Metal Gear Rising: Equestria

by VincentKintobor

Part 5 Desolation and Danger

#5 Desolation and Danger

There are times, in every soldier’s life, where they are put into a situation so familiar, that they are forced to remember events of the past. Sometimes, things they don’t want to remember. Known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Raiden was experiencing just such a sensation.

“Reminds me of Liberia.” Raiden said as he looked at his surroundings.

The ruined buildings, the lack of vegetation, even less water. He couldn’t see any Pony inhabitance, but he could imagine that they were miserable. The architecture was a mixture of an ancient old world village, and modern day slums.
Raiden ducked behind one of the buildings, as he activated his Codec.

“Shining Armor, I’ve landed.” He said.

“Good,” Shining Armor said. “Let’s do a quick run down. I’ll be here to guide you through the mission. Twilight?”

“I teleported back to the Ponyville library.” She said “If there is anything you need to know, just ask.”

“I’m certain that even Twilight’s collection of books is incomplete.” Princess Luna interrupted “There may be information in the Canterlot Castle Archives that may help us even further. Just call if you need to know something.”

“I’ll keep all that in mind.” Raiden said.

“Okay.” Shining Armor said. “Let’s go over the route you’ll take. At the other end of the village is the train depot. In about ten minutes, if the intel is accurate, the train should arrive. You should be able catch a ride. It will take you right into the castle. And remember Raiden, there are civilians in the area. They are not to be harmed. Changlings on the other hoof, you may use whatever methods necessary.”


“One last thing Raiden.” Twilight chimed in. “Remember when I put that spell on you, to track your movements. Well, that’s not all I did.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve given you a few spells you can use yourself.”

“I can do magic!?”

“Just a little. But it should come in handy. For now, close your eyes, and imagine a bubble around you. Protecting you. Shielding you from all that may harm you.”

“Here goes nothing.”

Raiden did as Twilight asked, and closed his eyes. He could feel something forming around him, something strong, keeping him safe. He opened his eyes, and was shocked to see a purple sphere around him.

“Barrier Magic.” Shining Armor said, impressed. “A-Class. Nice one Sis.”

“I try… The shield will drop once you start attacking something.”

“This is great.” Raiden said. “Anything else?”

“There are a few other spells, but we’ll get to those later. It’s strange though. When I lent you some of my magic, your body absorbed it into your blood, affecting your electrolytes.”

“No surprise there. The way I usually repair myself, is by crushing a container of electrolytes in my hand. Maybe it works the same way with Magic.”

“Fascinating. Well, it’s worth a try. The amount of Magical Energy you can use is limited. Unicorns and Changlings channel Magic through our horns. Maybe you can absorb more Magic that way.”

“Worth a shot.” Raiden said.

“Also, I’ll be documenting this mission.” Twilight said. “Recording your progress in one of my journals. Just call if you need to save.”

“Good, glad that got carried over to this world.”

“Anyway, this technology of yours is amazing. I can see and hear everything you can.”

“My artificial auditory and ocular sensors, are transmitting a direct feed to each of your Codecs. Everything I experience out here, you guys will be able to see and hear.”

“Absolutely fascinating. I would love to do some experiments on you. Magic, science, chemistry, technology. I love learning as much as I can.”

“……Maybe…when this is over.”

“I hate to interrupt,” Shining Armor said, “but the clock is ticking. I have one last thing to tell you before you start. Yesterday, I sent one of my best agents in. I haven’t heard back from her since.”

“Maybe she got captured like the other Unicorns.”

“Except she’s not a Unicorn. She’s a Pegasus. One of the best out there. Her name is Spitfire. If you run into her, please let me know. You better get a move on Raiden.”

“Got it.”

