A war story

by Col_R4inbow_D4sh

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

The next day

The reinforcements came in early, Big Mac still had the commando until I felt better. Soarin camed over to get me.

"Hey doc is she already awake?" Soarin asked

"No she's not, and before you go to her I need to inform you about some stuff," The Medic answered

"Like what?" Soarin asked

"She might still have headaches, that's normal I got some painkillers for that here be sure she takes them everyday," The Medic replied

"Will do, anything else?" Soarin answered

"Yes, it's normal by a hit that hard she isn't able to walk good the next 2 or 3 days, after that everything should be normal, but if after those 3 dys you notice she has concentration difficulties, memory loss, more clumsiness than usual or balance problems, you should come see me"

"Clumsiness... ehmm what came after?" Soarin asked as he stopped writing down

"balance problems," The Medic answered

"Right, So if I should notice one of these I will come to you" Soarin replied

"Okay, now go and get her, we will move soon, Ohh and before I forget don't let her walk it could make it worse" the medic answered

Soarin nodded back and made his way to Rainbow Dash

"Hey Dashie you're ready?" Soarin asked

"*Yawn* Huh, Wha?" Rainbow asked half asleep

"*Chuckle* Are you ready?" Soarin asked again

"I'm always ready, just let me..." Rainbow answered before trying to get out of bed

"Dash the doc said walking isn't good for you yet," Soarin said

"And how am I suppost to get out of here? You wanna carry me again or what?" Rainbow asked

"Well duh," Soarin replied

I climbed onto Soarin's back and hold my self has close as I could

"Dash... can't... breath..." Soarin choked

"oops, Sorry" Rainbow said a little embarssed

"No problem," Soarin answered after clearing his throat

He began to make his way to the tank, and got on top of it with me still holding onto him.

"Yo, Gunner could you help me here please?" He asked

"Yes Sir," The pony answered

They got my into the tank so gently if not for the cold steel I wouldn't have noticed they tried to get me in

"Thanks that you guys do this..." Rainbow said

"What do you mean?" Soarin asked

"Most ponies wouldn't care about things like this, they would just say get her back to Equestria or something like that," Rainbow answered

"Ma'am we never leave comrades in needs" The Gunner replied

"You don't hear that that often these days," Rainbow mumbled

"What do you mean?" Soarin asked

"Nothing, ohh and Soarin before I forget thanks for taking me under you're wing while I'm sick," Rainbow replied

"No problemm" Soarin answered

"Man, I really owe him something for this" Rainbow thought

"Charlie are ready now? We are all waiting for you," Big Mac asked

"Yes, we are sir, Soarin replied

"Then let's move out everypony," Big Mac answered

In the two days of travel I either had the worst headaches ever or just could concentrat myself on something, Well atleast there was no more vometing

"Okay in this operation Twilight will lead Delta and attack from the west." Big Mac began

"Yes Sir." Twilight replied

"Fleetfoot will lead Charlie and goes west too, but your mission is to cut a small hole though the defence, and then attack them from behind." Big Mac continued

"Roger That." Fleetfoot replied

"Spitfire you lead Bravo and attack from the east." Big Mac said

"Yes Sir." Spitfire answered

"I take Alpha and will attack the centre." Big Mac finished

"Ohh and Soarin, you and Dash will stay behind and spot for any approaching danger, you are Foxtrot." Big Mac added

"Yes, Sir," Soarin replied

"Affirmative," Rainbow answered

"Okay Everypony let's go." Big Mac said

In this battle pretty much everything went after plan. After pretty much a couple of minutes...

"Big Mac we just cut though they're defence and now moving in from behind," Flettfor said

"Affirmative, as soon you're done with the west side I want you guys to go and rush the center," Big Mac replied

"Yes Sir," Fleetfoot replied

sometimes the enemy received reinforcements but only small troops, although they had a pretty hard defence, but we got the town at dawn.

