Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust.

by FoxofRarity

The Bonding of Biological Aunt and Niece.

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust

By. FoxofRarity

Chapter. 76

Disclaimer- Arthur's note at end. My Little Pony Friendship is magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

Long before the clash of Generosity and Magic, before the death of Love itself, before the coming war between the Moon and Love, and before the moment where everypony shall bend the knee to Love itself in fear.

There was Twilight Sparkle who for nights…well make that two nights could not catch any shut eye and even when she took Shining Armor’s sleeping pills sleep still eluded her just like a snake eludes the shadow of the bald eagle. And for what reason other than deducing the right equation for her cold fusion reactor which she already completed and currently waiting for its patient to come through will keep her up? Rarity is that thing keeping her sleep away for Twilight just can’t stop playing over & over Rarity’s voice in her head. “Oh why do I keep thinking about Rarity! I-I mean she’s the only one other than Princess Celestia who knows me the best yet Rarity just knows when to come while for Princess Celestia she needs to see a sign from me first. Rarity is my friend…she’s a mare…how can I be thinking about her as being more than a friend to me when I think Gold Sky is one of the most handsome stallions there is but I only think of him as my friend but Rarity she’s lovely, beautiful, gentle, dramatic sometimes, creative, loving, touching, serine if that counts, and so, so, so my best friend. I…” Twilight stops herself right there because even when she’s speaking her thoughts there is always a point of no return when the thoughts are said. “I think, I think, I think, I think I am falling in Love with Rarity…I am falling in Love with Rarity!!!” Well finally the lavender Unicorn has figured out the reason she’s been lacking sleep.
Though Twilight is a mare whose intelligence is parallel to Starswirl the Bearded she can’t no matter how much she adds the numbers figure out a equation that provides her the answer in approaching Rarity to tell the white mare how she feels. However, Twilight still wonders how she came to fall in Love with Rarity.
“A pony does not fall in Love with anypony for just no reason otherwise if that did happen then why will I believe in finding the purpose of things? I see Rarity as a mare that does not see me as just some common mare for she is the only one I didn’t have to proof myself to while for the others including Fluttershy I had to proof myself to them but Rarity from the beginning accepted me. No one does that just no one accepts anypony only Rarity and I guess that’s why I feel this way… Rarity is the one who sees me and I see her, we see each other for who we are…we are meant to be together. She is the pony I want for she is the pony that basically accepts me no matter what I do. I am in love with Rarity and to anyone that wants to be my witness let them hear for I AM IN LOVE WITH RARITY!!”

This was the pure mind Twilight had, once had for when every attempt to express her feelings to Rarity the numbers she created by the motions of the Universe never gave Twilight the equation she wanted because every time she tried a distraction will take away Rarity. Thus every X, every fraction multiplied by the lowest common denominator, every negative number with its square root solved, and every Nth root times pi is basically useless to help her find the perfect opportunity with Rarity. So with failure and impatience, desire grew into Lust and the once pure mind becomes a desecrated shrine showing that even the Pure & Strong like Twilight Sparkle can fall to the power of Lust. Just like the Loving & Honorable like Gold Sky can fall to the power of unwillingness to forgive oneself.

Rarity damned herself the moment she accepted Twilight but then again nopony knew this will even happen in the first place not even Twilight herself.

So one can only blame the numbers that led to that Equation.


In the bed of daffodils that bloomed from the blood dripped from Gilda’s wounds Twilight Sparkle’s hair flows in the direction of the light wind blowing over her while the galaxy of her mind slowly spins to help begin the process of recovery to make her wake up and go back home to seek shelter from that black creature she has never seen or read before. In fact her galaxy just wants to dissolve into nothing but dust because when the galaxy becomes dust that’s basically Insanity which Gold Sky knew will come if any mortal or mortal minded being saw a Xenomorph. However, Twilight’s need to fulfil her conquest keeps her galaxy together though still not enough to wake her up so in her so called sleep she dreams.
In the land of dreams. “I can’t believe you will move in with me Rarity! I mean how can you leave the homeliness of your boutique to live in the homeliness of the library?”

Rarity with a smile on her face shrugs her shoulders. “Well it isn’t the books that’ll make this place homey to me it’s you my dearest Twilight Sparkle.”

Touched by Rarity’s words she comes close to rub her horn against Rarity’s horn. “I appreciate how much you care for me Rarity and how willing you are to leave behind everything you worked hard for to be close to me…I…I-I can’t do that Rarity. I-I just can’t leave my books behind when I grew up on them…huh?” A sudden hoof to the chin silences Twilight.

“I know Twilight; you have a harder time of letting go of your books while I too have a hard time of letting go of my precious fabrics and gems but yet to see something more dear than all of those objects I will abandon them without hesitation Twilight. You are more dear to me than my gems & fabrics and while yes I might miss them stress the word might I will always choose you over anything or everything Twilight.” So to show how much she means her words Rarity tenderly kisses Twilight’s forehead.

Once again touched but this time by an act of affection Twilight looks away from Rarity as if that’ll conceal the guilty tears forming in her eyes. “I’m sorry…I don’t deserve to be with a lovely mare like you Rarity… *Shriek*”

At last Twilight is awoken and instantly her magic is charged up to kill that black fearsome creature. “WHERE ARE YOU!!” She screams in a bout of total consternation. “WHERE ARE YOU!!” Bolts of magic fly all over the place destroying anything the bolts strike but yet none of them hit the black fearsome creature much less the stallion who controls the creature. “I’m alone…I’m all alone right now.” Twilight’s magic ceases when after a pause of forty seconds to wait for either the stallion or fearsome creature yields no results. “I can’t believe what just happened oh what beautiful flowers.” In a quick pause of her feminine side Twilight’s magic picks up a daffodil to take a quick whiff of its aroma. “Wait!” Twilight’s mind connects this flower with the stallion she just fought. “He gave me daffodils on Hearts & Hooves day.” Instead of just crushing the flower Twilight lets the wind blow it away from her. “Where ever he is right now all I know is that that creature is either protecting him or taking him to a save location. I can never forgive myself for being beaten in a fight by a weakling like him nor can I forgive myself for abusing his honor when he helped me. Now I have to worry about another thing as if he’s bad enough.” Twilight looks down at the fresh bed of daffodils. “What am I doing…why am I doing this. How can I be letting so much trouble get in my way to get to the mare I love. It makes absolutely no sense for me to be bombarded by obstacle after obstacle by that puny stallion. I have to give him breathing space in order for him to lower his guard then strike when it’s most convenient for me. As for that creature it has to be in a book somewhere otherwise…FRAK! His daughter as well is a threat aw c’mon! Him, that creature, the Razor, now his daughter!” Twilight raises her hoof ready to spilt open the Earth but hesitates when she realizes something. “Well on the daughter part he won’t put her in harm’s way so one less thing to worry about for now.”
“I just want to be with Rarity that’s all I desire.” Twilight straightens out her bangs. “Well this war between us is far from over until then I’ll do what I do best and study to come up with a plan of attack. I wonder what that black creature is called?”
So Twilight composes herself and teleports back home.
“I think I got a book that teaches the Lion Roar Kung Fu from the Griffon Republic.”

Quickly but still rather gently Weytani picks up her master taking him to a nearby spring while inside her enhanced cognitive mind granting her the ability to feel, wonders if master is still alive.
Please be alright.” Is what Weytani will say if she had the ability to speak but her soft mewling says those words as she places him near the spring. “Master please wake up.” Putting her hands together to scoop up some water the Xenomorph pours on Gold Sky’s face waiting if that’ll make him respond. “Please wake up master.” Getting no response from her master Weytani passes her hand over his cheek realizing her master is gone. “No…

“Master!” The sudden response from master makes Weytani get closer to the stallion in order to hear him better.

Gold Sky coughs some more then finally opens his eyes to be greeting by Weytani’s not so pleasant face but it’s rather pleasant to him nonetheless. “Water please, I-I need water.”

Quickly, Weytani puts Master’s head on her knee to make it easier for him to drink the water from her palm.
After taking a few full palms of water Gold Sky drops his head on Weytani’s knee. “Thank you oooooh I knew it’ll well hurt but not that much oh man I feel like somepony scraped off the titanium and lead coating on my knife, accelerated a high uranium mass particle into to the uranium core of the knife causing it release a tremendous amount of energy plus heat, a loud boom, and finally a beautiful mushroom cloud.”
Weytani mews what can be a question at Gold Sky.

“No it wouldn’t kill me Weytani but the force from that explosion will be more than enough to hurt for one heck of a long time.” Gold Sky sighs in discomfort. “I am so sore from that fight with Twilight. Like bloody hell did she ultimately fail in trying to counter my hoof to hoof combat abilities but her magic made up for that along her small dishonorable trick which worked against me simply because I’m a stallion or I don’t know but I don’t feel like analyzing her.”

In her mewing Weytani is saying what can be translated as. “Can you get up master?

Gold Sky tries but ultimately falls back down to the ground. “I wish I can Weytani but even though I’m fully healed my body is very sore and it hurts too much to even move.”
So without mewing a word Weytani picks up her master to carry him to shelter.
“NO Weytani don’t.” Weytani sets him down. “There’s still daylight and we’ll be spotted, so it’s better to go back home when night comes.”

Thus without question the Xenomorph sits by her master to protect him and then carry him home when night comes. However, with her enhanced cognitive mind which was provided when she drank a drop of Gold Sky’s sparkling blood Weytani asks or mews out a question.

“Yes I’m…or was married to a beautiful mare…she was the love of my life and if I can change the world to have her back with me I will but in the end…It doesn’t matter.”

You still believe in that nihilism ideology master?” Weytani mews.

The stallion nods. “Do you want me to tell you about Octavia the mare who was once my wife?”

The Xenomorph nods and begins to hear of master’s wife.
For an enhanced cognitive mind allows for a once emotionless creature to develop emotions.

“Where’s Captain Delta Scorch?” Helo Fox asks Iron Cloud and Fleur.

The elegant mare shrugs her shoulders in reply while Iron Cloud remembers where Delta Scorch went. “Ah yes, Captain was called by Octavia so she can meet him.”

Being told this silence comes over the other two commandoes. “We need to save him now!! Fleur armor up now!” Helo nearly shouts.

“Got it Helo!” Just when both were about to armor up Iron Cloud steps in their way preventing them from going anywhere.
“What are you doing Iron Cloud!? We need to save the Captain!?” Helo Fox nearly growls.