Raiden stood up from his kneeling position, and using the cybernetics in his legs, performed a high jump to reach the roof of the small building he was next to. Be began to run along the roof tops. He could see the dark castle in the distance, sitting atop a large mountain.
As he ran, he noticed Unicorns walking through the streets. All heading to the train depot. Raiden activated his mask, and checked their health conditions. He could see they were in bad shape. Some were so famished and dehydrated, they could barely walk. He even saw two small colts fighting to the death, over a five inch puddle of muddy water.
“This is horrible.” Raiden said aloud.
He noticed one Pony, all by himself at the end of an alleyway. Raiden decided to investigate, taking a sharp left turn. He dropped down into the alley, and approached the Pony. He appeared to be sleeping, leaning against the wall, with only a thin dirty sheet to keep warm. However, Raiden didn’t pick up any life signs. This Pony had died of dehydration only a few hours ago.
Raiden knelt down, and punched the ground so hard that it cracked. His train of thought was interrupted by his Codec ringing.

“Raiden, are you alright?” Shining Armor said.

“I’ve seen these atrocities many times before, and I’ve lived it.” Raiden said in a gruff voice. “What’s the plan for these Unicorns?”

“The plan was, once the mission was over, and the Princess was safe. We would began the evacuation effort.”

“No. We can’t wait that long. They can’t wait that long! Once I’m in the castle. I want you to begin. They can’t survive any longer without relief.”

“I’ll send a message to the shelters.” Luna said. “They will be treated with the utmost of care. Raiden’s correct, Shining Armor. They need help now.”

Shining Armor hesitated before answering. “……Yes…yes Your Highness. Raiden, continue with the mission. Once you get to the castle, send the train back to the village. My soldiers will take it from there.”

“Thank you both. Raiden out.”

Raiden kept to the rooftops as he watched the Unicorns gather at the train depot. He hid himself on a three story building, one block away from them.
Raiden crouched down at the edge of the roof, and activated his scope. He zoomed in on the ponies gathering around the train track. They all looked terrified. Raiden’s concentration was interrupted by the sound of a voice behind him.
“Who are you?”
The voice startled Raiden. He turned around with his cyber mask on, and could see this pony was a normal Unicorn.
“Who want’s to know?” Raiden said.
The unicorn had a grey coat, with a green mane and tail, and an image of a cigarette on his flank. He was also wearing a black vest.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. Name’s Nic.” The pony said, as he walked up, and sat next to Raiden.
“Are you here to watch the Purge?” Nic asked.
“The what?” Raiden said.
“At least that’s what we call it.” The unicorn used his magic to summon a piece of paper, and some herbs. He wet one edge of the paper with his tongue before rolling it into a cigarette. He levitated it to his mouth, and used magic to light the end on fire.
“In only two days, they have reduced this town’s number by half.” The unicorn continued. “Once every hour, they show up in that train, and take about twenty of us. Why? I haven’t the foggiest idea.”
“What about you?” Raiden asked.
“……My wife was the first to go.” Nic said with a hint of sadness in his voice. “Since then, I’ve been trying my best to calm everypony down. Rationing out food, water, blankets. We won’t last much longer.”
Raiden thought about it for a minute. “How long has this town been here?” He asked.
Nic closed his eyes, and let out a breath. “A long time. Who knows how long. I’ve been told that it was here before the Royal Sisters were born. And they both haven’t aged a day in over a thousand years.”
“So you know about them?” Raiden asked. “I was told this village was completely cut off from Equestria. And that the Ponies down here, don’t even know Equestria exists.”
Nic cracked a smile. “You’re a smart one. My wife and I, we were hiking the Macintosh Hills, when we stumbled upon this village. We were able to climb down somehow, but gave no thought how we were going to get back. We’ve been down here about a year. But the Unicorns living here were nice, but not very well off. They lived off the land, tried to manage some sort of living. But this past winter was very harsh, and dry. The Pegasi, who controlled the weather, don’t operate this far. So the Unicorns had to make there own weather. But that’s hard to do, especially when the last Unicorn who could do that, passed away half a year ago. Things got worse, when they came.”
“The Changelings.” Raiden said.
“Yeah. It’s only been a few days, but when they showed up, most of our able stallions were killed in the battle. The rest were taken. Since then, they continued to ravage this place, every hour. Those who are left, have lost hope.”
Raiden stood up, and said. “Well don’t lose hope just yet.” He pointed at the top of the cliff at the back of the village. “About five dozen Pegasi are at the top of that cliff, ready to take you all to Equestria, on my signal. You’ll be given better lives.”
Nic frowned and said, “And you’ll just damn the Ponies already been taken? My wife included?”
“Of course not. I plan to save them too.”
Nic started to laugh, “And you plan to sneak into the castle, fight the whole Changeling Hive, save them, and make it back without getting your sorry ass killed!? No pony in all of Equestria is that crazy!”
Raiden smiled. “That’s right, no pony would. But if you haven’t noticed, I’m not a pony.”
Nic looked Raiden over. “Yeah, been meaning to bring that up.” Nic spate his cigarette out, and put it out with his hoof. He turned around, and began to walk away. “Well, good luck to you, Mr. Hero.”

