Rainbow dash has to escape from the Gala for young nobles!

by mimnim

Going to the gala

"I WON'T" shouted a blue filly with rainbow mane.
"Now darling, you must look nice to go to the 'Filly's Gala'," her mother coaxed.
"Why can't I just stay at home?" complained the filly, "The other filly's there are soooo booring, all they talk about is hair styles and dresses!"
"That is not a very nice thing to say Rainbow Dash!" said her father. "Please go to your room. You have to go, and that is final,"
"But daaad, I wanted to go flying this afternoon," grumpily replied Rainbow Dash.
"You go flying every afternoon. Now please leave me and your mother in peace so we can choose you a new dress,"

Rainbow Dash slowly made her way up the stairs to her room. She hated the Gala. She hated trying on new dresses her parents bought. She just wished that she could be normal, and not be a noble. Her friend Fluttershy was lucky. Well, unlucky at the same time. In fact Flutter was extremely unfortunate.

Rainbow made her way to her windows, and looked out. She could hear some birds singing.
Suddenly she had an Idea, she climbed out her window, and took off west. She would visit Fluttershy for a short while. Flutter always would listen when Rainbow was cross or upset.

When Rainbow Dash arrived at the orphanage, it was play-time, so all the fillys were in the back garden playing. Almost all the fillys. One sat apart from the others, looking shy and meek. This filly had a pale pink mane, and yellow coat.

Rainbow dash made her way over to her.
"Hey Flutter? whats up?" said Rainbow dash.
The Yellow Pegasus jumped.
"Hey, Rainbow dash," she said dejectedly.
"Whats up Fluttershy? you seem to be down in the dumps. It can't be as bad as my problem,"
"There is going to be a race tomorrow, every pony will be watching. And I can't fly well like you Dash,"
"I wish we could swap, a race would be way cooler than a boring old gala,"
"At least you can invite a friend, "
"I totally forgot!" the rainbow maned filly started to think.
"Got it!" Rainbow dash exclaimed, jumping into the air. Every pony in the garden stopped what they were doing, and looked at her. Fluttershy squeaked and jumped behind a bush.

After Rainbow Dash had told every pony to continue what they were doing, she turned excitedly to Fluttershy.
"I can invite YOU," she whispered.
"Then you can miss the race, and come to the Gala with me. At the gala you can help me escape, so I don't have to die of boredom."

Fluttershy was quiet. In her head, she had a dilemma. On one hand, she could avoid the Race, but on the other, helping Rainbow escape was dangerous.
"OK," she finally said.
"Yes!" replied Rainbow-dash.

She suddenly realized how late it was. She had to get back before her parents realized she was gone.

Rainbow Dash said good bye to Fluttershy, and raced home.