But Iron Cloud does not budge. “If this daughter is after Luna then wouldn’t it make sense that since she took out Flying Havoc you know the one who stabbed his heart then wouldn’t she be after Princess Luna next?”

Well on Iron Cloud’s part that does make sense when they think about completely, however. “You’re just saying that because you think the daughter is Chero like you and you don’t want another one of your already extinct tribe to die!” Helo Fox scowls.

Fleur being very fond of Iron Cloud’s race quickly comes to his defense. “There’s no need to be like that Helo Fox besides I’m sure the wife won’t do anything to Captain Delta Scorch or she might endure her majesty Princess Luna’s wrath.”

Seeing two opinions go against his Helo Fox decides to at least get something that’s his worry is worth. “Okay you know what fine, just frakken fine, yeah just frakken fine let’s all stay here ding donging around while Captain gets murdered by the Immortal Father’s daughter and then when Princess Luna asks where the frakken hell were we. I’ll just say we here ding donging around because you two p*ssys cared more about the daughter being a part of some long dead tribe!” Before finishing Helo Fox’s horn glows bringing every piece of his armor to him. “Screw both of you! I’ll be close to Captain by standing close outside the door!”

Finally Iron Cloud and Fleur agree on something they wished was said in the first place. “Well why didn’t say that before!”
“We’ll be unseen while close at the same time!”

At a complete loss of words Helo Fox slams his hoof into his face. “Frak me!”
Now Fleur wanting to get back at Helo’s insult gives him a low blow. “Where?”

“Wha…??” Blushing Helo Fox just mutters something and heads to Octavia’s room to keep an ear out for Captain Delta Scorch.

“Hehe good one.” Iron Cloud holds up his right hoof.
“Thanks.” And Fleur hoof bumps it with glee.

“So tell me Delta Scorch when did Princess Luna adopt you?” Octavia asks for she’s always been quite curious how Luna can take in an mortal as her own son.

Delta Scorch slowly seeing how safe he is upon realizing Octavia knows nothing of the Daughter that’s giving mother the terror of her life. “I was still young but saddened by the death of my father and in my grieve I forgotten that I wasn’t the only one to mourn his death. For my mother too lost someone dear but yet as her son I never quite comforted her as I should have so you can imagine how much sadder she got when she saw that she is completely alone. So depression took its toll on her for my mother never got the chance to hold me her son for the last time.”
Quite sad for others but as for Octavia she cannot feel sympathy nor the least bit of sadness for a young colt losing both his parents to death for the second death is of the mother and mother, oh Octavia for a long time hated that word but then again she will become one so she can only direct that hate to her own mother. Still Octavia feels nothing for Delta Scorch. “I’m sorry for your loss.” But her bland emotionless voice does not reflect her words.

She feels nothing for me.” Delta tells himself.

“But please not to be rude but can you tell me about Luna.” Octavia presses on.

Delta not blaming Octavia for being so curious goes on. “After I buried my mother next to my father I stood there wondering what will happen to me now that I’m alone. So I began to weep for I lost my loving father and I lost my dear mother leaving me all alone…but then from out of nowhere I felt a wing cover me…like I felt a warmth of motherly love shelter me from the looming aspect of being alone.”

Hmmm, Luna must have felt pity for him and took him for her son…she…loves him dearly. For I can feel it when he said a warmth of motherly love.” The gray mare says in her mind to see how Princess Luna can love this mortal sitting before her. “Through love Gold Sky was adopted by Princess Celestia so I guess it’s normal for the Princesses well except Princess Cadance to adopt.

“I looked up wondering who is covering me with their wing and that’s when I saw it was…” A bit of a pause whether to say mother or Princess Luna. “Princess Luna.” His voice almost breaks when his mind remembers the look on mother’s face. “Her eyes had no authority but they had love. Love, motherly love that’s ready to be given to me because she chose to take me in & love me as her son. She said to me, come oh dear colt today is a day where you are alone but tomorrow will be a day where you shall have a mother that has no end in her days. You shall receive my wing oh dear colt and you shall receive a mother to make sure you grow into the stallion you’re to become.” With that Delta Scorch stops but suddenly something tells him something is up. “Wait a minute how in the world do you know I am Princess Luna’s son!!?”

Octavia points to her ears in a lie to cover up how a drunken Luna gave her everything. “My hearing is very sharp Delta Scorch; I can hear almost everything that is said here in the palace from Celestia’s heartbeat to your little poems you write for the love of your life in the supposed privacy of your study room.”

The stallion blushes in embarrassment. “Y-y-you can hear me when I’m writing poetry!?”

The gray mare nods. “Yes. I can hear you saying oh Cloud Kicker whenever I stare into your eyes the world stands still etc, etc.”

Oh the dear indeed for Delta Scorch. “Uhhhhhhhh…if you have such strong hearing then how can you well you know live with it? How, how can you not be driven crazy by it?”

Well one thing Octavia noticed is that both have one thing in common and that’s having a loving Father. “My father ever since discovering my sharp hearing will spend countless days and nights teaching me how to focus my hearing by directing my ability to the sound of his voice. For if I focus my hearing on one thing then I can’t hear the commotions of the busy world around me therefore, I can’t be driven mad. So growing up I listened to my father’s voice when he was teaching me how to play the cello and as I got older I will play his voice in my head in order to cancel out the noise of the outer world while still being keen to noises that need my attention. Then I heard the heartbeat of a stallion that I simply couldn’t ignore…” Octavia’s right ear twitch for it picked up something outside the door. “Excuse me.” The gray mare with some great effort gets up from the comfy cushion and heads for the door. “Tell me this couldn’t be your idea Delta Scorch.” Octavia opens the door.

*thud* Helo Fox who clearly was leaning on the door falls down on the floor while Iron Cloud and Fleur are sitting down on the corridor chairs holding back their laughs while then going cold when the gray mare lays her eyes on them.

“Helo Fox, Iron Cloud, and Fleur what are you three doing!!!” Delta shouts in dismay for his three commandoes haves embarrassed him before the gray mare.

“Uhhhhhhh…” Getting back up Helo Fox tries to say something. *SLAM!* But instead Octavia slams the door on his face.
“Right, you can finish that later Delta Scorch let us continue.” Octavia again with some effort thanks to her bulging belly sits back down on the cushion. “Is it just me or is the baby getting a bit heavier?

Now just beyond curious about the mare’s pregnancy along with already figuring out that the heartbeat was that of her dead husband, Delta sits back down with the question waiting on the tip of his tongue. “Your child, is that your fir-first child?”

Well to be fair a correction has to be made first. “It is the first child for me and my husband, Delta Scorch after a whole decade of waiting, many attempts to talk with him about starting a family, trying to get him to paint the nursery room blue with me, and just try to corner him into making him tell me why he doesn’t want any children. But with every attempt he had his ways of always turning the tables on me and cornering me into why I’m not teaching him how to play the cello, writing down music, practicing, teaching others how to play the cello, and not creating a piece to honor my father.”

Delta whistles in amazement to the last part. “Well at least I know who will always win the arguments.”

Octavia cringes to Delta’s accurate point. “Yeahhhhhhh…anyway. I’m pregnant with the son I’ve always dreamed for but sadly my dear husband isn’t here to reflect my joy which perhaps at first will be delayed but eventually will be the same as mine.”

“So did he ever tell you if he wanted a boy or girl??” Delta asks then hides his lips by drinking some tea but with a slight tremble in his magic the tea cup shakes in its saucer indicating his fear is resurging for the gray mare is reminiscing about starting a family with her dead husband. “So far I guess she has no knowledge of this Daughter that’s plaguing mother at the present moment.

Octavia shakes her head. “He never, never ever spoke to me about ever having children so at the time I came to believe he’s sterile…so in my selfish desperation I almost…” The gray mare breaks eye contact and just glues her eyes to the ground as her body heat rises just like the sun rises from the horizon. “Not almost, I dishonored him. Nothing can take away the shame I felt when I saw that my own selfishness drove me to do what I did.”

Alright time to dance on the tightrope. “What did you do to dishonor him?”

“You’re the genius, figure it out.” Octavia chides before reestablishing eye contact. “As for me, all I know is that it will be me raising my son and even though I want his father to be the one guiding him. I will have to do the hard part of finding a paternal figure for him for a good mother will make sure her son has a paternal figure to transform him from a colt into a honorable stallion.”

“Hmmmm how do you know you’re having a son?”

Octavia holds her head high to give her coming words authenticity that she herself gave with her beliefs. “I know I’m having a son Delta Scorch and between you and me, I don’t want a daughter even though my husband showed me he wanted a girl before he died, still I want a son. Because I was raised by a honorable stallion, I married a honorable stallion, and I want raise an honorable stallion along with keeping my bloodline going strong which has the highest chance of happening with a son also my husband’s bloodline needs to keep going as well.”

Delta can only deduce with what he’s given by the gray mare. “So you always wanted a son along with being a bit keen with your bloodline plus with your husband’s. You feel this world need more stallions like your father and husband which I now admire you for but I just can’t help myself in asking you this. What if you give birth to a girl instead of a boy??”

Thus with two words Octavia shows her steel confidence that can only be backed by the power created in her heart.
“I won’t.”

Well Delta can’t argue with that logic.

Octavia’s left ear twitches causing her to groan in annoyance. “Your doofus commando is spying on us again.”

“Damn it Helo Fox!” Delta mutters under his breath. “Mi Lady I’m afraid this has to be cut short so if you will please excuse me I thank you for your hospitality.” A formal farewell thanks to Helo doing something stupid.

Octavia however, will reveal why she called him here in the first place. “Delta there is one thing I want to know from you and ultimately it’s something kind of personal, sort of.”

“What is it?”

So Octavia being very calm as if she’s a all-knowing philosopher releases her question. “How can you be the son of an Immortal when time is your own worst enemy therefore pain will come to the mother who took you under her wing.”

Delta stays absolutely silent to Octavia’s cold question for this is the first time his mortality along with his mother are connected because let’s be real here. Delta has been afraid of death due to having a dear loved one named Cloud Kicker but neglected to connect death with mother losing him. “I ask you that same question you just asked me but with inserting your husband.” But his face is hidden for he can’t bear to have Octavia see his lower lip twitching like he’s trying to come up words to say.

