What are Stars?

by Feathery

The Stars are...


Chuckling to myself after seeing the younger diarch in awe, I walked the lone marble halls. The marble was cold, and held no warmth except for my gracious touch, blossoming a quick warmth that soon subsided.

My mind quickly traced back to the moments of my former darkness, my former evil. The thoughts still hissed in the back of my mind, unwelcoming, not cherished or permitted by my heart, anymore. It was a sizzling pain, that made my heart sink and make me think that my Night was not loved, or preserved in multiple articles of history and beauty.

I listened to the tune of silence, walking along the corridors further into the castle. Looking at my beautiful, elegant sky through a large window, I saw the constellations and galaxies lining behind and in front my beautiful sky of darkened hues. Contrary to popular belief, the Night isn't black. It is an array of dark blues, whites, and purples. Looking at the moon's light affixed on me, raising my light form into a float. I watched as my form gilded through the halls, levitating as my wings stayed shut at my sides.

The moon was a warm embrace to my normally cold night.


I went to her room, gilding no more. I allowed my hooves to hit the ground releasing me of the Moon's embrace, as my mane fell towards my face. I promptly proceeded to whack my mane out of my face, seemingly holding an irritated moment before it faded. Why does my mane do this? I thought it could be conditioned after thousands of years having it like this! I thought as I I opened the doors to my chambers, and walked into the dark room. I moved to my inviting waxing crescent shaped bed, and fell asleep uncovered from the Night's cool embrace.

I soon stirred, after a long needed rest. I looked at the clock in my now illuminated room, realizing it was nearing sunset at an unwelcome, speedy pace.

Oh, buck! I cannot be late! Even though I never specified a time, I assume she'd want to meet me at the moon's full arrival, or want to see the moon rise! I thought, my eyes holding slight irritation. I looked down at my regalia, realizing a piece was missing. Chuckling to myself, remembering that I gave it to her.

" Oh dearest Twilight Sparkle, I will enjoy our Date under the moonlight. " She said, arising and slipping into her regalia.

After I got ready, I looked at my balcony. Who knew the view of Canterlot was so much fairer than the old castle's viewing capabilities in it's limited perimeter? I thought to myself, walking towards it at a hasty pace.

Spreading my wings, as I lit my horn. I took off, and mid-flight I teleported to where Twilight Sparkle lived.

Arriving there, and flying down to one of her balconies, which was the highest and most convenient to land upon. Shifting my wings to a close, and my hooves still shaking from the teleportation, I settled.

When I saw her standing there, behind me, my heart melted as I saw her levitating my crown towards where it should be placed.

" I.. I found your crown in the dreamworld, and it got sent to reality... I decided to return it to you, like any normal pony who is civilized and has a conscience. " Twilight said, smiling meekly towards me. She blushed and looked away when I saw the sun setting over the horizon.

" Do you want to see the Moon rise? Watch the ending of the day? " I spoke to her, as she nodded with as much vigor as she did last night, in the dreamworld.

One energetic mare is an understatement, I thought to myself, humming lightly before beginning the actions that would soon ignite the beginning of the nighttime.

I closed my eyes, my wings opening. My horn lit up, carrying a strong magical flow pulsating through my horn. My eyes opened, as I turned to face her. I lifted my head, leading the moon into the sky. I ascended higher than the moon was, as Twilight soon noticed there was no stars. I raised the moon into the sky, as I did a free-fall drop through the clouds. I landed perfectly on the stone, as my horn continued to light up. The sky turned into hues of blue, white, and purple.

" Luna, why are there no stars tonight? " Twilight asked, confusion in her tone.

Luna simply smiled. " That is for you to bring in, my dearest Twilight. But now, you will find out that the Stars are... "