The Magic Coin.

by imgonenow

Chapter 7: The Nightmare.

(A/N: Okay guys, I´m going to be honest here, this chapter.....IT IS CONFUSING AS BUCK. But you know what, I made it like that. Just take note that Joseph/High Note is dreaming, read well, but still you will be CONFUSED, because thats what I want. You will understand this in the not-so-near-nor-far-future. Special thanks to my dear friend and editor: Kuroganekaze02, check him out: ( and say thanks to him. And also the talented artist: RainbowCupcakeBath ( who made the that epic pic of High Note, check him out at: I´m sure he is more then happy to make you an OC. And also, thanks to: YOU, yes you, the awesome, beautiful, sexy reader.)

I stood there. I was standing in a white, soft, cushioned room, similar to an asylum except it lacked a door. There was no way out, except for a small window, covered by steel bars, allowing only eyes to see through. There was no light source except for the window, but yet, the room was lit as bright as day. I spun around to check my surroundings. The room gave of a feeling, a strange one, yet so familiar.
I started to notice that I was standing on my two bare feet. I was standing with two legs, I was…human. I was wearing a soft white jumpsuit. My hands and nails were soft, pale, hairless like a baby yet, grown for a young male. I looked closely to see I didn't have any fingerprint, they were smooth as silk. I slowly brought my hands to my face. I didn't feel any hair, nose, eyes, mouth. I was…faceless.
What’s going on? What happened to me? Where am I? Was all I could think, I wanted to scream, but I couldn't for the fact, I had no mouth to scream with.
“Your head.” Responded a voice from behind me, a voice exactly like mine.
I turned only to jump back in shock by the sight of the human figure, standing right behind me. I examined my cell mate: He was about the same size as me, he wore a white jumpsuit as well, except the sleeves were longer and tied behind his back. The face was covered by his long pitch black hair, only showing a yellow smile.
“So enjoying your new BORING life? Asked the strange man, starting to slowly frown. “It’s not really like home where we belong”
“W-who are you?” I thought to myself, speechless from not noticing him in the first place and because of the lack of mouth.
“Me? Why I'm you! Well of part of you to be exact. Well without me you wouldn’t be ‘you’” He says as quickly as Pinkie Pie. “But I'm the ‘you’ you locked up in here. Well not exactly ‘you’, the other ‘you’, your Guilt, Fear and Regret ‘you’. Theyre the ones to blame”
I was confused, by every word that came out of his lips. And most importantly, curious of how he knew what I was thinking, with the lack of facial expressions unless he can read my mind. This is just a bad dream formed by to many drinks and sugar I thought to myself, hoping to wake up soon.
“Eeyup, just a dream. But it doesn’t mean it isn't real!” He said bursting with a psychotic laughter. “Oh yah, and I can read your mind because well, this is your mind. Anything you think about, will come by me, like it or not.”
I was still dumfounded.
“Ah god dam it, do I really need to explain it?” Asked the man with a sigh. I nodded in respond. “I'm part of your conscience, I help you make your every move. Of course, the moves I ask of you to do are the ones that bring a bit of trouble, but hey, they also bring up the most fun!" He finished with an almost evil laugh, swinging his head causing his hair to move to the side, allowing me to stare into his pitch black eyes.
I felt no fear looking into them, just memories of bad choices I made and regret.
“I'm Corruption” He smiled, showing his yellow teeth. “Your corruption.”
There was a moment of silence
“So, now we are in a world of ponies eh? Well I guess we can handle some fur. Ooh, ah, maybe the white marshmallow, whats her name? Ruby? Ray? Rarity? Rarity that’s the one! Maybe she wants to have some fun!” His speech was growing faster, voice becoming louder. “Imagine her screaming your name. Oh High Note.” He mimics Rarity’s voice perfectly.
I stood there, and grew angry in my mind. If I had a jaw, it would've droped and If I had eyes, they would've glared. “Corruption.” I thought to myself. He quickly turns to me, ending his trance and slowly raising a grin.
“That’s right, you like the bookworm, the egghead, the geek, the little school girl.” He said bursting with laughter. “What was her name again? Twilight Sparkle? Well I guess she can do. Sigh, sometimes Love can be a real party killer, I think Lust and I better talk to him.” He finishes with a frown, falling to the ground.
“If he really is what he says he is, then there's no point in listening. The last thing I want is to have to hurt anybody’s feelings. Just avoid his words.” I thought as I slowly avoided the stare of ‘Corruption’.
Corruption quickly jumped up onto two feet: “Oh come on Joseph, just listen to me for once and have some fun, even if someone gets hurt in the process” He said with puppy dog eyes. “Tell a lie, break a heart, snap a bone. One bad deed can get him out quicker!"
As stupid as it sound, he was slowly catching my mind, giving me ideas, but all flashed away at the thought: "Get who out quicker?"
“Oh someone who promised us…” He took a moment to come beside me and lay his head on my shoulder: “The hole DAMMED world Joseph! Imagine, back at our home planet, but as rulers! Just think about it: The ladies, the life, the revenge!” He said excitedly.
Thoughts came through my mind, I started to listen to my dark side. Ruler? Really? Images of power went through my mind along with echoes of people chanting my name and screams of disobedience.
“Yes Joseph, all this can be yours in a long time…or you can speed up things” Corruption's voice was inviting and warm. “All you have to do is, hurt, abuse, lie and conquer” His words melted into my mind along with the last words he said echoed through: “Be Human.”
The last word shivered my spine, bringing awful memories of getting beat up, lied too, hurt, seeing myself in tears as a child. I slowly felt a brighter side, a better person, tell me no.
I screamed in my mind, yelled out: "No, I can’t, I won’t!"
“No? No?” Corruptions says, raising his voice. “For too long I have been looking out through your eyes seeing a world I could enjoy, for too long I have suggested to you to take revenge and to live a little, for too long you have been listing to the others, for too long you have been taking the calm road!" He yelled glaring at me and taking deep breaths. He calmed himself and slowly bought a grin back to his face and said: “Soon, all that will change.”
And with those final words and not a second later, he jumps onto me, pushing me to the floor. I laid on my back as he looked down to me with his arms tied behind his back. He quickly jumped onto me, opening his mouth, showing hundreds of yellow sharp teeth as his mouth grew large enough to eat my head whole. And he did.
It went dark for a few moments just before I could raise my head off the pillow in fear and shock. I was breathing heavily, and my heart was thumping loudly, my eyes where wide open, I was ready to fight back anything. But there was nothing. It was dark except for the moon light that crept into Twilights guest room. I was my ponyself.
“ It was just a dream…a bad dream.” I whisper to myself quietly as I dropped my head back onto the pillow, slowly forgetting the nightmare and slowly entering dream land.

( So, not bad eh? Confusing? Well what I´m going to say here is a bit spoiler-ish, so jump down to the lines bellow or you will have no enjoyment what so ever or you can lose some of that confusion and read this continue reading this. Well just remember what Corruption said, and how he acts. That and High Note was Joseph and Joseph was human, and what are we humans are? You get the point.

OK stay tune friends, cause High Note, that colt going to turn on his SWAG. OH YEA, don´t forget to leave a comment, I would love to know what you guys thing and some ideas too. And also press the little star at the top and that thumb up in the bottom.