“Well my husband made me Immortal showing me how great his love is for me Delta Scorch so perhaps if you really want to know how much your mother loves you then ask her why she hasn’t made you immortal for a mother cannot bear to lose her child, no?” Though the question may seem completely heartless Octavia truly does not want Luna to lose Delta Scorch to time for as an Immortal the gray mare sympathizes to see a fellow immortal lose someone…well sympathizes if Luna loses her son and not sympathizes if Luna loses a spouse.

Now completely silenced by the pregnant immortal, Delta Scorch walks away to seek a moment of privacy for he realizes the pain he felt as a child will be felt by his immortal mother.

Helo Fox, Iron Cloud, and Fleur seeing their captain coming towards them stand straight in respect while Helo Fox feeling he’s about to be chewed out attempts to explain himself first. “Sir I AUUGH!” Instead he receives a strike from the Captain which almost knocks him out cold.
“Ahh what the hell!” Helo shakes his head to completely get a grip of what just happened.

The gray mare liking what she just saw stands by the door. “Hmm flawless.” And closes it in front of the three Elite Commando guards.

The mare who wishes to have her wrath cast upon the mortal Son and immortal Mother smiles for while her wrath is not…well life ending as lesser beings will like. Her wrath will none the less bring about a division and division work as well as a spear going through a heart. Because after all a drunk has given her the information she grasped without taking a step back.


“Come Rarity.” A fatherly voice serenades the beautiful child Rarity.

“Coming daddy!” The young filly dashes up a bit to be with her father. “Where are we going daddy?” She asks.

The stallion chuckles first before answering her. “We’re going to shop for some fabrics so you can make some hats Rarity.”

The little filly almost faints in total delight to the coming joy of making hats for her father and mother. “Oh daddy thank you so much!” Rarity looks up to look upon her father whose face is free of facial hair, coat is milky white with chocolate brown patches, and has wings.
Rarity wakes up from the unnatural dream where little brother is her father taking her to buy fabrics. “What, what, what, what, I, I, I, Gold Sky how, how where…” Rarity can’t quite speak clearly much less speak in her trademark elegance. “I-I can’t understand what’s happening!? I feel like being with daddy but right now I need to worry about Twilight! OOOOH!” The white mare grabs her head for out of nowhere a massive migraine hits her without the least bit of a warning. “Why did I see Gold Sky as my father!? How come I feel like I haven’t been myself for some time and how in the world do I dare to combine wool with SILK!!” Oh that is a fashion crime in Rarity’s book! “Putting wool and silk together oh my!!” Yes it’s quite a big crime to Rarity. “I feel like rubbing my cheek against my fabrics the same way da…I-I-I-I mean Gold Sky does…what’s happening to me!?” Again the migraine strikes back. *TING* “OW!” *smaller ting* “Okay that’s much better. Lauren!” Who else can provide her with answers than the kind Archangel herself.

“You called out to me Rarity?” The Archangel asks while she dons on a blue silk scarf as if she’s been here for quite some time to take the liberty to try some on of Rarity’s clothing articles. “I say Rarity this red shawl is the exact color of my hair.”

“Huuuuuuuh??” Rarity can’t get her mind wrapped around the Archangel wearing articles of clothing. “Lauren I don’t know what happened to me!” Though Rarity manages to get her dismay laid out before the Archangel to say the least.

Causally Laruen sets up a nice cushion for Rarity to sit on. “Come, come Rarity sit by me because clearly before I give you what you want to know you need to calm down first.”

Rarity blinks twice. “You’re right Lauren I-I need to calm down first…” When calm comes, gray clouds still stay because now that Rarity is calm she notices one important thing. “Wait!! Where’s Gold Sky! Where is he!?” Away with the calm and hello once again to the distress.

So Lauren taps Rarity’s cushion to remind the white mare of what she said. “Come, come.”
Finally after a deep breath, Rarity calms downs again and sits next to Lauren. “What happened to me Lauren?”

“You were turned into a child Rarity.” Lauren reveals.


Lauren nods. “Twilight turned you into a child Rarity but what’s more important is that your mature mind became of that of a child, so the massive migraine you’re feeling right now is your mature mind taking everything back that your child mind once had but everything that your child mind experienced is now grafted into your mature mind.”

Ooh now it makes sense to Rarity. “Twilight turned me into a child to use her telepathy on me but brother saved me and I being a frightened child thought Gold Sky was my father. So he being who he is became my father…I got to experience what Gilda my dear niece experienced when she was a child.” Rarity goes silent. “I love him not as my little brother I love him as my father. Oh this can’t be happening! I only got one father and I’m sure Gold Sky was at first reluctant to be my father while I was a child.”

“He was.” Lauren says. “But when the age spell came to an end Twilight came for you again.”

Rarity gasps prompting her to jump up in fear. “Where is she right now!?”

“You are with the Archangel and yet you feel fear for a mare I can dispatch with just a whisper.” The Archangel looks upon Rarity with a degree of truth and with one eye brow being arched while her eyes sort of glow thanks to the sun light.

“Oh…forgive me Lauren.” Rarity composes herself. “Please continue.”

Picking up from where she left off Lauren first flicks her red hair reminding herself the color Gold Sky will pick. “They both fought and for a surprising turn of events your little brother defeated Twilight in combat by breaking her back but she being a smart mare tricked him by abusing his honor to her advantage.”

Rarity nearly gasps to hear how little brother defeated Twilight but then get tricked by Twilight. “How did she trick Gold Sky if she was already defeating?”

“Like most dishonorable mares she utilized the victim card and sadly Gold Sky being honorable by thinking that since Twilight can’t fight anymore he can at least do the right thing by taking her home. But truly Twilight tricked him in order to get her regeneration to shift into full throttle so once healed she pinned him down with her magic ready to stab his heart.” Lauren pauses because like any mortal mare with a maternal instinct she feels a touch of anger run through her heart but it goes away as fast as it came. “However, Lust got the best of her resulting in Twilight to give in and attempt to rape your brother because she raped you she might as well rape him.”

Rarity can only gasp.

“But your brother had a contingency plan which I wish he had used to stop himself from being raped by those two individuals but the drug he was drugged with prevented him and fear also had a factor in that.”

Reflecting with the sadness in Lauren’s voice Rarity just frowns rather than to say anything.
“Gold Sky called upon that contingency and she saved him from a second violation.”

“Gilda!” Rarity screeches thinking that’s the contingency that saved him from Twilight Sparkle.

Lauren shakes her head. “Gilda no. Gilda will be the last thing he will want involved much less want her to know of his violation.”

“Then who saved him from Twilight!?” Rarity begs the Archangel.

But Lauren knowing full well that Rarity will not know what the word Xenomorph means decides to simply give Rarity the name Gold Sky has given to his trusty guard. “Her name is Weytani.”

“Weytani?” Rarity repeats the name to get a better grip of it. “Her name sounds kind of nice.”

Lauren agrees with the beautiful Unicorn. “Now before you ask what is she I won’t tell you for you will find out what she is tonight and believe me when I tell you this Rarity, Insanity will not come when you look upon Weytani for your days are endless and with endless day comes a mind mature enough to process the sight of a creature like Weytani.”

“Creature!” Now that tells Rarity that Weytani is neither Griffon nor Pony but something else, something that induces insanity. Something that only little brother can have under his watch. “What kind of creature is she…?”

Lauren will answer a question with a question. “What kind of stallion is your brother?”


“Exactly.” Lauren gets up to head back to the heavenly paradise. “Well Rarity thanks to your brother who by the way made sure both him and Twilight are incapacitated you have this day free of worry so you can makes some clothes, make new designs, treat yourself to the spa, or do whatever floats your boat my dear Rarity oh…”

Rarity interrupts given how all of these suggestions are just out of place. “How can you expect me to do all of those things when I don’t know where my brother is, Twilight is out there, Gilda is who knows where, Weytani is some insanity inducing creature, an-an-and you want me to treat myself to the spa!!?”

“Pretty much yes Rarity.” Lauren calmly replies then stands up high to remind Rarity of the Archangel’s majesty. “I am speaking on your brother’s behalf Rarity. The last thing he wants is you to live every day in fear and to have your mind revolve around combat like his mind. He wants you to be you the amazing fashionista he calls sister who constantly thinks about the next design and what gem to use. This is your day and he has given it to you to use however you please Rarity. Don’t worry because what will I gain by lying to you Rarity?”

Yes what will Lauren gain from telling Rarity a lie. “Sorry Lauren.”

Lauren reaches out and puts a hoof under Rarity’s chin. “Your brother is alright he’ll come to you at night, also Gilda is with Cadance whom she now knows is her biological Aunt unlike you but never fear Cadance is helping you inadvertently though otherwise, Gilda will be kind of mean to you since you are not Gold Sky’s biological sister, oh before I forget tell him to pick Moonstar.” Lauren laughs under her breath after saying that name.

“Moonstar? Why Moonstar?” Rarity asks.

Lauren struggles to hold back her laughter. “He has telepathy, plus he’s Chero so Moonstar is an appropriate name for him when the moment arises hahaha sorry ahem when the moment arises.” The Archangel contains herself. “Goodbye Rarity oh and now is a good time to pay Fluttershy a visit.” With that Lauren disappears in a flash of white light.

Upon arrival to the heavenly paradise Lauren falls down laughing to the point tears leak out of her eyes. “Oh I can’t wait, I just can’t wait! It’s going to be funny!!?”

Yahshua on the other hand tells her it isn’t funny. “Stop laughing! It won’t be funny at all!”
The Great Spirit meanwhile, just shrugs his shoulders. “Well it can or it won’t be funny.”

Lauren wipes away her tears. “Well I’m going to laugh and nothing will stop me from laughing when it happens! Also his reaction will be funny like I can already imagine it ahem… OH MY GREAT SPIRIT I MISSED!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!” Once again Lauren falls down on the clouds and rolls around laughing.

The Great Spirit just grunts. “Yeah he better not mention my name when he misses.”

“Oh just forget it.” Yahshua shakes his head. “He’ll freak out but it will be temporary.”

Suddenly another Angel who is just below Lauren’s rank asks what’s so funny between the Divine Trinity.
Lauren chuckles. “Oh you’ll see Gabriel you will see, also bring Uriel so he can have a laugh too!” Another Angel that’s below the rank of Archangel.

