Changeling Army Secret Forces Logs: Dillon Mane

by Obedience

Room For Rent

Changeling Army Secret Forces
"Room for Rent"

October 16 2010

I spent the whole of yesterday making my new detective office-home nice and neat. It's situated just next to the library. There's a nice soft bed here too. The landlady, Mrs Smith, was very sweet to offer me a jar of zap apple jam. She is the sister of Granny Smith.

Two young mares live in the room next door. Their names are Vinyl Scratch and Octavia. Vinyl is a DJ at the local club. Her stage name is DJ Pon-3. Octavia is a cello player whose ensemble will be playing at the Gala.

The location of my room allows me to easily track Twilight Sparkle's movements. As for my detective agency, I've put some adverts in the local paper.

-Report by: Agent Dillon Mane

October 17 2010

There is thick black smoke coming from the mountain just outside town. The Mane 6 has set off to confront what they suspect is a dragon. I'm not going to follow this time. I've decided to take the next few days off. I need some rest. There's still groceries I need to buy too.

After the past few days of observation, I noticed that Ms Twilight frequently writes letters to Celestia. The subject of these letters are currently unknown to me. But I'm sure to find out just what Celestia is up to. The fate of the Changeling race depends on me!

-Report by: Agent Dillon Mane

--End of Log 6--