A Daughter's Love

by Burning Sunset

Darkness Falls

Grinning as she watched Snips and Snails, her two lackeys for a lack of a better term, ran behind her holding Twilight’s baby dragon turned dog. She still found it silly how a pony would turn human thanks to the portal while a dragon would turn into a dog. She didn’t know what would happen if a fully grown dragon actually made it through the thing. Not that it mattered, she didn’t care about Equestria any longer as she doubted she could ever return anyways.

“That’s close enough!” Sunset sneered as she hefted the heavy sledgehammer like a baseball bat upon seeing the arrival of the four girls who she had tormented for years following the humanized princess of friendship. Upon Twilight’s head was her goal, they key to everything that she desired. The power to make sure she could protect the one silver lining in her life. Screw the princess and screw Equestria!

“Twilight!” Spike cried out fearfully as Snips and Snails tightened their grip on his muzzle to shut him up. Sunset couldn’t help a pang of pity at the creature, it was a child no matter what species it was.

“Don’t hurt him!” Twilight cried out, clenching her fist as she stared at Sunset wavering the large tool turned weapon near the portal, a silent threat of destroying it hanging in the air.

“Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it. I’m not a monster, Twilight. Not like these humans. No, they’re the real monsters!” Sunset snapped out, getting confused looks from Snips and Snails, the four girls around Twilight and the gathering crowd at the entrance to the school who watched on in shock and confusion. It was true in Sunset’s mind though, she wasn’t the monster, these people were the monsters. Unlike them, she would never hurt a child and as she thought more about it the more she felt ashamed for dragging the one and only innocent into this ordeal. Sunset turned a little towards the two boys holding the baby dragon turned dog saying, “Let him go.”

Looking at each other over Spike, Snips and Snails shared a hurt and confused look. The complied to their order though and gently sat Spike down who wasted no time running past Sunset and to his friends. Twilight dropped to her knees with her arms open wide as Spike dove into them for a comforting hug.

“You don’t belong here.” Sunset said with a mocking generous voice, holding out her hand waiting for Twilight to hand over her crown. “Give me the crown and you can go back to Equestria tonight.” Taking a better grip with both hands again on the large sledgehammer, she continued, “Or keep it and never go home!”

The fear in Twilight’s eyes was plain to see as she gasped, her friends looking a little confused though just as worried. Thankfully none of the others seemed inclined to join into the confrontation just yet as Sunset waited for the princess’s answer, saying “Tick~tock, Twilight, you don’t have all night! It’s either the crown or good~bye portal! So what’s your answer?”

With a stern resolve and look of steel, Twilight slowly put Spike down and stood tall while saying, “No.”

“What?” Sunset gasped out, shocked that Twilight would really go this far to keep the crown. Shaking the bat as if getting ready to swing, Sunset demanded, “Your friends! Equestria! If I destroy the portal they will al be lost to you forever! Can’t you see what I’m about to do?”

“Yes! But I’ve also seen what you are able to do without magic!” Twilight said, facing off against Sunset knowing what might happen though feeling like she had no other choice. “Equestria will find a way to survive without my element of harmony. This place might not if I allow it to fall into your hands! So go ahead and destroy the portal, you are not getting this crown!”

Sunset was stunned. Yet her rage was growing moment by moment as all of her plans were falling apart. She needed the crown soon as the planetary alignment would be soon and by all of her calculations, it would grant her unbelievable power in this world. Maybe even allow her to rewrite reality itself and make this world into a much better place without the monsters that would hurt others for no other reason than the pleasure of it! After all if the alignment of stars and planets in Equestria effected the magic there, it surely would effect it here when a powerful artifact was tossed into the mix.

“Fine.” Sunset sighed, dropping the sledgehammer over her shoulder narrowly missing Snips and Snails feet as it crashed to the ground. “You win.”

“You. Are. So. AWESOME!” Rainbow Dash gushed, staring wide eyed at her new friend as Sunset could only sneer at them. After all, this wasn’t over just yet.

“Ah can’t believe ya was doing ta do that fer us!” Applejack said, slapping Twilight on the back with a large smile.

“It’s no wonder you are a real life princess.” Rarity said with starry eyes towards Twilight while all the while Sunset’s rage grew more and more. She would not be denied this chance, her only chance to gain the power she desperately needed.

“Oh yes, she’s soooooo special!” Sunset growled out before lunging at Twilight and her crown. She managed to tackle Twilight to the ground, the two wrestling for dominance as the crown rolled away with Spike chasing after it. Just as Sunset gained the upper hand and lunged for the crown, Spike bounced off her head forcing her to eat dirt momentarily as he grabbed the crown and ran with it. “Grab him you fools!”