Back to Rarity.
“Perhaps I can visit my dear, dear Fluttershy.” Rarity looks to her bed to look at a wrinkled section where she knows Gold Sky slept on. “I can see it.” By seeing she can see Gold Sky on her bed while she being a filly accommodates herself close to him then he covers her with his wing after he kisses her head. “It’s going to be awkward whenever we hug.” After that being said Rarity brushes her hair, brushes her tail, and when her sink is filled with warm water to wash her face she pauses first to look upon the rippling water. “It’s just water, it won’t hurt me.” Rarity repeats the words Gold Sky told her when she was a child so the white mare slowly places her hoof in the warm water to feel it first. “It’s warm, it’s warm like Gold Sky’s wing covering me.” Rarity glides her hoof over the surface of the water. “I was never scared of water. I won’t be of scared of it now…thanks to Gold Sky though.” *sigh* Holding her breath Rarity lightly wets her face then lathers her face with the sweet smelling Turtledove soap then rinses it off. “It wasn’t that bad. What!?” Rarity realizes what she just said. “Humph!” The shadows of her once child mind still remain. “Off to see Fluttershy.”

With a check in the mirror plus a soft pound on her sink Rarity leaves her home to find Fluttershy.

“Gold Sky gave me this day.” Rarity tells herself. “What a Father’s love will drive him to do for me.”
At least at that Rarity will connect Gold Sky’s paternal love with her safety.


In the Library.
“Oooooh I got a migraine a big frakken migraine.” Twilight covers her face with a pillow to block out the sun.

“Twilight?” Spike comes to Twilight to talk to her. “Twilight are you alright?”

The lavender mare just groans. “I just got a big migraine Spike so can you please give me some alone time so I can recover also I’m really, really sore.”

Spike however, does not give Twilight alone time. “Well Twilight somepony is here to see you.”

*TING!* A big red exclamation point appears over Twilight’s head. “IT CAN’T BE GOLD SKY IT JUST CAN’T!!

Spike on the other hand or hoof clearly sees the big red exclamation and freaks out by looking to his left. “Either I’m seeing things or comic books are coming to life or I’m not on Earth Prime!!!” Oh dear living in the multiverse doesn’t seem so pleasant after all. *Inner gasp!* “There might be more than one Rarity!!!” And everypony thought Rarity was the only one to be dramatic but on a side note the only positive thing of not living on Earth Prime is Power Girl. Which will be nice if she teamed up with Ms. Marvel, Carol that is.

“Who’s here to see me!!?” Twilight nearly shouts sending the pillow up to the ceiling.

Thus the one who’s here to see Twilight makes his voice present. “Just me Twily.”

“Oh…” Luckily the pillow comes back down covering her face preventing Spike and Shining Armor from seeing the massive relief being expressed by her facial expression. “It’s you Shining Armor hey wait a minute shouldn’t you be in the Crystal Empire doing your Royal duties?”

The stallion smiles with hint of coolness behind it. “After dealing with a case in the proper pronunciation of Aluminum I decided to just stop can call it for the day so after finding Cadance in the Crystal spa with a Griffon guest I told her to take over while I come here to see my little sister.”

“The proper pronunciation of aluminum?” Even to a smart mare like Twilight that sounds absolutely weird. “Wow I never thought something crazy like that will require your ruling.”

Shining Armor nods in response. “Yeah you can say that again anyway Twilight enough about me so how about you, me, and Spike go have some fun today because I just want have fun seriously I just want to have fun.”

Twilight tries to get up but the pain from her sore body puts her back down. “I’m so sore Shining Armor and I got a big migraine.”

Shining Armor just laughs. “HA! I can help you with that Twily!” His horn glows brightly. “Hip Hop hooray oh yeah!” His magic envelops Twilight Sparkle curing her of the migraine and delivers massive amounts of potassium to get rid of the soreness. “How do you feel now Twily?”

“Hip hop hooray oh yeah???”Well Twilight ignores her pain going away and focus more on the phrase big brother used.

Of course Shining Armor just rolls his eyes. “Yeah you ignore what I just did for you and focus more on something that’s irrelevant. Well that’s you Twily that’s just plain you my dear little sister.” Shining Armor comes to Twilight and hugs her tight like he has not seen her in months. “Being a Prince makes me miss one of the things I love most in this world Twily and that’s you. For do you remember how you will make me recite line after line of Mr. Darcy professing his love to Elizabeth Bennet when we were children. We will literally act our almost every page of that love story heh, sometimes I regretted giving you that book for your seventh birthday and only the Great Spirit knows how many times you read it heh perhaps two hundred times.”

“Eight hundred forty four times Shining Armor.” Twilight Sparkle clarifies.

“Ugh dang.” Shining Armor rubs his head in astonishment. “Anyway, since I’m a Prince we won’t find any peace & quiet in Ponyville so I had Chef Gordon Ram cook up his best food for us.”

“Isn’t Chef Gordon Ram the stallion who’s always cussing while he’s cooking?” Twilight asks.

“Yeah that’s the stallion Twilight but his food is good plus I got three pounds of gems for Spike to enjoy so let’s go Twily we’re going to have some fun together like old times.” So the three of them head to the big hilly parts of Ponyville to not only take in the scenery of the surrounding forests but to also look down at Ponyville. “Ah yes here the perfect place for all of us.” The stallion lays down the blanket. “I remember I used to come here a lot by myself because growing up I never knew my life will lead to this I mean c’mon who knew I’ll marry a Immortal Princess I didn’t, mom & dad didn’t, you didn’t nobody knew.” Suddenly he stops to continue with his trip into nostalgia. “So this spot right here reminds of the days when no one knew what I will become.”

Spike on the other hand or hoof is yes amazed by Shining Armor nostalgic rambling but his stomach is not. “Cool story Shining Armor now can we eat?”

“Yes, yes let’s eat.” Fortunately Shining Armor’s stomach also shared the same feeling as Spike’s.

Twilight all while listening to Shining Armor was just eyeing the little spire of Rarity’s boutique. “Who knew I’ll ever fall in love with Rarity.” She tells herself. “For Shining Armor everything went well as for me all is going terrible.” Indeed. Anyway one thought that she needs to put out in her mental conveyor belt. “How is it that a bonding moment has to be shared with eating together eh who cares.” Twilight digs in into her food.
“You know Shining Armor when was the last time we ate together?”
In reply Shining Armor only shrugs.
“Yeah me too I don’t know big brother.” Twilight scoots closer to Shining Armor while Spike being Spike finished up all his gems and fell asleep with a happy stomach. “Shining Armor.”

“Yes Twilight?”

“I understand as a Prince you feel responsible to hold me accountable for what I did to Applejack now as my big brother will have still done the same?”

Without a second to think before talking Shining Armor says yes. “Twilight you are my little sister and I know you are destined to become something great only I don’t know what & when, so I have to keep you in line because if you continue doing things that are wrong then you will not become embraced by the greatness that’s destined for you.”

Twilight tilts her head to hear how Shining Armor is concerned for her future where she’ll become great. “Thank you for caring for my future Shining Armor but in case you haven’t heard I am the captain of my destiny and I am the master of my soul. So what I do is solely of my concern and it shouldn’t be any of yours.”

*crack* Shining Armor’s magic crushes the glass cup he held. “Jus-just…” The stallion contains his anger from rising thanks to his sister’s sense of pride providing her words that’s solely screams of pride. “Twilight yes I am your older brother that’s it…I can’t tell what you can do but please just be careful Twilight because the next time somepony asks me to hold you accountable I will hold you accountable Twilight. You are better than this and if you think that pride is a part of you therefore, granting you a complex control of your coming destiny then something needs to happen to bring you back down to earth. Because those who think they have control over what they can see are those who lose it the fastest.”

Twilight is suddenly amazed by Shining Armor’s wisdom. “Where did you learn such things Shining Armor because one thing I know is that Cadance teaches you wisdom in ruling while she has not taught you a thing about life & consequences so tell me who taught you such things.”

Shining Armor being very keen in Twilight’s observation skills has grown quite a immunity to it. “You are very, very sharp in observing the traits that I have gained and from whom of course. Now from him, he talked about how he has seen the actions done by many and how the consequences have been brought upon them. But what really amused me is his view of Immortality which bind to the thoughts of committing actions while knowing of the consequences that come soon after.”

*cough, cough, cough!* Twilight now knows who gave Shining Armor this wisdom. “You talked to that Gold Sky!”

“Why yes, I talked to the brother of my dear wife who by the way is your brother by marriage in case you haven’t figured it out and I don’t know why I haven’t told you in the first place. Eh it must be because we don’t see each other often, still I never quite understand how that stallion is afraid of Cadance even after she told me that he is her biological brother. Hey did she ever tell you about him?? Twilight are you there? Twilight hello?? Hey Twilight are you even listening? ”

Twilight’s mind completely freezes and the voice of her loving brother disappear while the arrival of wind shrilling loud against her ears comes.

Shining Armor instead of being alarmed just takes Twilight’s reaction as her taking in everything in a normal manner.

But in Twilight’s mind. “So that’s why he’s been pleading for me to change wait? He doesn’t know for if he did then he wouldn’t be afraid of Cadance, he doesn’t know Cadance is his sister... I never knew that weakling is her brother, and I never knew Shining Armor ever talked to him. Great he’s my brother by marriage. JUST GREAT…” *ting* “Oh my Great Spirit thank goodness nothing sparked between us for back then when we were trying to court each other I didn’t know he was Cadance’s brother and he doesn’t know she is his sister. Phew I saved myself from that and perhaps I saved him from that. Wait, Princess Celestia had hopes for both of us…hmmm well we are not of blood still thank goodness nothing happened between us.” Still zoned out Twilight continues with her inner monologue. “If he knew that we’ll family even if it’s only by marriage he might relent no HE WILL RELENT! Because yes Stallions are loyal to nothing but family and a stallion like him where family matters the most to him he will stop fighting me. Oh man I know he will stop and Rarity will be handed to me in a silver platter.” Somehow what is lucky comes to Twilight rather to the ones who are not vile like her and with each ounce of luck everything seems to become easier like figuring out how to determine the half-life of a once radioactive object which by the way is Big McIntosh’s favorite math problems.
“Shining Armor.” Twilight finally comes around to say words.

“Oh my sister can finally speak.” Shining Armor teases.

Now thanks to her mind coming up with everything she needs before putting it to practice Twilight being the Alpha Wolf she is she can only smile in glee. “I only have one brother Shining Armor and that’s you, but thank you for telling me this because it will do me well truly it will do me well and at least you have someone to do stallion things with. Oh I think he likes to roll around on the ground like you do.” So with this oh so joyous news that’ll serve her a grand purpose, Twilight can just act upon her sisterly Love for Shining Armor.

