by Trollolol


Twilight and Spike were back in the library. There was a small terrarium there, with a screen on top of it. It had some plant samples from around Equestria in it, but this day it also contained a tiny, winged pony.
“Breezies. Didn’t I ever tell you about them, Spike?” Twilight asked, as she paced around the library. She was searching the bookshelves for something. After transforming Spike into the small, fairy like pony, she had quickly brought him back and popped him into the terrarium. Twilight didn’t want Spike to get blown away or lost. It was supposed to be windy this afternoon, according to Rainbow Dash.
“No. Hey, can you let me out of here now?” Spike asked from the terrarium. “I promise I won’t run off.” His voice sounded sincere.
Twilight sighed. “No, Spike. I can’t risk you getting hurt. And I can’t seem to reverse the spell—ah here we go! Breezies!” A book floated down from the shelves, towards Twilight. “Let’s see.” Twilight flipped through the book. “Wow, this book looks really familiar.”
“Haven’t you read all the books in the world by now?” Spike asked.
“Spike don’t be silly. Oh, I know!” Twilight looked up from the book with an excited expression on her face. “I know where I saw this before! I read it. When I was a little filly.” Twilight reared up happily. “I wanted to study all sorts of legends. Why, I used to read it to you at night, when you were a baby. But you wouldn’t remember.” Twilight sat down and plunked the book down in front of here.
“See Spike, the Breezies are small fairies. They resemble tiny ponies, but they have wings like insects and antennae.”
“But you say they’re not real? I mean, except me of course.” Spike pressed his nose against he glass edge of the terrarium.
Twilight flipped through the book critically. “Yes, it pretty much confirms that. Although, if you’re here…I must wonder, if the spell has been used that way before.” Twilight got up and opened the spell book she had been reading in the afternoon.
A few minutes passed and Twilight closed the book and shook her head. “It doesn’t say. It’s a rather strange book. Maybe if we send a letter to Celestia…” Twilight’s voice trailed off when she realized her mentor could no longer be contacted without the dragon’s breath.
“Oh, right, ‘Spike, take a letter!’ Oh sure, Twilight, I’ll just grab the pen that’s much bigger than me!” Spike said sarcastically. He flew up to the terrarium’s screen and poked at it.
Twilight gave the tiny colt a stern look. “No sarcasm, Spike. I realized my mistake. However,” she said, walking over to the window and staring up, “I do think this requires some external help. I’ll get Rainbow Dash to zoom over to Canterlot.” Twilight opened the window and began to stare at the sky, looking for Rainbow Dash.
“Aren’t you scared, though? Won’t Celestia be mad at you?”
Twilight’s face briefly held a worried expression, which she quickly tried turning into a calm one. “Oh, maybe, or…” and here Twilight’s eyes lit up, “or she could praise me, for discovering an all-new way to use the spell! And bringing fiction to life! Yes!” Twilight bounced at the window.
It was then a shadow appeared above her, and when Twilight looked up she saw a cloud. It was a rather small cloud, perfect size to hold—and yes, she was there. Rainbow Dash.
“Hey Twilight,” the rainbow-maned pony asked in amusement, “what are you shouting ‘yes’ about?”
“Rainbow! Come in. I need you to go to Canterlot…” Twilight grabbed Rainbow Dash’s hoof and dragged her in through the window. She shut the window magically behind them.
“Canterlot? Can’t you just send a letter through Spike?” Rainbow Dash asked in confusion. She allowed herself to be lead towards the terrarium.
“No. See?” Twilight pushed Dash’s face against the glass.
“See what? Oh! There’s a tiny pony inside. Wait, is that a Breezy?” Rainbow Dash stared in awe.
“You tell me,” Spike said. He backed away a bit. Having a huge pony face stare at him was a bit intimidating.
“SPIKE?” Dash’s jaw hung open. She rubbed her eyes and stared.
“Yep! I was trying to get Twilight to turn me into a pony so I could be with Rarity and—”
But here Rainbow Dash started to laugh. “Rarity? Oh Spike, you still set on her?”
“Yes. Why not? She’s bound to turn around eventually.” Spike blinked up at Rainbow Dash.
“Haha, kids. Right, Twilight?” Rainbow Dash rubbed her eyes and grinned. “Anyway, you were saying something about Canterlot?”
“Well yes.” A jar appeared, floating down gently towards the group. It had several holes in the lid. It floated above the terrarium, and the screen was removed. Quick as quick, the jar lid was unscrewed and Spike was popped into the jar, which was then shut. The jar floated towards Rainbow and she took it.
“You see, Rainbow Dash, I’m in a bit of a sticky situation here. I can’t reverse the spell.” Twilight explained.
“So you want me to take him to Canterlot and ask Princess Celestia, or Luna. Got it!” Rainbow Dash cradled the jar gently in her arms and flew towards the door.
“Wait.” Twilight grabbed a pouch and floated it towards Dash. “Put the jar in this, it will make it easier to carry.”
“Okay, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said, and did so before flying off with Spike.
Twilight waved, and then closed the library and started to walk towards the Evefree Forest. “As for me,” Twilight said to herself, “I’m going to see if Zecora knows anything about this.”