Luna's Lullaby

by Gentlehoof

Luna's Lullaby

Luna's Lullaby

Luna was sitting at her desk reading though her mail, her inbox still had a sizable stack of unread congratulatory letters, and her outbox was equally full of her return thank you letters. As Luna read though the letters, she kept smiling. So many words of joy and happiness.

A knock came to the door, looking up Luna saw the guards open the door and allowed a cream colored earth pony to wheel in a cart, filled with more gifts. "Hello Silk Lace, please set them over there." Luna indicated a table already full of gifts.

Luna got up and looked over the gifts as Silk Lace carefully stacked them with the others. Then Luna saw it, a gift from Twilight Sparkle. She levitated it up, and carried it to her desk. Sitting down she read the card that Twilight had put on her gift.

Dear Princess Luna

I am so happy for you, and I can't wait to see your new foal. I can't imagine the joy your going though right now, but I hope to some day. I hope my gift is a help to you, the Cakes told me it was a lifesaver for them.

Happily your, Twilight Sparkle.

Luna opened Twilight's gift, and smiled. It was a book. Mare's and their Foals, everything a mare needs to know to care for their foal.

"Um, Princess Luna?" Silk Lace said. When Luna looked up at her, Silk Lace gave a little curtsy. "I didn't have time before to tell you, but I just wanted to say, Congratulation, she's absolutely beautiful, and the rest of the staff feels the same way. They all wanted to give her this." Silk Lace reached over and pulled out a stuffed pink dragon from the bin and held it out.

Luna walked up to Silk Lace and accepted the gift. She was so moved, she reached her hoof around Silk Lace and gave her a hug. "Thank you for the gift, she will love it, I just know it."

Silk Lace curtsied again and then quietly slipped out.

Luna set the stuffed dragon down on her desk then she started flipping though the book that Twilight had sent. Just from her cursory look, she could tell that it covered practically everything. Twilight even added index tabs with labels.

She was almost done with the first chapter when a foal's cry started up. It was too soon for her to be awake, Luna had just put her down for her nap. Luna hurried across the room to the ornamental crib that was beside Luna's bed.

"Hello Sweetie!" Luna greeted her crying daughter. "What's the matter, Huh?" Luna reached in and lifted Sweet Dreams out of her crib, and cradled her in the crook of her leg. "Shh, it's okay, mommy's here." Sweet Dreams started to calm down, and soon the midnight violet colored alicorn filly was cooing and chewing on Luna's mane.

Luna wondered what had awakened her, lowering her head down to her daughter she gave her a little sniff. Yep, that was it, she needed changing. Luna walked three legged to the changing table, and laid Sweet Dreams down. Luna's horn lit up with her magic and she removed her daughters soiled diaper, folding it on itself, she then discarded it in a nearby bin. Levitating the wipes, she cleaned Sweet Dreams messy bottom. Next she applied the foal powder, and slipped on a new diaper, taking care with the diaper pins.

"There we go, all done! Isn't that so much better?" Luna said to her daughter as she lifted her up and laid her back into the crook of her leg. Luna was feeling delighted, she was getting so much better at changing diapers, then when she had first tried. Looking back at it, she shuddered.

Luna carried her daughter outside onto the balcony, and stopped under the night sky. Looking back down at her little filly, Luna saw that she was again, happily playing with her mane. "Your just too cute, you know that?" Luna lowered her head down and gave her a kiss. As she lifted her head up she savored the little foal smell. Luna just loved that smell.

Luna began to hum a tune and gently rocked the filly, after a time she raised her head up and looked at the night sky, and she began to sing.

Hush now, my Sweetheart

Don't fuss now, don't cry

Sleep as you're rocked by the stars

Sleep now, and dream now, to my Starlight Lullaby

And in your dreams, forever I will be.

Sail on the starlight, that shines in the night.

Sail as I sing this to you.

I watch you slumber, so peaceful and still

Holding you so tender, I sing this to you.

Sleep now my filly, I hold you so close

For I have a gift just for you

The starlight, and moonlight, I give them to you

Always and forever, your mother loves you.

Luna's song faded away into the night, and she gazed down at her now sleeping filly, who was still sucking on strand Luna's mane.

"That was beautiful." A voice said behind her.

Turning she saw a charcoal colored unicorn with a white mane and tail standing in the balcony doorway

"Shh, I just got her asleep." Luna said, to her husband, the Captain of her Nightguard.

Steady Heart walked up to Luna, and gave her a kiss. "Your beautiful too."

Luna smiled at him. "Why thank you. Your pretty nice yourself."

Leaning down, he gently kissed the filly that Luna held. "And you are Adoraful."

Luna gave him a strange look. "Adoraful?"

Steady Heart gave her a crooked grin. "Its a word. Look it up. In the definition it will say Luna's and Steady Hearts most adorable and beautiful little princess."

Luna laughed. There was a time she hardly ever did that, but ever since Steady Heart came into her life, she found that she was doing it more and more. And now that Sweet Dreams was here, it was hard for her not to laugh. Luna's heart felt so full, she felt ready to burst.

"You and your silly words, come here." Luna kissed him, and she allowed the kiss to linger. Finally she broke the kiss and started to walk inside "Lets get her into bed, there's something that I would like to finish." And she swished her tail at him.

Steady Heart followed after her, that stupid grin that Luna loved still on his face. "Oh really? What could that be?"