In response to Twilight’s words, he chuckles but the way he chuckles signifies that her words fall into fantasy instead of reality. “Only twice I have met with him and in the last time which is the second time just to be clear he sniffed Cadance’s scent and I think he picked up her scent when she was still miles away from the both of us and holy mackerel did he tremble like death was standing next to me. So with two words he said bye then teleport away before Cadance ever got here heh my dear wife is his biggest fear and he is quite the master avoiding her or quite happy she has a kingdom to take care of. Which leaves him in peace I guess if I put it that way.”

Twilight being her vile self just enjoys hearing the weakling having such fear of the Princess of Love and how she exploited that fear with such ease now thanks to Shining Armor such exploits need not to be taken anymore. For when a mare wants something from the very definition of Honor & Love she can use what he is loyal to and take what she wants for even when every intention she has is just plain evil the luck of the world comes to her like an arrow shot by archer hits his comrade instead of his target and that same useful luck evades the good such Rarity and Gold Sky. Which may prove that when being honorable doesn’t always give peace then why even live an endless life seeking purpose when embracing nihilism seems more logical even though nihilism is the worst enemy to Immortals. “Shining Armor, thank you for coming to see me in fact you just made my day a whole lot better and I just want to give you a big kiss on the cheek prove it.”

“I’ll beat you to it Twily!” Shining Armor plants a big kiss on Twilight’s right cheek and laughs when Twilight groans in despair for being beaten to the punch.

“Hey do still remember Mr. Wickham’s lines?” Twilight asks.

“HELL TO THE BLOODY HELL NO!” Shining Armor isn’t going to act out another scene from Pride & Prejudice anymore and yes he still remembers every word spoken by Mr. Wickham in that literary masterpiece.

Twilight again groans but this time in despair.

“Look Twilight there are some things you must let go of and it’s time for you to let go of that book.”

Well in that Shining Armor may think he’s right but in perhaps in all reality he’s off. “Uh Shining Armor everybody let’s go of childish things when they grow I repeat everybody let’s go of childish things when they grow and literature well GREAT LITERATURE isn’t a childish thing for it took a Mare not a filly a Mare with a magnificent mind to write a book that entered into Immortality like a Tale of Two Cities for example.” Twilight holds her head high to see she educated big brother in something that he thought will get his feelings across to her.

But at least Shining Armor will accept his mistaken philosophic words being corrected by Twilight. “You got me there Twily.”

Happy Twilight decides to play her victory with Elizabeth’s speech to Mr. Darcy. “Ahem. You are mistaken, Mr. Darcy, if you suppose that the mode of your declaration affected me in any other way, than as it spared the concern which I might have felt in refusing you, had you behaved in a more gentlemanlike manner.” Then in her mind. “Quoted by Jane Austen’s masterpiece and one the best Arthur’s in the world!

“Though I don’t like acting out your favorite book I do enjoy listening to you recite it to me.” Shining Armor lies down on his back then motions for little sister to join him of which she does. “I wish we do this more often Twily.”

Twilight shrugs her shoulders. “You are a Prince, Shining Armor and you have a wife so doing what you want and asking her to look after the Kingdom for a bit seems quite reasonable to me.”

Now just like little sister Shining Armor shrugs his shoulders. “Perhaps it seems reasonable but I don’t want to make Cadance stay and do a lot of work while I have fun. It doesn’t seem quite fair for her but perhaps for you exceptions can be made oh my dear Twily.” The stallion lovingly nuzzles Twilight’s forehead. “Only for you that is until you become an Aunt.”

Twilight giggles and goes on reciting more Shakespeare err reciting more Jane Austen.

Sitting close to master Weytani can’t help but just look at the flames dancing about in the campfire the stallion made to cook the stag she hunted for him in order to end his stomach growls plus hers on a side note which can be because she has spent decades frozen in ice. “That fire as you call it master looks incredible and here eat up master for you have only taken one bite out of your food.” The Xenomorph says in her mewing of which only the stallion can fully understand.

Gold Sky just looking at the clouds in the sky feels guilt come over him like the night comes over the land. “Weytani please forgive me.”

Clearly baffled by master asking her to forgive him Weytani tilts her head using that to ask him why rather than to ask him why verbally.

“For keeping you frozen all these years, please forgive me for keeping you away from the world when clearly you are the only one who see it with eyes of understanding instead through survival instinct. You are the only Xenomorph out of all the hundreds to feel everything and embrace it along with having an extended life span. Weytani forgive me for making you a prisoner when you should be free but yet the mortals can’t handle the sight of a creature like you…forgive me. For you don’t deserve to be stuck serving anyone when you should be free and I don’t deserve a faithful guard like you.”

Weytani turning her attention away from the fire looks…well not through her eyes per se but more though like her sharp sonar like senses which allows her to picture master’s face in her new galaxy of her mind. “Master how can I forgive you for keeping me frozen for it allowed me to develop the mind I have now and completely quell the raging survival instinct that my sisters are utterly controlled by. I feel a curiosity for all life and heck my dear master I even know what nihilism is and how terrible it is for somebody like you. When I see a living being in front of my eyes I don’t want to harvest or kill it, I want to feel it, hear it, look upon it well not look per se but look upon it to gain a better understanding of its life so I can to give that living being a better understanding of my life. Through you master I have my own mind! My mind that is mine only mine is free from the instincts that once made me into a heartless creature. You helped me become my own uhhmmmmmmmm what’s that word, what’s that word I heard you once say while you were talking to yourself yes! MARE! I AM MY OWN MARE!! I am Weytani, a mare with a mind that can only come through you master. While yes I can’t say the same for my sisters who frozen but maybe they may receive the gift you gave me and I will be forever thankful to the gift you bestowed upon me master and I will devote my entire life serving my master, you, for you are kind & loving. Also you treat me as family not as a servant.

Gold Sky hearing how complex Weytani now is decides to do the honorable thing and extends his hoof to his faithful guard who takes hold of it with her right hand. “I won’t freeze you again Weytani…Y-You are a free mare Weytani and you should be free…”

I am free but I CHOOSE to stay by you my dear master!!” Weytani mews loudly. “For you gave me the gift of a free mind and like I said I will devote my life serving you. Plus besides I’m better off to serving you than to serve the Queen which had no free mind as well.

Gold Sky nods to Weytani’s words and well heed them for she is doing this out of her free will though he wants her to be free she is free after all in her mind along with being her own mare. “Though it will difficult for you walk about in daylight.”

By daylight the Xenomorph understands what master is saying by that and while yes she knows if mortals see her they become insane but yet she has quite an idea that will work to keep her unseen but yet seen by the mortals. “Well master I think I got an idea that’ll leave me to be seen by mortals while yet not be seen by mortals at the same time.

With that mewed, Gold Sky begins thinking the idea will have to be about him using his telepathy which while yes he is the most telepath in the entire world he will eventually get tired from an inexhaustible use of his ability which will require him to stop and rest which will leave Weytani exposed during his rest periods. *TING* “Of course! There is the protection a cloak can provide! Weytani you’re a genius!!”

Weytani makes a bunch of course and raspy noises which can be concluded to be laughter. “Oh master you precisely guessed my solution.

Gold Sky brings his meat to his mouth and commences to eat while Weytani waves her long tail around to keep the flies away from the stallion. Though in Gold Sky’s mind he already knows it will take one whole roll of silk to make the hood for Weytani’s head now how much rolls of cloth will it take to cover her back especially with her dorsal spines protruding out.

Now to make one quick note on the observations between the Alicorns- Mi Amore Cadenza, Celestia, and Luna have their stallions to protect them but Gold Sky has his powerful mares to protect him. For a powerful Mare will always be a Powerful Mare plus it shows that a stallion Alicorn will have mare guards.

In the Crystal Empire.

“Can you believe what I’m telling you Aunt Cadance!” Gilda nearly screeches as she walks with her Aunt among the crystal citizens. “Father is basically telling me he already wants me to get married oooooh that stallion looks handsome!” Spotting a handsome stallion Gilda goes off topic and begins checking him out.

Cadance rolling her eyes at Gilda going off topic as swiftly like a Black Mamba speeding towards it target lightly swats the back of Gilda’s head with her wing to get her attention off the crystal stallion. “Hey, hey focus on your father’s words Gilda not that happily married stallion whose wife will beat the living snot out of you.”

“Oh dear!!” Gilda takes her eyes off the crystal stallion.

“Now back to what your father said. Ahem, Gilda he said that because he knows you are almost full grown and believe it or not you cannot live on just your father’s love alone. His love is only there to be your foundation so then as you build your house on rock. The love that he wants you to seek is the love of a husband so with the love of your husband the walls of your house is built now for the roof your father desires you to have is the love given to you by your future child when you become a mother. His love though great isn’t your main source of love, do you understand what I’m saying Gilda?”

Gilda nods with a nervous feeling behind it. “I understand b-but…oooooooh I’m not ready to be a wife and much less a mother!”

Cadance being understanding of Gilda’s fret points to a bench say they can both sit on. “Gilda your father isn’t pressuring you to get married as soon as you’re full grown, c’mon let’s be real here. He does not want to let go of you Gilda but knows he can’t hold on to you forever you know that too, I think, but you know that too. However, I’ve been quite curious about one thing and while I looked into your memories when we were in the spa I feel like I should hear it from you than to come up with an assumption of my own.” The cerise mare uses her telepathy to shut out the surrounding noise for Gilda. “Have you ever wondered about the maternal figure that hasn’t been completely absent in your life but there in ways your never noticed?”

“Are you talking about the female Griffon who was taking care of me during the decade without my father?” Gilda asks.

“No, I’m talking about your tutor Tabitha. Whom your father hired so she can teach you language arts of which that was not his strong point during your home schooling. But do you really see the ultimate reason behind him hiring Tabitha.”

Gilda who looked solely to paternal love for her foundation completely misses the opportunity for her to piece together Cadance’s reasoning. “So I can do better in language arts?”

“HAHAHA oops sorry. Uhm, alright first things first. Your father being a good father knew he can only be father to you not mother, his love is paternal not maternal just like a good mother knows she can only be mother to her child and not father for her love is maternal not paternal. For only a stallion can be father not mother and only a mare can be mother not father so he knew that the best way for you to be properly nurtured was to introduce a maternal figure to your life or to the very least a mare figure in your life. So why else did he encourage you to go on little trips to the mall, theater, and park with Tabitha?”

