m beating him up for what he did to AJ!” yelled Rainbow.

“Jesus christ! Stop! I’m sorry Applejack! Just make her sto-” I said when bashed my body into the ground as I felt one of my rips break.

“Agh! Fuck!” I yelled, “Applejack! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to! I just really had to go to the bathro-”

I yelled over to Applejack, but then bucked against the wall.

“Stop Rainbow Dash!” yelled Applejack, “I forgive him. Just stop beating him up!”

Rainbow looked me in the eyes and saw how scared I was of getting beat up. I started to cry on the ground, blood, blood everywhere.

“I’m, I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to… I’m so, so sorry!” Rainbow said.

“I’m not mad at you Rainbow… I forgive you, it’s what a good friend would do.” I said with a smile on my face.

After that, Twilight took me to the hospital and rushed me to the emergency room.

I’m in pain everywhere, shit…