Equestria's First Assassin

by Xaiver3point10

Chapter 1: Rough Landings

He awoke to the blinding radiance of the ceiling lights signaling that it was time to get up. He threw off the covers and got out of the large bed, which was picked specifically for his tall stature of 6" 4', so that he could get enough rest for the grueling missions. He spared a glance in the mirror and looked at himself. He was a Caucasian male with shaggy brown hair and some beard stubble. Two very noticeable traits of his were his eyes and his right arm. His eyes were two different colors. His left eye was a light blue while his right eye was a bright green. His arm on the other hand was not what one might call normal, for it was robotic. The appendage that started from the shoulder to the tips of his fingers was in fact made out of nothing other than metal and wires. He washed up and began to get some clothes on. He put on a black sleeveless shirt, his white leather hooded overcoat and his sap gloves. After making sure he was presentable he left his room.

While walking through the plane which was modified with so many upgrades that it was basically a flying fortress, he enjoyed the quiet of the morning. He then got to the main room. He decided to relax for a while, so he sat on the couch and got out a book called 'The Secret Garden'. It was his seventh time reading it mainly because he never threw it away and didn't have anything else to do. Right before he started reading he checked his phone, wondering if Sam had tried to contact him.

"No messages," he said to himself. "Eh, I'll check it later."

About three hours later, the alarms in the plane came on. Sinso immediately made his way to the cockpit to see what was happening. To say he was surprised, When he arrived would be a massive understatement. In front of the plane was a vertical formation of stormy clouds that appeared to be forming a portal.

Seeing this, he only had one thing to say. "Ohhhhhhhhhh craaaap." Then it all went black.


Twilight Sparkle was enjoying a nice cool autumn night. The peace was just serene. She had brought out her telescope and had been watching the sky for the meteor shower that Princess Luna had promised would be splendid. Sitting next to her was a happy and content Fluttershy and a bored, sleepy Rainbow Dash. When the show began Twilight nudged Rainbow awake saying "Dash wake up, it's about to start."

To which Dash replied with "Snoooooork."

Twilight nudged her again.

"Huh, what. Oh, hey, Twilight. What did you say?"

Twilight sighed and said "The meteor shower is about to start Rainbow and you don't want to miss it."

So the friends watched as one by one the meteors graced the sky with their presence.

"Hey... uhh Twilight?"

"Yes Rainbow?"

"Is it just me, or is that meteor getting bigger?

Twilight turned towards where Rainbow Dash was looking and gasped.

"Rainbow that meteor isn't growing bigger its getting closer!"

Before rainbow could offer a reply the 'meteor' went right over their heads and crashed into the fields near Ponyville.

Fluttershy was the first to speak.

"W-W-What was t-that?"

"We have to find out. come on, girls, let's go." And then they were off.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in Ponyville the situation was deteriorating fast. Ponies were running around randomly and screaming bloody murder but amidst the chaos Twilight sparkle and her faithful companions were attempting to gather everyone's attention. When order was finally was restored, all that the ponies had was questions.

"What was that?"

"What are we going to do?"

"Hey look, its Twilight, she'll know what to do!"

"Twilight, what is going to happen?"

"Twilight, what was that thing?"

"Can you help us?"

Of course these questions were not in such an orderly fashion, and came out as more of random shouts and yelling. This really annoyed Twilight as they weren't giving her a chance to speak. Eventually she had had enough and silenced everyone with two powerful words.



Princess Cellestia was having a quite enjoyable dream until she was rudely awoken by two simple words which shook her room.


"Oh, I guess someone has made Twilight angry. Huh" Then she returned to her dreams of cake.

~~Back in Ponyville~~

When everyone was silent, Twilight began to discuss her plan of investigating what the meteorite was. (Long story short they were all cowards and decided that six mares should go and find out what the mysterious object was)

With the plan finalized, the Six Elements of Harmony set out to the fields outside of Ponyville.

"Well girls, lets find out what this thing is," Twilight said.

And like that they were off, unaware of the true nature of the craft.

~~On the plane, two hours later~~

The cockpit was in disarray. Bits and pieces of metal lay next to the unconscious form of Sinso.

He stood up, dazed, until he heard that one sound that always manages to wake people up, really loud alarms. He immediately checked the instruments for information. He found that the plane was horizontal as it should be, and didn't lose either of the wings during the crash. He then looked towards the window only to see that it was covered in a black substance, soot he presumed.

He moved from the cockpit to the armory to prepare for whatever might have been outside outside. He grabbed his weapons of choice and more than enough explosives. He looked at the weapons and ammo list in his HUD and put on a shield generator. Next he turned on C.A.I.O.S. and waited for the A.I. to boot up.

"Hello Crimson 1," the AI greeted him.

"Connect to the ships interface and turn on the scanners. I want to know where we are!"

"Yes, Sir"

He began to move from the armory to the cargo hangar, which was in the back of the plane.

"Scan complete," his AI told him.

"Well then, where are we?"

"Unknown," answered the AI

"What do you mean unknown? We have maps of the whole world on file and a freakin GPS. So how is it that you don't know?"

"My first guess is that we aren't on Earth anymore"

"Hahahahhaahhaha, heheheh, heh, heh." He took a second to breathe, before his face become slightly more serious. "Wait, you're not joking are you?"

"No sir," answered the AI.

"But that's not possible. How could we not be on earth? Wait........ you wouldn't have guessed that unless it was the most likely thing to have happened."

He dreaded the next question that he had to ask.

"What makes you think we are not on Earth?"

C.A.I.O.S. was silent for a moment, then said,. "These are not earth's stars."