With Cadance’s explanation ending with a question Gilda looks back at her many little field trips with Tabitha especially when she’ll take her to the mall to try on stylish clothes, have discussions about many things ranging from bugs to the world, the spa to get a manicure, the theater to enjoy a play called the Notebook, and lastly trips to the park where for hours on end they’ll enjoy themselves. “She acted so motherly to me and her voice oh her voice was just so kind while special like an angel speaking to me. Father wanted no not wanted I understand now since he couldn’t find a wife that’ll become my mother figure he instead found a gentle Griffon who will take on the mantle in order for me to be uhhhhh dang it.”

“In tune with your femininity.” Cadance helps out.


Though already explained Cadance does not mind repeated herself if it means of helping Gilda open her golden eyes. “A Father cannot help his daughter discover her femininity only the mother can. Just a like a mother cannot help her son discover his masculinity only the father can. Thus Tabitha was introduced into your life for if your father couldn’t have the nuclear family then he will provide the traits of it for you. For a Father’s & Mother’s love is the supreme core of growth for every child upon this earth. So his love combined with the maternal figure provided by Tabitha they gave you the foundation you have now in order to be ready for the next level of love you are almost ready for. A spouse and with a spouse he prepares you for the last but most powerful level of Love inside of you. Motherhood. But before all that can come the Core Foundation needs to be there. The love of your Father and the Maternal figure. That’s why he said what he said.”

Gilda looks around at her silent surroundings to fully process at how caring her father is for her. “I-I always thought I only needed my Father’s love but he knew better than I for he knew that I need a maternal figure so he ensured one for me. I love my Father he’s all I have though and possibly I’m quite nervous to meet Octavia now that you helped me make sense of my past. So now I am almost ready for the love that’ll come from a spouse because of Father…Aunt Cadance. Why?”

“Why what Gilda??”

“Why can’t father be the only thing I needed when I was growing up!?”

Cadance looking for a different way to explain things to her niece thinks of analogies to use but each one she already had in mind are too complex or too childish until looking down at the ground she sees a glow flow across the crystal ground. “Ah yes!” The perfect explanation comes in the form of a diamond. “Let me show you with an example Gilda.” *poof* Cadance produces a chunk of carbon. “Do you know what this is Gilda?”

“A rock?” The Griffon responds.

“Okay close but what kind of rock Gilda?” Cadance asks in the manner of a patient teacher.

Gilda looks again at the floating rock. “A black rock.” Well in hindsight Gilda is right once again.

Cadance nearly scoffs in impatience to Gilda’s wrong answer. “No it’s not a bloody black rock Gilda it’s carbon!”

“Oh so it’s not a black rock?”

“It is a black rock Gilda!” Cadance in turn nearly screeches to Gilda. “Carbon is black, a rock, an element in the periodic table, and atomic number six. Now continuing!! Ahem this is carbon in its pure form now when you apply heat and pressure.” Her magic applies both to the floating rock. “The carbon starts transforming from a black rock to a beautiful diamond!” After the accelerated transformation Cadance reveals the glowing diamond to her niece. “The heat and pressure represents your Father’s love and Tabitha your maternal figure now before you ask Gilda you said it yourself, your Father knows better than you.”

“Both the heat and pressure is needed to turn carbon into a beautiful diamond just like I needed Father’s love and maternal figure in my life.”

Cadance smiles to Gilda’s coming understanding. “Yes, yes exactly! A child needs both in order to properly develop otherwise the child may not fully know its masculinity therefore the stallion does not know how to act like a real stallion and the mare may not fully know its femininity therefore the mare does not know how to act like a real mare. Now changing topic, you are acting like a little filly by being so eager to look at stallions, so at least by thinking about stallions you know your father will trust you given you’re back to the Gilda he raised while as expected you’ll seek his counsel.”

“So his trust means he’s ready to let go of me…”

Cadance shakes her head. “His trust means he does not want to let go of you but knows you will make good judgement when you find the love of your life. So any who, you won’t find any stallions here that are to your taste.” The cerise jumps off the bench and points to her palace. “Most are a bit too well to put it bluntly xenophobic given how it was a meat bag who put them in a thousand yearlong slumber and enslaved them so since you have no crystal form the ponies will interact with you but will not seek any form of relationship with you for those with flesh and no crystal form are relatives of King Sombra.”

“What!?” Such weirdness but sadly another form discrimination she’ll go through again.

“That’s why I told you not to look at the stallion with those lovey dovey eyes because the wife will take it as a threat and will fight you. Now come to the palace I have much to teach you so you can make yourself presentable to stallions by tapping into your grace.”

“Grace!” Gilda repeats.


“Dignity!” Gilda holds her head high.


“Respect!” The now enthusiastic Griffon puffs her chest in glee.

“And lastly your femininity of course.”

“Feminin…whoa, whoa, whoa I’m not that girlish like Rarity and I don’t think I know how to bat my eyelashes at stallions even if I wanted to.”

Cadance tilts her head while she smiles in a sly way. “Femininity is not the same for all mares Gilda so what you feel in your feminine side is different from mine. Besides in the big picture if you know how to use all those traits you will be a mare that only the most honorable stallions will seek while the dishonorable you will shun for they lack their honor and may most likely not treat you as the diamond you are my dear niece.”

“Sweet, I like the sound of that let’s go!” Gilda jumps into the air and makes way to the palace once Cadance joins. “Hey Aunt Cadance quick question regarding the Fatherly & Motherly love being the core of growth.”


“What do think of the mothers who claim they are both mother & father to their children?”

“Ignorant, plain and simple Gilda.”

Another question. “And what of the offspring who say their mothers are both mother & father to them?”

Thus another response. “Ignorance breeds Ignorance, Gilda. But vanity, self-entitlement, lack of morals, destruction of the nuclear family, irresponsibility, and more importantly the marginalization of stallions in society leads to such breeding of Ignorance.”


“I wonder if Fluttershy is still distraught about our last meeting.” Rarity asks herself while the disassembling and transportation of her atoms gets her to Fluttershy’s front door. *poof*
“Though to give credit where credit is due Discord is there to comfort her and knowing him he’ll do anything to keep her from staying sad or he too will get sad and being sad isn’t Discords forte.” Rarity takes a few deep breathes and knocks on the door waiting for the door to open by itself. To which it those leading her eyes to see Discord unwrapping an ear of corn, eats the husk, and throws the ear of corn intp a boiling pot.

“Ahhh Rarity the lovely beautiful Rarity how are you today?” Discord slithers over to the white mare to escort her inside Fluttershy’s cottage. The reason for Discord’s extremely warm welcome is his hope in thinking that Rarity is here to see Fluttershy and lift up her spirits.

“I’m doing fine today Discord thank you for asking darling.” Heh it’s been some time Rarity has used the word darling. “What are you doing if I may ask?”

Discord eats another corn husk. “Just making some popcorn.”

“Huh?” Rarity tilts her head in confusion. “You’re making popcorn by boiling corn??”

Discord snaps his fingers prompting popcorn to pop out of the pot. “Yes.”

Well with that being that Rarity asks Discord if she can see Fluttershy. Thus at the instant her words reached his ears Discord takes her to Fluttershy’s door then disappears like a will o’ wisp in the woods. “Well that was quite interesting.” Rarity whispers to herself before knocking on Fluttershy’s door.

Oh thank goodness she here.” Discord’s smaller self mummers in his right ear while munching on a popcorn kernel.

Receiving no response Rarity just walks into Fluttershy’s room discovering the meek Pegasus is sound asleep nevertheless; this does not stop Rarity from sitting down on Fluttershy’s bed and places a hoof on the napping mare’s shoulder. “Fluttershy my dear Fluttershy.” The white mare speaks softly to wake the Pegasus in her gentle manner. “Fluttershy, I know you can hear me.”

The meek Pegasus stirs to the sound of the white mare’s angelic voice though a stir is all that the white mare is given by the meek Pegasus.

“Fluttershy.”Rarity gently like a breeze moves Fluttershy a bit. “Wake up my dear.”

The meek Pegasus finally waking up from her nap hears the angelic voice of the white mare making her snap completely out of sleep. “Rarity is that you or am I dreaming!!” Fluttershy slaps herself just to check. “Oh Rarity it’s you!!” In the flash of a millisecond Fluttershy has her arms wrapped around Rarity’s neck. “Rarity it’s you!” Now the meek Pegasus starts kissing Rarity’s cheeks like there’s no tomorrow. “Oooh I’m glad you’re here with me!”

I guess our last meeting really had an effect on her.” Though her thoughts say one thing her appreciation of being on the receiving end of Fluttershy’s affection is her heart being very pleased. “I’m glad I can make you happy Fluttershy.” Rarity whispers with a soft happiness in her voice.

The loving hug lasted for a few minutes until Fluttershy finally let’s go of the white mare prompting Rarity to take the first opportunity to speak. “Fluttershy I know the last time I was here I left you floating in the ocean of uncertainty because of what you did to my dearest Spike but that was then now this is now and hear me well for what I’m going to tell you Fluttershy. I forgive you for everything you have done to me & Spike, let the past die so the bright future can come in between us. I want my dearest friend back not the mare I left crying on the floor.”

“YES!” Discord shouts in joy. “Uh uh-oh!” Snapping his fingers Discord becomes invisible and now sees the two mares in their body heat signatures.

“Did you hear something?” Fluttershy asks.
The white mare shakes her head allowing for Fluttershy to go back to her rising gratitude. “Oh Rarity, thank you for forgiving I-I-I am sooooo relieved to hear this…can I hug you again!”

“Of course Fluttershy for such news can only warrant a response of affection.” Thus both embrace each other again and Rarity with her chin on Fluttershy’s shoulder feels a joy in the heart of her spirit. “Forgiveness never felt so warm.”

In Fluttershy’s mind as she has her chin on Rarity’s shoulder. “Though I have the rest of my friends I can never feel whole without Rarity my best of best friends. I have her back, I have my dear Rarity back now I feel whole and I can be happy.” However, being happy in her mind is occurring but deep down inside there is another piece of her that isn’t happy for the mind is erased of Twilight Sparkle but deep inside it hasn’t forgotten so it shows how much of a novice Twilight is for telepath but then again deep inside it enjoys being happy so it will join with the happiness in the mind until it tries once more to get Twilight Sparkle back inside the mind. “Huh?” Suddenly Fluttershy feels something wet on her shoulder. “Rarity are you crying?”

“Yes…I just had a super wild adventure in the past few days and I just want to get over all of that by embracing you an anchor of my normal life. Fluttershy can we start over with a clean slate?”

