
by Talon and Thorn

Perfect Day (Lyra's POV)

Perfect Day
Two mares lay on a bed facing each other, forelegs intertwined, bodies held closely. This wasn’t exactly how she had expected the two of them to spend their last day together, thought Lyra, but she wasn’t complaining. The aqua unicorn leaned back admiring how Bon Bon’s mane looked splayed out around her dozing form. The blue and pink strands formed a halo around her head, highlighting the gentle curve of her muzzle. Bon Bon always kept her hair so well controlled, unlike Lyra’s own messy do. She’d miss that look, just like the look’s owner, once she was gone.
Trying not to disturb her marefriend Lyra swung her eyes towards the window, the sun had almost set. She sighed, she’d had so much planned for today, but like always the time had just seemed to slip through her hooves. Her early start had turned into a late morning start once she’d fully recovered from last night’s goodbye party at Berry’s. The party had grown into a sort of farewell concert after enough pleading from her friends, and drinks from her host. Packing had taken longer than she’d expected, Dad and Pop kept launching into stories about all the stuff she was leaving behind, it wasn’t like she’s need to hear the story of how she’d used to love her first winter saddle so much, it was far too small for her now.
She’d barely made it to Bon Bon’s by noon, knowing how poor her time keeping normally was Bon Bon hadn’t expected her earlier, then the two of them had trotted over to the Hay Bale for lunch. There were so many things Lyra had planned for them to do in the afternoon, a romantic walk through White Tail Woods, boating down at the lake, she’d even heard that somepony over in Hoofington had a hot air balloon for hire. But when the time had come she couldn’t think of anything she wanted to do more than just hanging out with Bonnie for the afternoon. The earth pony had once again tried to show her how to make sweets and once again she’d ended up covered in sugar with her hooves stuck together. Once she’d tidied up they’d gone for a wander around town for an hour or two before returning to her marefriend’s room.
She’d meant to give her marefriend a really special time to remember her by, thanks to a few tips she’d picked up from a recent issue of Cosmarepoliton Rarity had passed on to her. Bonnie’s parents were a bit more open minded about the two of them spending time together than her own, her dads still seemed to think she was a little filly rather than a grown mare, with all the needs that that implied. Maybe it was just because Bon Bon’s room was better sound proofed. However, once they had ended up in bed together she couldn’t think of anything she’d rather do than just lying there in Bon Bon’s arms cuddling and gently kissing her marefriend’s lips. After a while they’d both begun to doze eating up even more of their last day together.
While she’d been thinking the shadows around her had continued their inevitable lengthening, where was the time going? She’d told Dad and Pop that she’d be home tonight, they wanted to have a family meal to say goodbye. She didn’t want to upset them, Dad had been acting strangely recently and even Pop was getting a bit clingy.
Lyra looked up at her soul mate dozing in front of her and almost couldn’t bring herself to move, but she had to. “Bonnie,” she whispered. “Wake up.” The cream mare remained unmoving. Lyra gently reached forwards and poked her. “Bonnie!” she called a little louder. Bon Bon gave a loud snort and pulled Lyra closer to her before settling down again. This was odd, Bon Bon was normally the much lighter sleeper of the two of them, and maybe that snore had sounded a little too theatrical, could she be... “Bonny are you faking?” the ‘sleeping’ mare gave another loud snort, Lyra wasn’t fooled, “You’re awake aren’t you? How long have you been awake?”
Bon Bon finally opened her beautiful blue eyes. “Um, I didn’t fall asleep, well not for long anyway. I, well... I don’t want you to go.”
“Oh, Bonnie,” said Lyra nuzzling Bon Bon. “You know it’s not for long, a few years and I’ll be back again.”
Bon Bon smiled weakly. “I know and I know this is best for you, Luna’s school of magic is the best school in all of Equestria and I know how much it can do for you and how hard you had to work to get in.”
Lyra preened a little, it had all come as a surprise to her really, she’d thought her music was quite good and that her magic was better than average, but Mrs Sharpener had thought she was exceptional and she’d gone to the interview she’d organised, and sat the test, and well everything had just seemed to work out.
“And I know it’s not that far,” continued Bon Bon.
“I can visit every weekend,” said Lyra brightly.
“No, Lyra, you can’t,” said Bon Bon shaking her head sadly, “It might not be that far, but you can’t afford the train every week.”
“But I can write, and I’ll be back for the holidays, it’ll almost be like I wasn’t away,” protested Lyra.
“Oh, Honey. I know you’ll try, but... well long distance relationships can be hard, and you’ll be in a big city with so many new friends and maybe it’ll be better if we... if we... well stop being together, while you’re away.”