Raiden continued to watch the station, as he called his team.

“So what do you guys make of it?”

“It’s unbelievable!” Twilight said. “How could we let so many ponies suffer this long?”

“Like I said, if we had known, we would have done something.” Luna stated. “I’ll bet they think their leaders have abandoned them.”

“Once I’m on the train, I’ll clear it out.” Raiden said. “It’ll loop back around, back to the village, where it will be up to your soldiers to stop it.”

“That’s the plan.” Shining Armor said.

“I think I see it now. Raiden out.”

Raiden stood up, and deactivated his scope. He watched the black steam powered locomotive pull into the station. It was pulling about nine cars behind it. One for passengers, seven for cargo, and one caboose. It stopped with the passenger car next to the platform. About a dozen changelings came marching out and began harassing the terrified Unicorns.
Queen Chrysalis herself stepped out of the car, followed by two lackeys. One of them had a scar on his eye, and had two odd looking cylinders on his back. The other appeared to be extremely muscular, and much larger then other changelings.
Raiden quickly turned his scope back on, and zoomed in on them. Chrysalis he recognized, but he hadn’t heard anything about these other two.

“Well, if isn’t Queen Bitch herself.” Raiden said. “Shining Armor, what do you know about the other two?”

“Ah, those would be the Queen’s lieutenants. The one with the scar, that Zazz, and the big one, that’s his younger brother, Bruno. The two of them are notorious among the changing ranks. And wanted in the city of Canterlot for their crimes. Thing is, most changelings use underhanded methods. Including changing into somepony and feeding off the love of that pony’s peers. Those two however, prefer a strait fight. No sneaky tactics, just going head to head with enemies.”

“Huh, fine by me.”

“What I don’t get is, why would the Queen herself come here?” Twilight said. “I mean, if they have been doing this every hour, why wouldn’t she just leave this up to her soldiers? Why make an appearance?”

Raiden listened carefully as the Queen began to talk.
“Ah, my beloved subjects.” She said. “This a very special occasion. I am hear to announce, that this will be the final time, we take any of you away. I knew that on such a momentous occasion you would want to see who has been taking your families away.”

“Guess that answers that.” Twilight said. “She just wanted to gloat.”

Raiden cut the transmission, and continued to listen.
“Once we have what we need from you Unicorns, we will free all of you. You will be reunited with your families. Although, they may seem a little…different.” She turned to her underling. “Zazz, I leave them to you.”
“With pleasure, my Queen.” Zazz said.
“Let’s go, Bruno.” Chrysalis said before she used her magic to teleport Bruno and herself away in a flash of light.