Once again Fluttershy is taken by surprise. “Rarity it should be me asking you if we can start over with a clean slate, uhhhh Rarity how about you join me for dinner just you and me because I think that’s something we should do as a rekindling of our relationship. Just stop crying please.”

“I can’t…” Rarity responds with a broken voice. “With all I just experienced I feel so downtrodden so to come here and forgive you takes away the downtrodden feeling. I feel free and you feel happy.” So with that said Rarity cries to get rid of all she experienced in her past fight with Twilight Sparkle and come to terms with Gold Sky being two roles to her.

Fluttershy being herself just strokes Rarity’s back to at least comfort the mare and smiles for forgiveness gave her back her friend.

In the Crystal Palace.
“Now Gilda before we do anything else I need to ask you something first.”
“Ask me what Aunt Cadance?” The eager Griffon asks.

“Do you have any negative body image issues for believe it or not ninety three percent of mares have this or is it ninety seven percent uhhhh I don’t remember precisely but it’s in the nineties nonetheless.” Cadance declares with a hoof under her chin.

Gilda shakes her head. “I never heard of such a ridicules thing but no I don’t have any negative body image issues for my beauty isn’t from my exterior it’s from the interior. It’s something father will always tell me every day and he’ll always remind me that my beauty matches that of a diamond heh which I think is why I completely understood your diamond, heat & pressure analogy. Besides I’m quite nice looking, I mean I got muscle and curves. Hehe.” Gilda chuckles at the end.

Cadance smiles to see how brother treated his daughter. “I see your father wait answer me this Gilda.”

“Alright shoot.” The Griffon awaits her Aunt’s question.

Ho, ho, ho Cadance can’t believe she’s actually having a first of many bonding moments with Gilda her niece. “So if the maternal figure helped you discover your femininity what does the father do?”

Gilda thinks by going into the memories her mind is still quite sorting out given how they were buried for a decade. “My father treats me like a diamond uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…” *five minutes later* “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh finally got it! He treated me like a diamond for if treated like a diamond the mare gains a power over herself to be in control of her own self therefore she gains the ability to be strong, respectful, confident, and of course honorable for a honorable mare never abuses her femininity unlike the dishonorable ones and once the young mare becomes a full grown mare she is the Diamond that shines! She does not let others influence her just because she is a mare, she does not become a victim to gain things she does not deserve, she does not demand equality to be forced upon others when clearly that forced equality is preferential treatment she forces herself to become equal through her own might, and she does not ever, ever, ever demand respect she earns it. For through the father’s love she becomes strong and strong mares always triumph over the weak beta mares who just for some reason demand equality but really want preferential treatment and always cuss at others when their stupid little emotionally backed points are disintegrated by facts, logic, and common sense.” *Ting* Just one more thing. “Also a strong mare like me becomes a Marine despite obstacles and gains the respect from others not demands it just because she is a mare.”

Cadance pats Gilda’s shoulder in joy the words she just said confirms to Cadance that Gilda is blossoming into the strong mare her father raised her to be. “Well said Gilda! Truly well said! HAHAHA! You impress me with not only your strength but also your wise views of life haha my brother has done very well with you Gilda even though that decade…yeah, anyway moving on, more importantly do you respect yourself?”


“Good, because how can others respect you if you don’t even respect yourself. Alright you’re good with your inner self, now I’m more than sure you ready to talk how to find the perfect stallion for you.”

Gilda only nods.

Cadance leads Gilda to her master bedroom to brush the Griffon’s hair. “Well the thing about finding the right stallion is completely knowing what you seek in a stallion because believe it or not Gilda, many mares don’t know what they want and end up being with stallions well I guess you can say they go with bad boys and those bad boys are just weak beta stallions who don’t know jack of the word Fidelity and then the mare fully blames them instead of laying half of the blame on her for not being fully prepared to pick a partner. While yes, I understand it’s not easy to find the right partner it does not mean you have to pick the bottom of the barrel instead of taking a bit more time to fully know what you want in a partner. Just like stallions they seek a mare who is loving, kind, gentle, strong, confident, faithful a big one there, and has incredible perseverance well the honorable ones while the rest just seek sexual pleasure over & over and then have the audacity to say that the honorable ones are pathetic for getting married and giving up their so called freedom to engage in premarital sex. But yet those dishonorable stallions will always have one thing that all dishonorable stallions share.”

“What?” Gilda asks.
“Emptiness.” Just then Cadance clears her throat. “Do you know why I’m telling you all of this Gilda?”

Gilda shrugs then rapidly gaits to the balcony to look upon in awe at her Aunt’s kingdom. “Beautiful…” She whispers in a pause from listening to Cadance’s words.

Cadance joins Gilda then lays a wing over her niece. “I’m telling you this because I want you know a honorable mare’s perspective for I’m sure you know your honorable Father’s perspective thus you must know mine. AND! I am enjoying having this moment with you, I’m enjoying bonding with you.”

Gilda looks to her loving Aunt and smiles the smile she’ll always give her dear father. “Thank you, Aunt Cadance.”

“You’re welcome my dear niece, now tell me what you seek in an honorable stallion.”

“Well for one blonde hair!” Gilda starts laughing prompting Cadance to join in until their laughter is brought to an end by a crystal messenger.

“Your majesty I’m sorry to interrupt you but something needs your grave attention and I mean it needs your attention now!”

Taking a few steps forward from Gilda, Cadance asks what happened.
The crystal messenger clearly showing the Princess that she is disturbed by the yet to be delivered news. “Your majesty…uhhh the mare in the child custody you and his majesty Shining Armor ruled on…she killed the child to prevent it from ever being with the father.”

Cadance loses the love that was once radiating from all over her body moments ago and gets dim when anger starts seeping in. “Leave me please, I will get my husband here.”

Shocked by hearing of how a mother can kill her own child turns to the cerise mare. “Aunt Cadance…”

A raised hoof silences the uncertain Griffon. “Time for you to witness equality.”
In Ponyville.
Shining Armor, I need back here NOW! Oh and please.” Cadance telepathically messages him.

Quickly, Shining Armor takes Twilight into his arms. “I’m sorry Twilight, but the Mrs. needs me so I have to go, love you, bye. Jump!”

Twilight lightly groans to Shining Armor teleporting back to the Crystal Empire. “Oh well, I can take a nap with Spike at least.” So Twilight’s magic picks up sleeping Spike and places him on her belly to make him comfy before she herself falls asleep.

“What happened Cadance oh and hello Griffon guest.” Shining Armor, gives Gilda a quick nod.

In Gilda’s mind. “So he is my uncle, my Uncle Shining Armor. He does not have wings like Aunt Cadance but I can overlook that so I can bond with him too.

Cadance being protective gets Shining Armor’s attention away from Gilda. “Shining Armor, the mother from the child custody we dealt with earlier has killed her child to keep away from the father and his newly wedded wife.”

“What!” Shining Armor nearly gasps. “I-i-is this tru-true!?”

“Sadly it is my dear husband, as for the mare she is in the crystal guard’s custody and you already know what I’m going to say next.”

“Capital punishment?” Shining Armor nearly in a whisper says just in case he said the wrong thing.
“Yes Capital punish for she has spelt innocent blood and innocent blood must be avenged or I disgrace my Father, my creator for not being the Just mare he raised me to be.” However, even her calm demeanor is slowly coming apart as her anger takes over for how can this mare be so heartless and kill an innocent child just to get back at the stallion. But just then as a spark inside of her ignites she becomes a direct projection of her brother. “Flay her.”

Gilda doing everything she can to stay out of her Aunt’s sight covers her mouth to keep herself quiet as a mouse but her surprise comes most from her uncle’s reaction to Cadance’s desired decree. “But my love isn’t that a bit too excessive?” Truth be told Shining Armor believes execution is the right punishment but flaying is too painful while hanging isn’t that much.

“NO! It isn’t! It is the perfect punishment for the punishment must fit the crime and her crime is spilling the blood of innocent child. I knew from the moment I saw her she is unfit to be a mother yet nothing could have been done to save the child from the likes of that mare humph! If only nurse Redheart was here then she would have known that mare is unfit to be a mother from the beginning and I could have given the child to a loving home giving that child a future. Please Shining Armor, let the mare be flayed for let her pain be her punishment because innocent blood is crying out to the Great Spirit demanding justice and us being in the position we are we must do what is right or we shall be punished by my Father for letting his tragedy go unpunished.”

Through her own eyes Gilda can see how uncle Shining Armor is in conflict by letting justice be carried out though not in a clean manner which will strike fear in the Crystal subjects and the last thing Shining Armor wants is to be feared. However, there is never an easy choice in life just reality and doing the honorable thing is the right thing to do even it means being feared. “Very well Cadance we shall do it your way and let justice be served or may we be punished ever so severely.”

Uncle you are honorable like my Father and biological Aunt.” It won’t be surprising if Gilda starts inserting the word biological in front of the word Aunt whenever she thinks about Cadance because Rarity has infiltrated enough with the word aunt. “Family, my family is growing perhaps the Great Spirit is blessing me.

So with her husband’s approval Cadance turns to her guards. “Bring the wretch here and bring me the blade of Star Crystal also bring in the Press so they can print this for all to read that no matter what if you are a mare or stallion justice will be handed down.”
Once everything is in order the Crystal guards throw the heartless mare to her majesty’s hooves. “Tell me why did you kill the innocent child? What can compel you to do such a thing!?”

The heartless mare knowing her end is in sight decides to just lay it all bare before Cadance, Shining Armor, and Gilda hiding in the shadows. “I couldn’t let that stallion have the child because he rejected me then I will return the favor by rejecting the child from him! AAH!” The mare receives a strike from the Princess.

“It is mares like you that will cause society to become desensitized and lose its moral fiber.” Cadance’s magic reaches for the of Star Crystal blade and just as she’s to lift it from its chest. *TING* ‘The punishment must fit the crime.” The cerise mare says out loud. “Scribe what were the words she said in her outburst?” Her magic puts away the blade of Star Crystal.

“Uhhm.” The scribe searches through the transcript. “Yes ahem. This is not fair! I-I gave birth to that child and as a mare!”

*Really deep pitched ding* “She isn’t going to flay the heartless mare she plans to USE FATHER’S INSTURMENTS!!” Gilda shifts herself to Cadance’s direction. “Aunt Cadance, please don’t use my father’s instruments you can’t use them for my Uncle is here and these mortals will be driven insane! Please don’t Aunt Cadance!” The Griffon begs.

