Changeling Army Secret Forces Logs: Dillon Mane

by Obedience

The Lost Entry

Changeling Army Secret Forces Log 
"The Lost Entry"

10 October 2010

I have arrived in Ponyville. It was a long flight from Las Pegasus. My wings are very tired. I saw royal guards escorting Twilight Sparkle on a chariot. I wish I had a chariot. Today I stationed a radio and transmitter in the Everfree Forest. Queen Chrysalis gave me direct orders to do so. The reason is unknown to me at the moment. It seems to be quite important. This is why I decided to take note of it in this entry.

It seems that Ms Twilight Sparkle is also new here. I won't be talking to or befriending her. I'll just observe from afar. I don't want to get too close to a personal student of Celestia. What does Celestia even teach her? How to be a power hungry tyrant who would not hesitate to banish her own sister to the moon?

Name: Twilight Sparkle
Age: Unknown
Race: Unicorn Pony
Mane Colour: Black with a stripe of purple
Coat Colour: Purple (Weird if you ask me)

-Report by: Agent Dillon Mane

Letter to Queen Chrysalis

Your Majesty,

I have done some research on the Elements of Harmony. These Elements have proven to be threatening to all Changeling kind. The power of harmony and friendship is extraordinary. These Elements may be able to destroy the darkness of a Changeling's heart. Here is a detailed report of each Element of Harmony.

(Description of the first five Elements of Harmony has been omitted due to the fact that everypony already knows what they were after the defeat of Nightmare Moon.)

The most powerful of the six Elements seems to be Magic. I still do not understand this Element fully but I think the answer will reveal itself in the future. Perhaps some crazy Draconequus will show up and turn everything upside down, revealing what the Element of Magic truly means.

Your Faithful Agent,
Dillon Mane

--End of Document--
    These two documents were recovered from the bedroom Queen Chrysalis slept in as Princess Cadance
    The documents are kept along with the CASF Logs in the Royal Canterlot Library