by Trollolol

Finding Spike

Spike sat up and rubbed his head. He felt rather stunned for a few seconds, and disoriented. Where am I? Spike wondered, as he looked around at the tall green plants. Am I in some sort of strange forest? He held his hoof in front of his face, and then he remembered. No, he was not in a forest, just in some grass. He was merely tiny. But the situation was not beyond repair—if only he could get up to the top of the grass and look around.
What Spike didn’t know was that he was being watched, by three fillies about his age. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were dressed up in adventurer gear and watching his movements intently. Just as Spike managed to flutter to the top of a grass blade, he found himself trapped in a glass prison.
“Hey!” he protested, but was not heard above the shout of “CUTIE MARK CRUSADER BUG CATCHERS!”
“Is that really a bug?” Scootaloo asked, staring into the jar as she slapped on a lid.
“I—” Spike began, but was interrupted again, by Applebloom.
“Looks kinda like the fairy in a story my sister read to me when I was younger,” the little pony with the bow said. “We should show it to her!” She exclaimed.
“I wanna show it to Rarity, though,” Sweetie Belle protested.
“We can show them both! Let’s go to Rarity’s first anyway, since it’s closer,” Apple Bloom said cheerfully.
“Yay, Rarity!” Spike called out.
“Sweetie Belle, your voice sounds tiny and muffled. Are you feeling all right?” Scootaloo asked as she put the jar into the cart she brought. She had attached it to her scooter.
“Me?” Sweetie Belle asked as she climbed in beside the jar. “I wasn’t yelling about Rarity, I thought you were!”
“Why would I yell about Rarity? Especially in a squeaky little voice?” Scootaloo shot back.
“Well, it certainly wasn’t me! Not that I object because my sister is awesome, but that did seem kind of random.”
“Girls.” Apple Bloom said quickly, “let’s not argue, okay? Let’s just see Rarity. You can both yell her name in squeaky voices when we get there.”
And they were off, still bickering about who shouted “Yay, Rarity!” in a silly voice. Spike did not speak up again, he was too busy quietly laughing at them behind a hoof.

Rarity was humming quietly to herself, trying to fix a ribbon on a hat. It had to be just precise—at a slight angle, but oh! That was to much. She had to move it very carefully, just so—but it was difficult to do when one was interrupted by the door being slammed open.
“RARITY!” the Cutie Mark Crusaders shouted.
“Oh! What… you, uh, startled me darlings,” Rarity said through gritted teeth. Nevertheless she wanted to try to be polite. “Sweetie Belle, what have I said about interrupting me?”
“But you see,” Sweetie Belle said, “we found a really neat bug…”
“Good gracious, a bug? That is the last thing I want to see!” Rarity huffed. She shook her mane out of her eyes. “Really girls, that’s more Fluttershy’s area. Go bothe—I mean, go show her.” Rarity turned back to her hat.
“But Rarity, look!” Sweetie Belle protested, shoving the jar in her sister’s face.
“Sweetie Belle, get that thing out of my face…why! That’s not a bug at all. That’s a tiny pony!” Rarity studied the jar intently.
“Rarity!” Spike called from the jar. “I got to you at last. I’m a pony now. What do you think?”
All four ponies’ jaws hung open. Rarity recovered first. “I’ve heard that voice before, but not quite as squeaky…Spike?”
“You recognized me!” Spike buzzed around happily in the jar. “She knows me, even when I’m not me!”
“Spike, how… is this one of Twilight’s spells?” Rarity gently picked up the jar and set it on a windowsill.
“Yeah, I wanted to be a pony.” Spike said. “She said I got turned into a Breezy by accident.”
“Why ever would you want that?” Rarity asked.
“Hey! You don’t have a Cutie Mark!” Scootaloo pointed out.
“I…wanted to ask you…” Spike mumbled, staring at the ground. At Scootaloo’s comment, he looked up. “I know! I was hoping it would be awesome, but no!”
“We can help you get yours! You know, just until you get back to normal.” Apple Bloom offered.
“Well, unless you get stepped on,” Sweetie Belle cautioned.
“Does Twilight know you’re here?” Rarity asked Spike, ignoring the Cutie Mark talk.
“Uh, Rainbow Dash was taking me to Canterlot, and I kind of got lost and…” Spike began, and he found the jar being lifted by magic and put into a bag.
“Well then, we simply must take you back to Twilight. She’d be worried sick if she knew you were missing, poor dear. Come along, girls.” Rarity put on her hat—it wasn’t perfect, but she couldn’t resist wearing it anyway, and the group left the shop.
“By the way, Spike what is it you wanted to ask me?” Rarity inquired as they walked towards the library.
“Uh, I’ll tell you later,” Spike mumbled into his hooves.