"Spitfire I see a platoon of light tanks coming coming your way" Soarin warned

"Okay thanks," Spitfire replied

We later received intel that the Germans send troops out to stop a big force coming our way that could have been the cause why the russian have only gotten so little reinforcements anyway, they were successful and they even pushed them back, And currently holding their positions and waiting for us. We stayed at the town for the night

The Next morning

Today we had a quick commander briefing

"Okay everypony, today we will move straight though the night, halfway to Kaligriff Some german companies are waiting, to support us on the attack." Big Mac said

"So they recovered?" Rainbow asked

"Indeed they did, and they are angry, and want revenge for the attack on their homeland." Big Mac replied

"Okay, so what's the company lead?" Rainbow asked

"Same as yesterday." Big Mac answered

"Okay." Rainbow replied

"Okay, now officially Operation: Shut Down has begun, any other questions?... none good, let's get moving." Big Mac said

With that we began to move to Kaligriff

1 Hour Later

"Damit..." Rainbow said

"What?" Soarin asked

"I forgot to let me get checked from the doc..." Rainbow replied

"That ain't a big problem." Soarin replied

"I know, but I have headaches." Rainbow complained

"I got some pain killers here." Soarin answered

"Can I have those?" Rainbow asked

"If you couldn't them, I wouldn't have told you about them *Chuckle*" Soarin answered

"*Chuckle* Makes sense." Rainbow replied

"Here you go." Soarin said

"Thanks." Rainbow replied

"But please, leave some we don't..." Soarin began before cutting himself off

But it was already too late, Rainbow already swallowed them.

"Ehh... Sorry..." Rainbow said

"*Sigh* no problem, we got one more pack in the bags on the turret." Soarin replied

"I will get them..." Rainbow answered

"No Dashie don't..." Soarin replied

before soarin could finish his sentence Rainbow was already outside and getting the painkillers.

"Dashie, come back in!" Soarin exclaimed

"Jeez, just wait a second." Rainbow replied

"Hmm, she can walk better again, at least something," Soarin thought

The tank was probably driving 20 miles per hour and was rumbling pretty hard, Rainbow still didn't care, she went over to the equipment got the painkillers out and got back in.

"There you go," Rainbow said

"Thanks..." Soarin replied

"No Problem... ugh... my head still kills me... I'm gonna go sleep, good night." Rainbow replied

"Night." Soarin answered

"A couple" of hours later

"*Yawn*" (by Rainbow)

"Good Morning." Soarin said

"Morning?... and why are you driving?" Rainbow asked

"You slept straight though the rest of the day and though the night." Soarin answered

"I wha... What time is it?" Rainbow asked

"Right after noon, we will get to the Germans in about 10 hours." Soarin replied

"Soarin... you look tired, maybe I should drive." Rainbow Said

"Nah I'm good." Soarin replied

"You can barely keep your eyes open." Rainbow replied

"Okay, you can drive, but how are we supposed to swap places?" Soarin asked

"How did you change places with the other soldier?" Rainbow asked

"Well the whole army had a fast stop for everypony to get new food and water, That's why we were able to swap places." Soarin answered

"Hmmm. I got an idea." Rainbow replied

"Dashie, what are you...?" Soarin begann only to get cut off

"Changing position with you." Rainbow replied

they went through several awkward positions, till finally it worked and Rainbow was driving.

"Finally, Okay Night then." Soarin said

"Goodnight." Rainbow replied

The Next Day

"*Yawn*" (by Soarin)

"Ohh wow, thought you would never wake up *Chuckle*" Rainbow said

"huh, What do you mean?" Soarin asked

"We past the germans a couple of hours ago." Rainbow replied

"What? that means it's..." Soarin got cut off

"Heres Big Mac, the Plan goes followed." Big Mac begann

"Fleetfoot, you go around left this time and fell into they're backs." He said

"Yes, Sir." Fleetfoot replied

"Twilight, takes west again." He continued

"Affirmative." Twilight answered

"Spitfire, you take east" Big Mac said

"Yes Sir." Spitfire answered

"But this time, Soarin and Dash, you got Charlie Company, And will attack the center with me," Big Mac said

"Yes sir." Soarin replied

"Affirmative." Rainbow answered

"Sierra, you will watch for enemy reinforcements." Big Mac said

"Yes, Sir." Sierra replied

"Okay everypony, Charge." Big Mac ordered

With those words the hardest fight in the war began or so we thought. The russian had build a defence that is almost unbreakable... we only had to break though a small part, and the defence would collapse. But even that seemed impossible, we already fought for hours and lost not a little number of soldiers.