Zazz stepped forward and began shouting. “Alright! You heard the Queen! Time to get on board! Move!”
Raiden jumped off the building, and began running as soon as he landed. He dashed through an ally, and quickly made it to the train car. He jumped into the air, and landed on the roof of the caboose. He got into a prone position, and waited for the train to began moving.
Zazz thought he heard something, before looking toward the back of the train. He couldn’t see anything, especially with it being dark out. He ignored it, as the final Unicorn was boarding.
“All abourd!” He called out. “Let’s get this thing back to the fortress!”
Zazz boarded the train, and made his way to the engine.
The train began to move. After a few minutes it was at full speed, and several hundred yards from the village.
“Time to get to work.” Raiden said, still laying belly down on the roof of the caboose.
He turned his Augment Mask on, and could see all of the enemies on the train. He pushed himself up, and let the caboose move out from under him. Raiden grabbed the edge of the car, and swung himself at the rear door. He kicked it open, and was immediately greeted by two Changelings sitting among various crates. They hissed as began flying at Raiden, as he unsheathed his sword. The two Changelings didn’t stand a chance, as they were quickly cut to shreds. What pieces were left, fell to the floor, staining it with green blood.
Raiden moved on to the next car, and continued to slaughter the Changelings guarding it. He moved from car to car, killing all enemies in his path. Until, he reached the final car full of cargo. At the other end of the car, was a single Changeling standing behind what looked like a stone mini-gun.
“What the Hell.” Raiden shouted, as the enemy open fired.
The shots weren’t nearly as fast as anything on earth, but it still caught the cyborg off guard. He took the first shot in the shoulder.
Raiden was able to deflect a few shots with his sword, but he was force to take cover behind a wood crate. He certainly didn’t expect to deal with a weapon of this type here. He gripped his sword, and formed a magic bubble around himself. He jumped out from behind cover, and ran at the Changeling. The magic shield deflected the shots, and protected Raiden long enough to get close to the enemy. As soon as he was in range, Raiden activated his Blade Mode, and slowed down time around him. He expertly cleaved the gun and the Changeling in two in one swing. He continued to cut several more times, before cutting the horn off of what was left of the Changeling’s head. Raiden came out of Blade Mode before reaching out with his hand, and grabbed the horn out of the air.
Raiden crushed it in his hand, and absorbed the magic within. His health and magic were fully restored. He then heard his Codec going off.

“Raiden! Are you okay?” Twilight shouted.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just surprised me is all. I didn’t expect a weapon of that kind in Equestria.”

“I know, I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“It was almost like a 55-Calibur mounted guns that you would find in my world. Except, this one was made out of stone.”

Raiden reached for his shoulder, and felt the spot where he was hit. He plucked what looked like a small, sharp, black gem, out off his armor. He recognized the mineral.

“Obsidian.” He said

“Volcanic Glass?” Twilight said.

“Yeah, looks like they are using it for ammo. I wonder where they are getting it?”

“Well, the castle is sitting atop a small mountain. Maybe it’s active.”

“You think they have a mine?”

“Maybe…hm….I seem to remember one of my old history books mentioning something about this. Give me some time, I’ll look for it.”


“Hey Raiden.” Shining Armor said. “Your in one of the cargo holds right?”


“Could you check those boxes. I’m curious to know what they have.”

Raiden walked up to a few of the wood crates, and tore the lids off. Inside, he found jugs of water, various foods, and even some health kits.

“Food, water, medical supplies. All things the villagers desperately need.”

“Excellent. Make sure those don’t get damaged. Up next are the passenger cars. Civilians will no doubt be in there. They are not to be harmed.”


Before moving on, Raiden picked up the damaged gun. He could see that it was made out of quarts. A very light but durable type of stone. Raiden threw the weapon to the ground before moving on.
Raiden walked up to the door, and turned on his Augment Mode. He could see there was a lone Changeling guarding the prisoners. Raiden opened the door, and stepped out into the open air between cars. He looked through the small window, and just barely avoided an obsidian bullet. He quickly ducked under the window, and carefully peaked through. He could see the Changeling. It was wearing a harness, that held up another one of those machine guns. Suddenly, he heard the Changeling called out.
“I know you’re there freak! Don’t you dare come any further! Or I’ll start killing these Unicorns!”
Raiden could hear a few of the prisoners crying.
“Sure you want to do that!?” Raiden called out. “Your Queen obviously want’s them alive.”
“She won’t miss one or two. Turn around right now, or I’ll start with the youngest! You hear me!”
Raiden quickly came up with a plan.
“All right! I’ll go. Take them. I’ll leave in piece!”
Raiden stood up, and ran back into the previous car. He ran through the car and as he neared the back door, he grabbed the top of the doorway, and swung himself onto the roof the car. He carefully walked across the top of the train cars, until the was directly on top of the Changeling. The enemy hadn’t moved from that spot near the door, and still had his gun trained on the opposite door.
Raiden grabbed the edge of the car, and dug his cyborg fingernails into the metal roof to keep himself supported, as he hung outside the window next to the Changeling. With his free hand, Raiden punched through the glass window, grabbed the Changeling, and threw it at the train tracks. The enemy was torn to shreds by the wheels of the train.
Raiden looked at the frightened Unicorns through the window. He put his finger to his mouth, to tell them to keep quiet, before moving on to the engine.