Spike grew wide eyed upon seeing the two boys give chase, soon followed by Sunset herself. As she overtook the two, she knocked them out of her way as she closed in on the crown and Spike, the girls closing in after her. He was nearly to the group of people standing on the steps of the entrance looking on in utter disbelief as the group fought over the crown. What shocked them the most though was the talking dog sending many of them into a semi-state of shock proving that the things being talked about were real.

“Spike!” Rainbow Dash called, waving her hands above her head. “Over here! Throw me the crown!”

No sooner than did Rainbow Dash catch the crown, Snips and Snails were all over her trying to grab it. After seeing that Fluttershy was wide open, Rainbow called to her to get her attention before tossing the crown like a discuss. Bouncing off her hip, Fluttershy quickly caught the crown with a look of fear in her eyes as the others converged on her. Frozen in fear, Fluttershy trembled as Applejack lassoed her and pulled her out of the others path only to lose the crown from the sudden jerking motion.

Catching the crown, Snips looked both shocked and pleased before Pinkie Pie plucked it out of his hands, tossing it toApplejack who in turn tossed it to Rarity who finally tossed it to Twilight. Just as Twilight regained the crown, Snips and Snails jumped toward her making her toss the crown behind her in surprise only for Sunset to finally catch it.

“I’ll take that!” Sunset giggled in glee as she finally got her hands on the crown with plenty of time to spare. “Soon, I’ll have all the power I need to make sure none of you monsters ever hurt her!”

“Who? Hurt who?” Twilight asked, fear filling her as Sunset finally got a hold of the crown. Yet this is the first time she really paid attention to Sunset’s ramblings of power realizing that there was more going on here than just an angry, spoiled girl on a power trip.

Ignoring the question, Sunset finally placed the crown upon her head laughing maniacally waiting for the power to wash over her. After a few moments went by and nothing happened she began to worry that maybe she was wrong with her theories or maybe it was just too early. Maybe her timing was off? Just as she was about to pull the crown off to make sure it was the real one, a corona of power flared up around her as a column of light shot high into the sky.

The pain was unbelievable, almost unbearable as tears started falling only to be evaporated as they fell. She tried to move, only for her body to draw in on itself as she rose into the air. Halfway in a fetal position, Sunset’s body arched in pain as power flooded it making her thrash out as fire traveled along her body turning her skin red and changing her fingernails into sharp deadly talons. Her hair shot upwards and stayed that was in a spiky mess as the sclera of her eyes bleed darkness turning black while her pupils turned a bright, glowing red.

Turning to her two minions, she waved her hands turning them into replicas of herself yet they seemed to not be feeling the pain that Sunset herself was feeling. The biggest part of the problem was Sunset never did it, or didn’t direct her body to do it. It just did it on her own.

‘That’s because I did it dear.’ A voice chuckled darkly inside her head. Her voice, yet much darker and heavier with hatred and rage that was impossible not to feel. Sunset wanted to sob out as she was seeing visions of both Equestria and Earth burning in eternal flame with no person or pony surviving except for the very few she kept as slaves.

‘No. NO! I don’t want that! I just want the power to protect her from these monsters!’ Sunset sobbed out mentally, trying to regain control of her body even as the pain grew by the moment. She knew this was a mistake now, the human body was meant to hold this much magical energy. It was even more than Princess Celestia herself probably controlled and it was foolish to think that she could.

‘You do want that! You want this, and I’m going to make sure you get it!’ The voice cackled, as it turned it’s attention to the group about to cast a mesmerizing spell on he entire group, but Sunset managed to wrest enough control from the creature possessing her to prevent it. ‘Why fight this?’

‘Because I’m not a monster like them!’ Sunset cried out angrily, though she was beginning to wonder. She was running new theories in her head, discarding dozens upon dozens trying to find out what was going on before she finally realized what was likely happeneing. And if it was true, what did that make her?

‘I see you finally figured it out, give the girl a prize!’ the voice chuckled, ‘I am you, I am your ambitions, your anger, your rage and most importantly your hatred given life! I am you and you are me, no more and mo less!’

‘No! I don’t want to kill every single one! There’s still good people out there!’ Sunset sobbed as images of Star, Cadence and Crystal filled her mind. People who were nice to her, people she loved. Then there was him, Shining Armor. While she loved him like a brother, maybe a father, she also hated him with a passion. She kept it hidden deep down inside, maybe even so deep that she didn’t even consciously realize it. Yet now she couldn’t deny it as her subconscious and her consciousness were both warring for dominance. Her subconscious being the beast that the element of harmony brought forth. The beast that was the true her under all of her feelings, hidden or not.

