In brightest day

by Sunriseshine273


Spike was searching for gems near where you might find the diamond dogs. It seemed normal, but next to a foot high mound was a pile of rings and a large orange gem coming from out of the ground, which looked almost metallic. He went over to investigate. Spike dug up the gem, but found it to be an orange lantern. It stood a bit higher than spike, and pretty thin. Large amounts of orange energy say within the lantern, tempting him... Gah! What was it about the lantern? What was it about the beauty that- ugh! Spike picked up one of the rings while trying to resist the urge. It fit well onto his claw, and started siphoning energy from the lantern. He tried moving away from it, but it kept breaking his will. He focused all his might and... Caused a transparent orange king so bra to appear from the ground? King sombra sat still, but seemed to respond to spikes actions. He put his might into telling it to attack the lantern. The lantern fell over, but the sombra didn't seem to be able to damage it. Good. I don't need it hurting the-gah! Spike finally left the area, but knew even then he couldn't resist it. The weird king sombra thing seemed under his control. He should take the gems from the diamond dogs, yes... Noyesnoyesno... Ugh! He dug underground, and then started levitating gems from it, which he could apparently do now. He fought off the urge, but brought the gems up to him. He ran back towards the lantern thing. This should be hard...