Raiden climbed onto the car that was carrying coal, and quietly approached the final Changeling. After throwing a shovel full of coal into the engine’s furnace, the Changeling turned around, and spoke.
“So, you’re creature that’s been slaughtering my troops.”
Raiden stopped, decided to indulge this Changeling.
“And you are?” Raiden said, pointing his sword at him.
“Your destroyer.”
The Changeling’s horn glowed green right before teleporting behind Raiden. He stood on the roof of the passenger car, and stomped his hoofs once. The two cylinders wrapped in cloth fell to his side. The cloth fell off, and revealed two machine guns. He began to fire upon Raiden.
Raiden quickly put up his magic shield, and blocked the shots. He ran forward, and at the moment that Raiden activated his Blade Mode, the Changeling teleported, and dodged the attack. He ended up on the other end of the train car.
“The names Zazz!” He shouted. “Commander of the Changeling Army and Harold of Queen Chrysalis!”
Raiden got into his battle stance.
“This is going to be interesting.”
Zazz began shooting again. Raiden ran strait at him, and deflected the shots with his sword. But as he got close, Zazz teleported away again. As he fought, Raiden contacted his team.

“Dammit! Every time I get close, he just teleports away.”

“It’s incredible.” Twilight said. “For a Changeling to master a teleportation spell, without any backlash, is no small feat.”

“Well good for him. Now how do I disrupt it!?”

“In order to teleport, one needs a lot of concentration. If you can break his concentration, the spell will be canceled.”

“Got it.”

Raiden put his shield up and continued blocking shots. He reached behind his back, and pulled out a small flash bomb. Raiden ran at Zazz and threw it at the Changeling’s face. The bomb exploded, creating an intense bright flash, blinding Zazz.
“DAMN YOU!” Zazz shouted in pain.
Raiden took the opening. He ran up to Zazz, and entered Blade Mode. With three cuts, Raiden sliced off Zazz’s horn, and both of his machine guns. Zazz was able to jump back in time, to avoid a killing blow.
Zazz quickly regained his eyesight, and actually started laughing.
“What’s so funny?” Raiden said.
“It’s been a long time since someone gave me this much of a challenge. So FINE! No magic, and no guns.” Zazz reached into his saddle bag with his mouth, and pulled out two foot long knives, and some bandages. Somehow, using his mouth, he tide each knife to each of his hoofs, sticking the handles into the holes of his Changeling legs.
“Just blade to blade combat.” He said with a sinister grin. He stood up on his hind legs, and used his fore legs as arms, wielding dual blades.
Raiden smiled and said. “Fine by me.”
Zazz shot forward and attacked Raiden. His strikes were so quick, it was all Raiden could do to defend himself. Every fatal blow was deflected.
Raiden entered Blade Mode to make himself faster. He swung his sword as quickly as he could, but even then, Zazz deflected the attacks. Raiden called his team for advice.

“Jeez! What’s with this guy?”

“I’ve never seen anything, Pony or otherwise, move that fast without teleporting.” Twilight said.

“After you spotted the two brothers. I looked into them.” Shining Armor said. Zazz is known for his skill with knives. But only uses them as a last resort. Most of the time, he leaves the fighting to his brother, Bruno. There is also a rumor that Zazz always carries some sort of heavy weight around. Be it heavy stones in his saddlebag. Or in this case, those two stone guns.”

“I get it. After I cut the two guns off, he was relieved of that weight, and became much faster.”

“Exactly. You’ll have too much trouble fighting him like this. Try catching him off guard somehow.”