‘Oh my poor Sunset, trying to deny who you really are deep inside? Such silliness. Just hang back and let a real woman show you how it’s done.’ The voice giggled as the demon form of Sunset Shimmer turned to look at the group that surrounded Twilight. In Equestria this group would form the elements of harmony, yet Sunset controlled the most powerful element now. They were helpless and would fall before her. She didn’t notice the panicked throngs of students and faculty trying to get back into the school and hopefully to safety even as they stared out the glass doors to what was going on. The voices from the courtyard clearly heard from inside still.

“I’m going to start here and destroy every one of these little monsters for all of the pain they ever caused! Then I’m going to go to Equestria and destroy that pathetic excuse of a teacher and show Celestia she is nothing!” Sunset cackled as power crackeld between her claws, orbs of magic floating arong her hands and the star of the crown. “And there is nothing you or anybody else can do to stop me!”

“You want to bet!” Twilight growled, making a fist as she glared up at the demon.

“You? And how are you going to stop me?” Sunset scoffed.

‘Please! Please stop this! I don’t want this!’ Sunset sobbed, begging whatever it was controlling her to stop this as she tried to regain control of her body.

“She has us!” Rainbow Dash cried out as the others and her joined Twilight by her side.

“Gee, the gang really is all back together again!” Sunset giggled as she flapped her wings, sending powerful gusts of winds down at the courtyard making the group struggle to stay in place, though they somehow managed.

‘STOP THIS!’ Sunset wailed inside her own mind seeing just what the demon had planned, knowing just what was about to happen and regretting it. She never really wanted to murder anyone, not really. She hated people for what happened to her, the happens for what was done to her. Celestia for being the catalyst for it all. But she never wanted to murder anyone. And yet this demon was her darkest desires and it was more than happy to wipe out not only this world, but Equestira as well.

‘You finally realize it.’ The voice laughed gleefully, ‘You are a monster, more of a monster than humans ever were. Look at everything you have done since coming to this pathetic school.’

Sunset couldn’t do anything but cry as she realized just how badly she hurt these people, how badly she hurt those who were innocent of the things that had happened. They weren’t the ones who hurt her, yet she did everything in her power to hurt them all while justifying it as protecting herself from the pain she told herself they would cause her if she let them. She knew somewhere deep inside herself they weren’t a threat to her, yet she enjoyed hurting them just to feel powerful enough that she could lie to herself. Lie to herself by telling herself that she was safe now, that by doing this would keep anything else bad from happening to her. Instead, something much worse was happening. Her body was going to become a mass murderer and it was all her fault!

“Sunset!” A new voice called as the yard was bathed in red and blue lights. There was only one person there getting out of the car, most likely driving home for the night. Yet the voice didn’t care, he was there anyways and he would pay for his role in everything. Sunset could only look out of her eyes as she saw Twilight Sparkle’s eyes grow wide upon seeing the man walk slowly towards them. She could also see the recognition in Armor’s eyes as he looked shocked at the demonized form of Sunset Shimmer. Seeing the fireball gathering in Sunset’s hands he reached out toward her pleading, “Please, what ever is going on, stop this. This isn’t you! I know you and I know you aren’t a killer! Think about Star! Do you think she wants to see you like this?”

‘Star!’ Both demon and Sunset sobbed thinking about her. For one brief moment they were both on the same page, but all of a sudden the voice screamed furiously out loud, rage taking over as it threw the large fireball at Twilight and the group of girls.

“Twilight!” Shining screamed in horror, only for the explosion of fire to die down to see the group of five girls and a dog standing behind a shield of magical power.

As the five girls surround Twilight with linked hands, all of them glowing, Twilight pointed up into the air at Sunset with a look of triumph saying, “The magic in my element were able to connect with those that helped create it!”

Everyone standing around, including Sunset were shocked to see the six girls float into the air as energy washed over them giving them pony ears and lengthening their hair into pony tails while some of them grew soft, feathery wings.

“Honesty!” Twilight called out as Applejack spun around, the magic filling her with power and strength along with a sense of truth. And she could see the truth deep in Sunset, the pain that filled her heart even if she couldn’t see what exactly caused it.

“Kindness!” As the power flooded through Fluttershy, her wings flapping a few times as she softly landed. She could see the kindness hidden deep within Sunset, and feel the need to help her overcome the darkness that had taken root in her heart. She could almost hear herself whispering, ‘Everybody needs a little kindness.’

“Laughter!” As Pinkie Pie looked upon Sunset, she could feel that Sunset didn’t have much of a reason to laugh. Though she could feel that there was a reason, and that reason shone like a star. Yet there was something deeply wrong with Sunset and if they got through this, Pinkie swore to herself that she would find a way to give Sunset Shimmer more reasons to laugh. Maybe then she wouldn’t be so mean all of the time.

