Dead Birds

by Stray Dog Kane

Some things never go away

(The note on the clock changed to a poem and a song)

"Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Gyre and gimble in the wabe;
And mimsy are the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

Beware the Jab-Jab-Jabberwock.
The Jubjub and the Bandersnatch!
Oh manxome and frumious
With the big claws that catch.

"Beware the Jab-Jab-Jabberwock,
That burbles in the tulgey wood!
With eyes of flame he whiffles up
Little girl who won't be good.

"He's here, he's there, he's everywhere,
So don't go out so uffishly
Look out! He may be hiding there:
Behind the Tumtum tree.

"He's in, he's out, he's all about,
He'll get you if you don't look out.
That whiffling, burbling Jabberwock
Beware the Jabberwock.

(And with that, the clock exploded. It’s hands falling to the ground as gears flew from the face.)
(Only mustard with fix that, but even hatters know that’s too silly!)

The end.