Zazz swung horizontally at Raiden’s head. Raiden ducked down, and avoided it. But Zazz kicked him with one of his hind legs. Raiden staggered back, and jumped back down to the coal car. Zazz jumped off the passenger car, and launched himself at Raiden. The Cyborg quickly entered blade mode, and sliced at the pile of coal. Raiden’s High Frequency Sword caused a few of the coals to catch fire, and fly into Zazz’s eyes.
Zazz was blinded and couldn’t see Raiden’s finishing blow. Raiden entered Blade Mode and sliced Zazz into several dozen pieces. The Changeling was dead long before his severed head landed in the engine furnace.
Raiden shut the door on the furnace, and kicked the lever controlling the train‘s speed, causing it to accelerate. With Zazz defeated, Raiden called Shining Armor.

“That’s it Shining Armor. The train is clear.”

“Okay. I’m sending my fastest Pegasi to stop it when it loops back to the village. Are you sure you can get off the train with it moving so fast.”

“Don’t worry about me. Worry about the next Changeling that messes with me.”

“Don’t get cocky. Just because you defeated one of the Queen’s Lieutenants, that doesn’t mean this will be a cakewalk. With Zazz dead, Bruno will not pull any punches when you mean him. Bruno is the younger brother, but he’s far more dangerous. Stay alert.”

“I understand. Say… did you guys find anything on that guy I saw.”

“You mean the one in the red coat?” Twilight said. “Sorry, without a name, or any other description, I can’t really do much.”

“Same here.” Luna said. “Keep your eyes and ears open, and tells us any information you find.”

“Right. Looks like my stop is coming up.”

“Good luck Raiden.” Twilight said.

Raiden climbed to the roof of the engine, and could see the train stop at the base of the tall mountain. Raiden looked up the mountain, and could see the ominous castle at the peak. The train station itself was simple. Just a stone platform, with an overhang supported by two stone pillars. At the back of the platform, was a single, metal door. The whole thing was lit by what looked like fluorescent lights.
Raiden got in a crouching position, and reached for his sword.

Meanwhile, two Changelings at the station, walked up to the train tracks, awaiting the train.
“Hey, here it comes.” One of them said.
“About time. I’m ready to call it a day.” The other Changeling said.
“I know. My hoofs ache, my wings are sore, and the Queen has been bossing us around non stop, ever since we move to this mountain.”
“Did she ever tell you why?”
“No idea. We were suppose to find a new source of love, after that failed attempt in Canterlot.”
“Isn’t that why we’ve been capturing Unicorns in the first place?”
“I don’t think it works like that. But who are we to question the Queen’s orders.”
“Then why else would we be kidnapping them.”
“I don’t know man…the whole thing stinks. Ever since that Stranger talked to the Queen, she’s been acting strange.”
The Changeling looked at the speeding train again.
“Say, why isn’t it stopping?”
“Yeah, your right. Something‘s wrong.”

Raiden could only see two enemies guarding the entrance. Taking momentum and timing into account. Raiden planned his jump perfectly, and leaped from the train. He landed right between the two pillars, in front of the two Changelings. The impact was so hard it cracked the stone ground, and stunned the Changelings. Raiden unsheathed his sword, and with one swing, sliced through the stone pillars, causing the overhang to collapse. The enemies were now trapped in with Raiden.
The two Changelings hissed and lunged themselves at Raiden. The Cyborg went into Blade Mode, and cut both of them down. He cut one of their horns off during the attack. He caught it in his hand, and crushed it. His body absorbed the Magic, and restored the energy and health he lost while fighting Zazz. He called Twilight on his codec.

“Twilight, I’m in.”

“Excellent. The Princess is as good as saved!”

“I appreciate your faith in me. But the mission isn’t over yet.”

“Oh, right, sorry. Anyway, that door in front of you seems to be the only way through. See where it goes.”

“I wish I had a map or something. Kind of hate the idea of getting lost inside a mountain.”

“Do your best Raiden……how about I make a record of your progress.”



“We’re counting on you Raiden.”