“Generosity!” Rarity mentally gawked at the demonic looking girl before as she could feel the generous spirit hidden deep inside. There was something making Sunset Shimmer the way she was, and she could sense that maybe there was a different person hidden inside. Someone worthy of getting to know, and maybe with a little generosity she could help that person grow.

“Loyalty!” Rainbow Dash never liked Sunset Shimmer, and she doubted she ever would. Yet as she was filled with the magic and a sense of loyalty, she could see that there was a loyalty deep inside Sunset that was her greatest strength and greatest weakness. She could tell that for some reason Sunset’s sense of loyalty had somehow become twisted in such a way that it was making her this creature before them.

“Magic!” Twilight cried out, feeling the comfortable power of her element filling her with its strength. She could feel the same strength and power deep inside Sunset Shimmer, yet somehow it had become tainted. It was darkened by rage and pain, but there was something crying deep inside. It wanted to be free, wanted to find peace and the element was responding to that. It was guiding Twilight in her actions, letting her know what had to be done.

“Together with the crown they create something more powerful that you could ever imagine! You may have the crown upon your head Sunset Shimmer, but you can’t control because you don’t have the most powerful magic of all. The magic of friendship!” Twilight said, feeling the power from her friends and their elements flowing into her and back to them strengthening them through their bond of friendship.

Sunset struggled against the powers flooding back through her from the energy connecting the crown to the aura surrounding the girls as the took a formation high above the ground as the feedback from the magic felt like it was tearing Sunset’s mind and soul apart. With an anguished cry she tried to pull back from the magic, but it was too late. A rainbow double helix fueled by the full power of the elements of harmony was arcing towards her making her try to flee. With a soul shattering scream the power slammed her into the ground leaving a crater around her.

“What is happening?” Sunset screamed, trying to stand up as the power kept samming into her.

“Here and in Equestira, it is the only magic that can truly unite us all!” Twilight cried out, her eyes glowing brightly. The power washing over Sunset split off to wash over both Snips and Snails changing them back to normal, not that they were much of a threat as they watched the whole thing in awe.

“Please stop it!” Shining Armor screamed at the girls, angry at them for hurting Sunset though he was also angry with her for making them do so in what appeared to be self defense. He was lucky that he wasn’t on duty and wasn’t called in on this as he had no idea how he could explain this.

“Any power you may have had in this world is gone, Sunset Shimmer. The magic of friendship just doesn’t exist in Equestria, it’s everywhere. You can seek it out,” Twilight says, walking towards the crater where smoke was rising obscuring her view of Sunset Shimmer as Shining Armor rushed to the side of the crater. “Or you can forever be alone. The choice is yours.”

“Choice?” The demonic cackle that came from the rising smoke sent a chill through everyones back as they first saw a shadow with wings in the smoke before a singed, weakened looking Sunset Shimmer stepped from the billowing darkness where everyone could see her. It looked as if she was crying as her body shifted from looking normal with rivers of tears flowing and back to the demon as they both glared up at Shining Armor. “I never had a choice, did I?”

“I’m sorry, Sunset Shimmer. I would have done anything to go back and change things if I could, but I was too young then. I couldn’t do anything more to help you.” Shining Armor said with tears in his eyes as Twilight turned to look at him in shock. Just as Shining had quickly figured out that this wasn’t his sister, Twilight had figured this was this world’s version of her brother. Both had questions for each other, but right now all Shining cared about was the crying girl glaring at him.

“I’ll kill them! I’ll kill all of them!” Sunset raged, “But first I’ll make you pay!”

“Then make me pay, Sunset. I deserve it. I deserve your hate, but not them. Take your hate out on me, punish me, I deserve it.” Shining sniffed opening his arms wide. Twilight was about to push him out of the way when she saw Sunset tense, ready to launch herself at him. She was too late though as Sunset flashed from one spot to right in front of Shining. She couldn’t stop the demon as she raised her hand and slapped Shining on the chest.

“Bastard! I hate you! This is your fault! I hate you! I hate you!” Sunset sobbed, hitting him again and again between each exclamation with each hit weakening more and more until she fell into his arms reverting fully back to human. He held her tight stroking her hair, the pair crying as everyone looked on in shock. Even the students from inside was coming out to see what was going on.

“I know, and I’m so sorry Sunset.” Shining whispered into Sunset’s hair as she sobbed in his chest before slowly passing out.

“What’s going on?” Twilight asked with a shakey voice.

“That’s what I’d like to know.” Shining Armor said as he sent a stern look to Twilight before another voice clearing their throat got their attention as Shining knelt to the ground holding the unconscious girl to him.

“As would I officer.” Principal Celestia said with crossed arms glaring at the entire group and the hole in the ground of her school. The look on her face wasn’t a very happy one either making the group as a whole swallow nervously.