The Plague of War

by Thunderclap421

The Creation of The Militia of Equestria

Almost a day after the group and I set out to salvage what was left of the invasion force that I demolished a couple days ago, we reached the clearing through the large hills and before we continued. I stopped them and said, "Alright everypony, before we go in there, remember that there are things that you may not want to see. Continue at your own cost." We made our way to the town and as soon as we made it to the first bunch of dead bodies, I heard somepony vomit. In the town square there were a huge mass of bloody civilian bodies. All around the town were shredded, be-headed, cut in half, and disembodied soldiers, and fighter/transformer things.
"Thunderclap...How are they like this?" I heard Twilight said from behind me.
"I did this to the soldiers and the machines on the ground. But they slaughtered the civilian ponies. I would never do something like that. Ever," I said darkly. We grabbed all the intact weapons and armor we could find and moved on to the wreckage of the battlecruiser. After hours of searching, I told the group to stay behind at keep looking while I went and looked around. What I actually wanted to do was find the bridge to see who lead the attack. I went outside of the cruiser and flew to the bridge, or what was left of it. I flew through the view ports, which were shattered, even though they looked to be about a foot thick. I walked around, checking the crew's helmets to see their rank imprinted on them. Then I noticed one of the bodies chests barley rising and falling. I quickly walked over to it and pulled off the piece of metal off the pony. As soon as I lifted it off, I looked down and noticed that the pony was female with a yellow coat, a light blue flowing mane and tail with purple stripes, and had a captain's insignia on her helmet. I grabbed and held her while I checked her heart beat. Doesn't seem like it's beating wrong...Breathing normal...Looks like she just was in the wrong spot at the wrong time. A few seconds later, the young mare slowly opened her eyes and blinked up at me.
"My head...W-who are you?" The mare said.
"My name is Thunderclap. Don't worry, your in good hooves now." After I said that, I continued to check her for more damage.
"H-hey! why are you feeling me up?"
I blushed "I-I'm not! I'm checking if you have any more damage than just bruising......There, you seem to be fine other than a couple cuts and bruises."
"Well...It felt like you did...Why are you here?"
"Scavenging supplies for a defense force that I am creating. By the way...Why are you doing this? All this slaughter, you are accomplishing nothing." I said, ignoring her comment.
She stood up and looked me in the eye, "I am Commander Star Hawk of the New Lunar Republic, loyal to Princess Luna and her ally: the Y'kt Rra."
When she said the words Y'kt Rra, memories flooded in and my emotions took over and anger grew inside me. "So...That's how you got that technology...From those...Monsters." I said angrily.
"Their not monsters, their...Um...." She was suddenly lost for words.
"THEIR BLOODY SAVAGES. Before I came here, those allies of yours slaughtered everyone I knew and destroyed my human life, THAT'S why I came here. To start a new life. But then they showed up and, what, talked you into killing each other?" I raged.
She looked taken aback, "They did that? So that means...They lied to us, we took the bait, and now they will kill us all when they get the chance, correct?"
"Yes. That is precisely what I think. But they might want more than just killing us all, don't you think? Think about it: they could have wiped everypony out already...It is possible that their playing with us."
"I.......I think they will try to enslave us."
"That is another possibility....Come on, lets get out of this pile of rubble." We found our way out of the bridge and down the body of the ship, due to the fact that Star Hawk was a unicorn. I helped her down until we met up with the rest of the ponies, which were just about to go looking for me.
"This is all we could find intact. Is this good enough Thunderclap?" Twilight asked.
"Actually, I think that is more than enough. Thank you so much everypony." I said, looking at the large stacks on carts that we brought. "By the way, this is a survivor of the massacre."
The group looked at Star Hawk and an awkward silence filled the valley other than natural sounds. Then Star Hawk broke the silence, "I am Star Hawk, formally a commander for the New Lunar Republic and now currently a defector. Thunderclap told me the untold truth behind my allies that are supplying the New Lunar Republic. Never again will I trust somepony I had never met."
"Then we will gladly bring you into our group of defenders," Mayor Mare said from beside Twilight.
"What is this group called, if I may ask?" Star asked.
"The Militia of Equestria. We are looking forward to stopping this, and I am assuming, war and all the slaughter. Everypony will stand together and fight. Don't worry, I will train all of you so you know how to defend and attack against the onslaught of the New Lunar Republic." I said before either Twilight or Mayor Mare could reply to Star Hawk's question. Twilight and Mayor Mare nodded with approval. Then the group made their way back to Ponyville where the rest of residents were waiting for their training into becoming a very defensive but deadly soldier. After hours of walking and pulling the carts, the recovery group made it back to Ponyville and stopped in the middle of the town. I flew to the top of the pile of armor and weapons and announced, "Alright, we have more than enough armor and weapons for everypony. Find the pair you wish to have, clean them up, put on the armor, and Star Hawk will show you how to wear the weapons. Let's get a move on!" I flew off of the pile and flew over to Fluttershy, "Fluttershy, where is Rainbow Dash? She didn't come with us to recover the items and she isn't out here."
Fluttershy winced as soon as she heard my voice. "Um......She's at her house. I don't know why, but she told me to tell you to meet her there after you came back....And Thunderclap? Can I not stay here? I can't stand the sight of...Blood." Fluttershy said with a shiver.
"Thank you Fluttershy, I will go there now and yes, go meet with Nurse Redheart for later instruction." Why the heck is Rainbow Dash not out here and instead, lounging inside her house...? I flew up and over Ponyville, arched, and flew straight to Rainbow's sky home. Honestly, I would have thought that she would think this as cool, the weapons, the armor, the- My train of thought were stopped after I open the door to her house and heard Rainbow's voice suddenly cut off, like she was humming something. "Rainbow Dash? Where are you?"
"I'm in my room. Come in here, I want to play a game with you real quick." She sounds like she's...Naw, not possible. nopony is here other than her... I walked into her room and saw her alone, yes, but she was on her back on her bed and her haunches were spread out. "Now, can you please close the door..."

