Mother Celestia

by KimbaTheWhiteLion66

The Everfree Forest (Revised)

Mother Celestia
A fanfic by KimbaTheWhiteLion66
Chapter 4:The Everfree Forest.

“So princess! How has life been up in Canterlot?” Said the lavender pony as she trotted through the forest with her teacher. It was rather damp and humid in this environment, due to the fact that the clouds moved by themselves and let out rain and other things without pegasus intervention. It had rained recently and at the current moment, it was drizzling.

The princess, however, didn’t mind. It was quite relaxing, a nice change of scenery and atmosphere. Compared to the castle, which was very uptight and refined, the forest was wild, it did its own thing without anything but nature itself controlling it. “It’s been alright, but it’s nice to get away from it every now and then.” She said, taking in the unique scent of the forest. She couldn’t quite understand why ponies feared it. It was rather relaxing, even though it was a place of mystery and occasional danger, as long as you were careful and didn’t get lost, it was a nice place to be.

“Oh? Really?” Said the lavender unicorn with a curious tone. “I thought it was great living in a castle, having everything you could ever want and having people do things for you.” She said, giggling softly.

The princess frowned, knowing that due to being a normal citizen of Equestria, her student didn’t know what royal life was like. The common misconception is that it’s very fun and carefree. While it can be fun, at times it can be anything BUT carefree, and fun. She changed her expression to happy one, looking at her student. “Well, yes, it can be but, haven’t you ever had a time where you’ve been doing something for so long you just......need a break from it? A change of pace perhaps?” She said, sounding rather knowing to the lavender unicorn beside her.

“Well......yes.” She said, smiling. “The change from being in Canterlot to being here in Ponyville felt weird at first but after felt much better, especially because I actually have friends now.”

Celestia smiled, pleased with her student’s response. “Yes, that is exactly how I feel.” She said, flapping her long wings a bit to get some tension out of them. “I’m glad you understand my faithful student.”

Twilight blushed, smiling softly. “Well, you’re not my teacher for nothing.”

“And you’re not my student just for show.” Celestia said, grinning.

Just then, they both heard a voice that didn’t so far off. “Now how did that song go that Sweetie Belle was singing? Hmm......Oh! Alright, I got it now. Hush now, quiet now, it’s time to lay your sleepy head......”

Twilight perked up at hearing this voice, it was Apple Bloom’s. “Come on princess! I hear her!” She said, starting to gallop towards the voice.

Celestia followed shortly after, wondering who the little filly could be talking to, and singing a lullaby nonetheless.

“We’re almost there princess just a few seconds and-” She said, stopping mid sentence.

“Let the joy of dreamland find y.....Ah! Twilight! What are you doing here?”

“We were worried about you! I brought the princess to help me find you!” She said, hugging the little filly. “I was scared, your sister was scared. Why didn’t you tell anybody?”

“W-Well, I have a little secret, can you keep it at that?”

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my ey.....OW! How in Equestria could I have done that again?!” She said, having accidentally jabbed her hoof into her eye like she had foolishly done the first time she recited it. She blinked a few times to get her eyes back in. “Yes, yes we can. Now, what’s the secret?” She said, trying to see what it was.

“I’m taking care of a baby!” She said, giggling cutely.

“Aww, a baby! What kind of pony is it?” Asked Twilight, happy now that it was nothing too serious.

“U-Um.....It’s not a pony.” She said, blushing.

“Oh, then what is it?” Twilight asked, curious and a bit worried now.

“It’s a.....Princess Celestia, do you know what this is?” She said, stepping away from where she was in front of.

Celestia could not believe what she saw. “That’s......Discord! But how! And why is he a baby?!”

Twilight showed an equal amount of surprise and confusion. “I thought he was encased in stone due to the elements of harmony!”

“I did too!” Celestia said as she walked up to the infant version of what was her worst enemy. “How!” She said, poking him.

“BURRRRRRRP” was all they heard out of him, then hearing him giggle. Celestia was in for one crazy ride.