Panic gripped Lyra, she felt a cold touch slip down her back. “Bonnie, you’re not breaking up with me are you?! No! I’ll stay here, I promise you, just stay with me! Please!” This couldn’t be happening!
“Lyra, I don’t want to break up but I don’t want to hold you back either. We’ve been together such a long time, but don’t you think you can do better than me? There will be so many important ponies at the magic school and while you’re there you’ll... You’ll meet a big city mare in Canterlot and... and you’ll forget all about your little small town Bon Bon,” she whispered tears starting to drip from her muzzle.
“No! No, Bon Bon, I love you! There’ll never be another pony for me, ever! Not even if Princess Luna herself offered herself up to me. I’d say nope, I’m Bonnie’s girl!” She drew the earth pony closer to her. “Although a threesome might not be out of the question.”
Bon Bon hiccupped as she tried to sob and giggle at the same time. “Now I know you’re being silly!”
“No I’m not, you’re the only pony for me... ever! Now stop being silly.” An idea struck Lyra. “You could come with me! Your sweets are the best, I’m sure they’d love them up in Canterlot!”
“Lyra, I could hardly afford a shop out here, let alone in Canterlot, and I’ve got no real qualifications, they wouldn’t take me on at any of the big shops up there.”
“Then you could live with me!”
“You’re staying in the school dorms and we know you couldn’t afford your own place.”
“We could get married! They have rooms for married couples at the school. Let’s get married!” She announced, that would solve everything!
“Lyra!” gasped Bon Bon, “Did you seriously just propose to me?”
“Yes! No! Maybe!” cried the unicorn. “I don’t know.”
Bon Bon leaned forwards and kissed Lyra on the muzzle, “Did you get me a bracelet or anything?”
“Well no,” said Lyra rubbing her head awkwardly, “This was sort of a spur of the moment thing, but what do you say?”
Bon Bon paused for a moment and almost seemed tempted. “Oh Honey, we can’t,” she shook her head, “You’re going to go away and I don’t want to hold you back. But thanks for the gesture,” she smiled weakly, “Tell you what, ask me again once you’ve graduated, and we’ll see.”
“Ok,” agreed Lyra quickly. “But no more of this silly breaking up thing, we belong together, for ever.”
“Well long distance relationships don’t work for most ponies...”
“We aren't most ponies,” interrupted Lyra, “We’re us, Lyra and Bon Bon, together forever. I love you,” she leaned forwards and kissed her lover deeply.
“Well, ok,” said Bon Bon gently pulling away. “I just don’t want to be a burden on you.”
“Burden! I’d never have gotten this far without you! Who made sure I studied for my entrance exam?”
“Mostly Mrs Sharpener.”
“Well yes but I preferred your method of encouragement much more than hers,” said Lyra, wiggling her eyebrows, her horn glowed without obvious effect, then Bon Bon gave out a quiet groan, her body writhing for a moment.
“Have... haven’t you got to go?” said Bon Bon trying to control her voice as her body still quaked under Lyra’s magical manipulation..
Lyra glanced over at the window again. “Yeah, I suppose so,” she said with a frown, unwillingly she unwrapped her legs from Bon Bon and rolled onto the floor.
“I’ll see you off tomorrow,” said Bon Bon shuffling off the bed herself and landing on still somewhat wobbly legs.
“Thanks, but you don’t need to get up early for that.”
“I want to, plus I have some other plans for tomorrow,” Bon Bon gave Lyra a peck on the cheek.
“Oooh! Anything exciting?”
“Quite boring, but also scary,” said Bon Bon mysteriously.
“Bonnie!” whined Lyra. “Don’t be a tease.”
“Sorry, my lips are sealed,” she said proving the lie by kissing Lyra again. “But I’ll tell you about it in my first letter.”
“I’ll write to you as soon as I get to the school,” promised Lyra.
The two young mares trotted out the room and towards the front of the shop Bon Bon and her family lived above. There Curry, Bon Bon’s father was closing up for the day. “Evening Mr Bon Bon,” said Lyra politely.
“Evening Lyra, good luck with the magic school, I’m sure you’ll do well.”
Lyra stopped at the front door and turned back towards Bon Bon, “Well I g-guess this is goodbye then.”
“I said I’d see you tomorrow,” whispered Bon Bon.
“I know, but this seems so final,” she leaned forwards and kissed her marefriend on the lips again, she wrapped a forearm around Bon Bon as her passion started to grow.
Behind them Curry averted his eyes and coughed loudly.
The couple continued to make out for a few seconds before breaking apart. “I love you!” said Lyra as she turned to go.
“I love you too!” said Bon Bon, her eyes watery as Lyra slowly trotted away towards her own house.