Rainbow Dash and I flew back to Ponyville square and right off the bat, noticed that everypony had armor on and had the weapons strapped to their sides while Star Hawk was demonstrating how to wear them, fire them, and keep them ready at all times. "Good, here he comes, I will leave the rest to Thunderclap." Star Hawk said. Everypony stood at attention and in almost perfect rows.
"Rainbow, grab some armor, a weapon, and go to," I pointed over to where Star Hawk stood, "Star Hawk. She will show you how to wear and use the weapon and answer any question you have for her." I said. Rainbow Dash flew to the pile and did what I told her while I landed in front of the left-most pony in the front row and started slowly walking down the row. "Now, there is a war going on between Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Princess Luna was apparently corrupted and now has an evil alien race as allies. To take control of a city or town, the New Lunar Republic will kill all of its residents. After I train you, we will make sure that will NOT happen to us, or anypony. We are the Militia of Equestria, we will not back down, we will help all those in need, and we will rid this galaxy of the alien filth: the Y'kt Rra!" I announced.
"Yes sir!" Everypony said in unison, except Big Macintosh, who just said, "Eeyup." And a pony at the end of the row that was HUGE due to his ripped muscles. All he just yelled, which carried past the rest of the ponies, was, "YYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I walked over to him and looked him up and down.
"You ready to be one of the best fighters in Equestria big guy?" I asked.
I softly hit him in the shoulder, "That is the attitude I'm looking for!" I walked over to the center of the row and stood back a few meters to see all the ponies and the rows behind the front row of ponies. "Now, lets get started!"
For almost a month, I trained the residents of Ponyville and taught them everything I knew. I put them through mental exercises, physical, exercises, and after yesterday, I was sure they were like a disciplined marine but in pony form. I had showed them my Y'kt Rra form and they were fine with it, now that they know what to avoid and let me handle if we had ever run into one of them. The ponies stood in perfect rows in front of me and were looking to the left while I shouted out commands, which were words that sounded alien, which made me guess they were apart of the Y'kt Rra language. "Vros!" I shouted and they turned to me. "Yatut!" They stood straighter. "Uiio!" they took out a clip of ammo from where they had it stashed on them. "Gutt' toh!" They pushed the clip into their weapon and loaded the shard into the chamber. I put my hands behind my back and smiled behind my face plate. "Your ready." I said, "dismissed everypony. You all deserved a break after today. Remember to shift every few hours on the defenses." I added. I walked over to where Twilight stood, put my arms behind my back, and looked down at her while she was cleaning her weapon. "Twilight, are you afraid to do what we must do to stop the New Lunar Republic's Onslaught?"
She didn't look up, "As in killing? If they shoot first, then yes, I will do what we must."
I nodded and looked up at the sky and did my best to calculate when the New Lunar Republic will attack Ponyville. I guessed two days. They got here in two and a half.