Adventures and Quests of Equestria

by TheChosen1


“Zinc! Come on, your are going to be late for school again.” Shouts a familiar voice from down stairs.
“I’m almost ready Mom!” Replies Zinc, as he throws on a shirt that looked somewhat clean from the floor. As he grabs his school bag and walks down the stairs he sees an angry mother waiting for him.
“I told you an hour ago to get ready. Here I packed you an on-the-go breakfast, It’s a hay and carrot bar.” Replies Zinc’s mother as she puts his breakfast in his bag.
“Thanks mom” Zinc plants a kiss on his mother’s cheek and walks out the door. Zinc turns right and heads to the school house. On the way Zinc looks in a window to make sure his black hair and silver coat didn’t look like he just awoken from slumber. Realizing the time an idea popped into his head I wonder if that spell I read last night would work? Not taking a second thought he summoned the magic into his horn and began to mutter the phrases he needed to teleport to the front of the school. Once he released the magic Zinc was pulled from where he stood to another location that despite the darkness, he knew he was not at the school house doors, but inside of the Everfree forest. Oh, buck my luck. That spell took almost all my magic I had. Well at least my mother can’t kill me if I am here. Although she would probably buy a bulldozer and flatten this whole forest just to find me and do exactly that. Zinc began walking in a random direction hoping that he could find an open area to see where the sun was.
After hours of wandering around, Zinc found an abandon castle. Well this is interesting, why is this all the way out here? Regardless I just hope someone is in here with a map. Zinc walked around till he found where doors used to seal off the building. “Hello? Anyone here? I messed up a teleportation spell and ended up here in the forest. I just need directions to Little Hoof city. Zinc waited and listened for a response. Well maybe they can’t hear me. Guess I have to go inside. Mustering up some courage Zinc walked in and looked for help. Walking into the central room, windows along the walls were dusty and broken. A few sparse tables and chairs were thrown around the place. It looks like no one is here at all, or if they are they need a cleaning lady. Walking down a nearby hallway doors stood open or were not standing at all revealed inside rooms that smelled musky and dank. At the end of the hallway stood a closed double doors that were in scripted with a sun and moon. Wait no this can’t be right. If I am where I think I am then I am more than a walk away from home. Suddenly Zinc hears something coming from the other side of the door. It sounds like singing, or chanting. That’s odd, I thought the place was abandoned. Zinc pushed open the door to see a fire inside with three hooded figures inside around the fire. One of them looked up and pointed at Zinc “There he is! It worked! GET HIM!” The other two figures quickly ran to Zinc. Not giving two thoughts about the situation, Zinc ran faster than he ever could have imagined.
After running down hallways and darting into a room he found, Zinc to a moment to breathe. Who the hay were those guys? What did they mean “it” worked? Did they mess up my spell? Holy crap that means it did work! Wait. No time to celebrate, first get out of here…alive. Looking around Zinc found himself in the kitchen. He also saw in the reflection of a metal cart stood one of the hooded figures. Ok already failing step one. The figure seemed to be studying the kitchen. The figure took his hood off and revealed a dark ghostly looking Unicorn. His horn litup and a small ball of magic started to roam the room. That does not look good for me. I need to hide, but where? Realizing what he was leaning on an idea popped into Zinc’s head. Reaching around he felt an opening and pushed up revealing a hollow space inside big enough for him to fit inside. Once inside he closed the door and started praying to Celestia herself to help him. After what seems like hours Zinc nodded off and fell asleep.
Zinc woke up to a knocking at the door. “Hey I know you are in there, you can come out they left. I am here to rescue you.”
Help? Could someone really come to his rescue? Zinc stayed quiet
“Look kid I am here to rescue you, just come out when you are ready, but make it quick we have places to go.” A sound from outside Zinc’s hiding spot hinted that the person is sitting.
Zinc began to think, Doesn’t seem like he is going anywhere. Well he isn’t forcing me to come out so maybe he is here to save me, but who was that ghost pony? “Who are you?”
“I am one of Celestia’s guards. My name is Stone, Captain Stone.”

“Wait what!” SwiftStorm was shoved into the throne room he saw two princesses talking to a silver unicorn. “Uhh hi.”
“Welcome Swift Storm. I am Princess Celestia. This is Princess Luna, and Zinc.” She gestures to each as she said their names.
“We welcome thou to our castle! How has thou been?” Ask Luna.
“Um I have been fine. I was told I could get my questions answered?” Storm started to get nervous.
Zinc turned around and saw Storm’s lack of courage. “Hey buddy you can wait in line with me. I have a few as well.”
“All questions will be answered once everyone gets here.” Celesta looked out the window with a face of slight worry.
“Then who are we waiting for? This guy just walked in and I am here. Who else do we need?”
“That my dear ponies, is the question that I myself do not know the answer to yet. Only time will tell.”
Suddenly the doors burst open and there stood a figure. “I made it!” Then it fell over.