"Soarin I'm done with this, either we break though now or never." Rainbow stated

"Yea I know but what are we supposed to do?" Soarin asked

"As soon we do something the company will follow, so let's just charge in." Rainbow answered

"Dash we can't... we will lose too many soldiers" Soarin replied

"Soarin either way we will lose soldiers, we may even lose more if we fight like this." Rainbow replied

"Yeah... Your right, okay let's just do it. Driver you heard her full speed!" Soarin answered

"Yes Sir." The driver replied

With that they charged in, the whole company followed in seconds

"Soarin, what are you doing?" Big Mac asked

"We are sitting ducks here, we need to break through!" Rainbow replied

"You could have at least told us..." Big Mac a little annoyed annoyed

"Told you Dashie." Soarin replied

"Ugh, Shut up." Rainbow replied

The russian didn't expect that, we overrun them in a couple of minutes, and were behind they're lines.

"Soarin your company keeps going, try to reach the enemy's HQ and destroy it, that should break them." Big Mac said

"Affirmative." Soarin replied

We kept going, everything in our path didn't stand a chance, we arrived at the enemys HQ in less than a couple of minutes We then blew it up, but something completely different happend. The russians still fought like nothing happend, it's like...


Meanwhile in Big Mac's tank

"Sir sierra here, we just spotted a large number of enemy battalions" Sierra said

"From were are they coming?" Big Mac asked

"North-West sir." Sierra answered

"How many?" Big Mac asked

"About 4 till 6 regiments. I would say it's the main force" Sierra replied

"Where are they heading?" Big Mac asked

"Town center Sir." Sierra replied

"Town center... that means..." Big mac cut himself off


Back in Soarin and Dash's tank

"Soarin here is Big Mac, The russian main force comes your way, dig in and hold them off, we will clean the rest of the defence, and then come to support you." Big Mac said

"Affirmative, From were are they moving in and how big are they?" Soarin asked

"North-West, And something around 4 till 6 regiments." Big Mac answered

"What?! *Sigh*, Okay digging in now." Soarin answered

the charlie company digged themselves in and waited for the attack.

20 Minutes later

"There they are!" Rainbow exclaimed

there was once perfect synced salvo (you could only hear 1 shot go off) and pretty much the first two battalion that moved in got decimated.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Soarin shouted

"Don't get carried away..." Rainbow replied calmly

"Right..." Soarin replied and rolled his eyes

"But it was awesome though *Chuckle*." Rainbow answered

There were about 2 more salvos perfectly synced, but soon everything just shot random.

"Big Mac here, we just cleaned up everything, coming in to support you now." Big Mac said

"Hurry up, we can't hold on forever." Rainbow replied

"Well be there in several minutes." Big Mac answered

Neither shooting or the Explosions died down, there was always something.

"Come on wen can't keep going like this," Rainbow exclaimed

"We just have to hold it for a little bit," Soarin replied

"Finally, there's Alpha." Rainbow said

"where's Bravo and Foxtrot?" Soarin asked

"I don't know... hey theres Big Mac tank. Hey Big Mac!" Rainbow shouted

"Aghh, My head," Rainbow said while putting a hoof to her head

"Yea?" Big Mac asked

"where's the rest?" Soarin asked

"They went around and will come from behind." Big Mac replied

"Okay." Soarin replied

With that Big Mac began to charge again

"Dashie you got headaches again?" Soarin asked

"Yea..." Rainbow replied

"Come on got over here," Soarin replied

It took us several minutes to take them out like this. Soon, everything went quiet... or so we thought. Later that day we received intel that the Chinese [Hippogriffs] joined an alliance with the russians. They only had a small land but many soldiers... enough to easily overrun us.