Cadance answers Gilda’s worry. “I’ll kill it before it matures and turn into the insane inducing Xenomorph, trust me in this my dearest niece. Please.

From the shadows Gilda gives Cadance a nod but reminds her she must destroy it at all costs!

“Yes you so passionately pointed out that you are a mare and you have the ability to give birth to a child which of course all mares can do that. You see I just can’t feel sorry for you if you think that by being a mare that grants you the right to murder an innocent child however, you own words work against you foolish mare.”

“What do you mean?” The heartless mare asks.

“As a mare you gave light to the child so why not punish you that way for my husband didn’t wish to have you flayed and I will respect his wishes for I respect my Prince just like he respects his Princess. And believe me…giving light will be your death. For your own words shall be put to practice.” With that said Cadance flies out of the window instantly breaking the speed of sound to make it to the cave where Gold Sky holds his Xenomorphs. “I’ll be taking one egg from the must clustered up section where he won’t notice while I must eliminate my scent.” After eliminating her scent flies back to the Crystal Empire with one egg in two. “I was tempted to take two but I made my niece a promise.

Arriving with the egg Cadance carefully plants it on the floor and then commands everyone to either leave or create force fields to protect themselves. “I got you Gilda.” A force field engulfs the Griffon in case the insectoid parasite wishes to plant the embryo into Gilda.

“What in the world!??” Never in his life has Shining Armor has seen such a thing. “What is that?” His only conclusion is that the egg shaped thing is a plant like creature that contains deadly spores. “Is Cadance going to use that plant to poison that mare?

Seeing her majesty approaching the guards back away from the heartless mare leaving her alone for the Alicorn to execute. “What is that!?” The heartless mare whimpers. “AHHH!”
Cadance seizes her by the hair and drags the mare to the egg. “What is that!!?”

“It is your punishment you heartless mare now quit resisting because you have no right to resist you murderer!” Cadance is now practically pulling the mare by the hair to get her to the egg. “You see in the Grand Scheme of things if you take away accountability & responsibility from mares like you then believe me when I say this. Mares will bring about their own destruction and burn the world that your ancestors have built when stallions turn their backs on mares and sadly go their own way. Which yes is quite natural when irresponsible mares like you turn society into hostile places for stallions by taking away their children and demeaning them so stallions going their own way is their last recourse. Which believe me contributes more to the destruction of civilization. So what you did that stallion will make him abandon whatever honor he has left though he didn’t have much to begin with given how he engaged in premarital sex in first place, make him become cold to his newly wedded wife out of fear that she will kill his next child if he displeases her, make a wife slowly lose her husband as he departs from her takes to the pain you caused, and more importantly you took a child away from its Father. You never, never take a child away from its father without just cause…especially when an Honorable mare like me is around. NOW STAY STILL!” Cadance slams the mare’s face on the floor making the heartless mare to turn her attention the now vibrating egg.

Feeling fear take over as she sees the egg slowly begins blooming like a flower does when dawn comes. “Wha-what, what please! Please don’t, please! I-I didn’t mean it, I-I-I was hurt I’m just a hurt mare!”

Cadance simply shakes her head. “Playing the victim & gender card in order to escape accountability oh boy!”
The legs of the insectoid parasite crawl out of the egg freaking out Cadance in the middle of her honor driven words and once the parasite is perched on the edge of its egg it immediately homes in on the nearest host.

“NO!! NO!! NOOOOOOOOOO!” Screams the mare when she realizes the insectoid creature is going to be her death. “PLEASE NO!!”

As the shifts it body position into the proper angle to leap off and latch onto the heartless mare Cadance delivers the last words the heartless mare will hear. “As a mare you gave light so once again as a mare you will give light and this new light will take your life.”

“Frakken hell…!” Gilda, Shining Armor, and the Crystal guards say at same time as the insect like creature leaps from it egg and hugs the face of the heartless mare while its long tail wraps itself around the neck to make sure the heartless mare opens her mouth wide to inject her with the Xenomorph embryo.

Shining Armor comes but stays behind his wife to observe the heartless mare laying still on the floor with the creature on her face. “What is that thing doing to her an-and where did find that thing!!?”

“I found it in the forest my love and now we wait.”
“How long do we wait?” Shining Armor asks.
“The wait should not be long for the creature that’s now inside of her is gestating fast and luckily I got a deck of cards to kill the time so everypony come and let’s have ourselves a game of poker and she’ll do the dealing.” Cadance hands the deck of cards to Gilda. Thus the Prince & Princess along with the guards see who has the winning hand while unbeknownst to the rest with the exception of Gilda and Cadance the Xenomorph rapidly develops inside.
Aw man, I only got a seven, two, five, jack, and a one but he got a drop of sweat running down his brow, her majesty Cadance’s card are reflected from her crest, his majesty Shining Armor folded, so I will go all in and win!!

So the guard goes all in prompting the other guard to fold, Princess Cadance to think a bit then fold allowing him to show them his cards before taking all the shiny bits.
“Aw man he’s clever.” Shining Armor, whistles in amazement.

*thud* The insectoid creature falls to the floor alerting everyone to the next phase in Cadance’s punishment for the heartless mare. “What now Cadance??” Shining Armor whispers seeing how the heartless mare isn’t moving a single inch.
Suddenly the heartless mare gasps for air making Shining Armor, the guards, and even Cadance herself jump up in fright while Gilda freezes up to now see the birth of the insanity inducing creature.
If I call father then he’ll…well if it’s still a baby Xenomorph then I have the chance to kill it with my bare hands in case Cadance feels like keeping the thing for her crazy research or reasons.” Gilda does not trust Cadance with destroying the Xenomorph even after being given her word.

“What happened?” The heartless mare studies her surroundings thinking she’s somewhere else. “AAHHHH!” She screams when she accidently touches the dead body of the insectoid parasite. “Oh my frak that thing that thing was on my fa…!” An abrupt silence comes out of nowhere. “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” A pain an unmeasurable pain strikes her from the center of her chest.

“It’s coming Shining Armor, her life will give light to the life growing inside of her.” Cadance motions him to stand behind her.

The heartless mare falls down on her back writhing to the unmeasurable pain while every scream is louder than the previous. “Are you getting this journalist?” Cadance asks with her back the stallion holding the notepad.

“Y-ye-yes your majesty.” The trembling stallion writes down the justice being dealt to the heartless mare.

In Gilda’s mind. “Poetic justice to the wretch.

After what seemed like hours of pain, a huge moving bulge appears in the chest. “NOOO!” A red fountain of blood squirts out and finally the Xenomorph bursts out of the mare’s chest in all its glory and the mare takes her last breath as her life gave light to a new one.

“FRAKKEN FRAK!!! OOOOOOOOOH FRAK, FRAK,FRAK,FRAK!!!” The guards shout in fear to the pale slime blood covered creature looking around like it’s surprised to see shiny freaks like them.

Gilda looks to Cadance waiting for the mare to kill the Xenomorph before it gets the chance to escape and grow rapidly. “KILL IT NOW!!!”

“It’s beautiful…” Cadance says out loud proving to Gilda that she cannot be trusted with the Xenomorphs. “It needs to be shown to the world! The world needs to see this creature that can never be conquered and can bring death by birth!” So Cadance enamored by its power, its cruel beauty, its ultimate dominance, and the fact that the Xenomorph has no equal in nature to counter it. She reaches out to attempt communication with the infantile yet deadly creature in order to establish that Cadance is the Alpha so therefore, the Xenomorph must be under her power.

“LIKE HELL!” Gilda snatches the Xenomorph holding it tightly in her hands in the same way one will hold a stick. “It dies NOW!” With all her strength Gilda rips the creature in two despite having knowledge of its blood will melt her hands. “AHH DAMN IT!” Gilda being a trooper seals her mouth shuts as both her hands are eaten away by the acidic blood.

“Its blood is acidic!!” Shining Armor’s jaw drops to see the Griffon’s hand melt away while on the crystal floor a huge hole is forming of which once the blood stops eating through the crystal the hole has a depth of seven yards or six point four meters in the bloody metric system. “That’s it I’m out of here and thanks to this I won’t be able to make love to you tonight Cadance! Jump.” *poof* At least the Prince is fortunate to witness the Xenomorph in its infancy rather than in its adulthood.

The guards reflecting their Prince’s dismay depart as well leaving Cadance and Gilda alone in the room. “Aunt Cadance, what the hell is wrong with you!!” Gilda growls in the Alicorn’s face. “You promised me you will kill it not keep it as some sort of pet that’ll drive everybody else crazy!! You promised me Aunt Cadance! You Promised! So if you are truly my father’s sister then like him you should keep your promises no matter what! No matter what!!”

Finally snapping out of the small trance Cadance frowns in shame. “I’m sorry for breaking my promise; I-I-I was just taken over by the sheer beauty of these magnificent creatures and all things I could done with it. These creatures I want them but you’re right they are my brother’s instruments since only he can control not I. Imagine all the good that can be done with these creatures. I could have changed the world.”

Gilda on the well for now she has no hands so on Gilda on the other tail shakes her head. “Aunt Cadance all bad things start as good intentions. Nothing good comes from having a creature like that.”

Cadance tilts her head in agreement to Gilda laying out such a simple yet valid point. “Are your hands fully regenerated?”

Gilda picks up both arms. “Yeah finally I got my hands back phew good thing for father’s blood now can you please burn the egg, dead spider thingy, and the baby Xenomorph.”

“Yes, yes of course.” A bright flash of magic leaves three piles of ash behind. “There no more traces of your father’s instruments.”

Nonetheless, Gilda can’t help but just ask. “Did you only get one egg!?” Can’t help it if the voice her question is asked through has a touch of a growl in it.

“Yes I only got one, honest!” Cadance raises her right hoof to back up her claim.

“Yeah it better be one!”


My dearest, dearest readers this will be the last chapter that'll be longer than five to six thousand words for starting now I will have far less time to write new chapters and as of right now I don't even have much time to begin with. So new chapters will be much shorter much, much shorter and this will be the same for Octavia and the Alicorn's Peace which I am currently writing a chapter before time eludes me. Any way thank you my dearest readers for being my dearest readers and if any of you are wondering about Nightmare Moon's long absence it is the fact that she is fully focused on her new career so she might not write any new chapters. Might.

Chapter. 77- Change the World

"Hello...why do I practice saying hello mother??" Octavia asks her reflection that has wings and a horn.