What ever happened to old Sugarcube Corner?

by TGnPFlutterGuy

Chapter 1

What Ever Happened to Old Sugarcube Corner?
The day began very simple and calm. Twilight was walking through Ponyville trying to find the only pony she knew could help solve her problem. She decided to go to Applejack’s farm and ask her if she’s seen Her. Twilight approached Applejack and asked,
“Hey AJ, have you seen Ditzy lately?” Applejack turned around from her apple-bucking to then reply,
“No mam, I haven’t seen a lick of her since the incident last week. But I remember she said something bout’ visiting Fluttershy to help her tend to the animals and what not.”
Twilight then gave Applejack a pleasant goodbye and headed for Fluttershy’s cottage.
When she arrived she spotted Ditzy Doo and Fluttershy tending to the animals as AJ had said. She tried to be a little more quiet upon sneaking up on Fluttershy remembering what happened when she had called for in a rather unpleasantly loud voice.
”Hey Fluttershy, how’s it going?” Twilight then asked upon approaching her.
”It’s all going great, thanks to Ditzy and her amazing ability to help the birds find their way through the forest…since…well….my flying isn’t really up to par like hers.” Twilight smiled and trotted over to Ditzy to ask her about what had happened last week. Twilight was pondering what had happened because she didn’t quite make it in time to really tell exactly what went on that day, but from what she picked up on is that Sugarcube Corner had suddenly exploded somehow.
Twilight knew very well it had to do with Ditzy.
“Hey Ditzy, how are you doing today?” Ditzy looked down to see the purple unicorn waving her hoof at her. She then descended down to greet her.
”I’m doing great, how about you?” Ditzy greeted her happily.
“Pretty well.” Twilight answered. “ I have a question for you, about last week I mean.”
“Oh, you mean Sugarcube Corner?” Ditzy then questioned.
“Yeah.” Twilight then answered.
“Well, when I was minding my own business walking through the town center. I smelt something AMAZINGLY scrumptious and instantly knew I had to go find out what that heavenly smell was, So I turned my smelling senses to extra high to seek out where that smell was coming from. I searched around all of Ponyville until I found Sugercube Corner and knew that I had pin-pointed the exact location of that amazing smell. I then opened the door only to be greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Cake. They both offered me quite a few samples of what I could tell were more than spectacular cupcakes. But I turned them down as I floated to the counter to find a batch of a dozen, freshly-baked, homemade, MUFFINS! I have had muffins before this occasion, but for some reason, these muffins made me stop in my tracks. They were my favorite kind, blueberry with walnuts coating the outside. I asked Mr. and Mrs. Cake how much they needed for the whole batch, they said they were samples. That’s when I felt myself begin to shake at the thought of being able to eat the most amazing cupcakes ever, FOR FREE! I grew weak as I leaned in to take a bite. But before I knew it, I was blown straight out of the front door with such a force. I woke up about 5 minutes later to only see a stub of Sugarcube Corner left. I was so disappointed I didn’t get to try any of those amazing muffins. But what really worried me was what had happened to Pinkie Pie and Mr. and Mrs. Cake. So to this day I still don’t know exactly what happened. Sorry, but that’s all I know Twilight.”
“Oh, it’s ok Ditzy, thank you, you have no idea how much this is going to help me on finding out this catastrophe.” Twilight thanked Ditzy.
“But I have one more question. Do you remember seeing Pinkie at all before the explosion?” Twilight asked.
Ditzy put her hoof against her muzzle and thought, “Now that you think of it, I didn’t see her at all.”
Twilight then began a full sprint to the town center thanking Ditzy as she left,
“Thank you!”
Ditzy lifted herself into the air and yelled, “Your welcome!” whilst waving a hoof at her.


Twilight arrived at the town center meeting Rainbow Dash relaxing next to a tree. She stopped to talk to Rainbow Dash.
"Hey Dash, did you get to see what happened to Sugarcube Corner?" Twilight asked randomly.
"Uhhhh....Duuuhhhhh, I was helping the rest of the weather squad when that huge explosion catapulted me like 50 feet away from the spot i was flying. It seemed like it rocked all of Equestria!" Said Dash excitedly.
"So you were there?" Asked Twilight.
"Of course, we had to make sure that we got rid of the fog clouds so that way it wouldn't ruin all the baked goods at Sugarcube Corner.....Looked like they went ahead and did that themselves..." Dash said unenthusiastically.
"Hmmm.... I see. You didn't happen to see Pinkie Pie flee from the scene did you?" Asked Twilight reluctantly.
"Now that you mention it, when I regained control in the air, I saw her prancing away from the scene, happy as can be!" Rainbow Dash said angrily.
"I don't know how anypony could be happy about Sugarcube Corner being blown t-" Twilight stopped when she realized what was going on.
"Rainbow, I need you to come with me." Twilight commanded.
"Well, I have some training I need to do..... can't this wait?" Rainbow complained.
Twilight raised an eyebrow.
"You expect me to believe that when you were resting under that tree for longer than an hour?"
"Hey! Flying is hard work. It really tires your wings. But, if you need me that bad, I guess I'll tag along with you" Rainbow Dash said rolling her eyes.
"Good, now lets go!" Twilight said as she grabbed Rainbow by the hoof and trotted to Sugarcube Corner. When they got there, they saw a couple detectives talking to Mr. and Mrs. Cake whom were still grieving over the loss of their beloved workplace.
"I don't know what *sniff* happened *sniff*, I was trying to show Ditzy Doo our latest plates of cupcakes when suddenly the whole place just...just...just.... exploded!" Mrs. Cake cried as she buried her head into Mr. Cakes' shoulder.
"Yeah, I have no idea what happened either, my real question is what ever happened to our worker....Pinkie Pie. She suddenly disappeared after the whole incident. Which gave me a few questions, but knowing Pinkie, she would never do something as to have blown up her favorite place to throw parties and bake." Mr. Cake said comforting his wife. Twilight and Rainbow had then approached the sad couple, and noticed a strange smell of sugar and frosting, not really a big deal knowing that they were approaching the two that owned the biggest baking shop in Ponyville.
"Sorry to interrupt, but i need to ask you two a question really quick if that's ok." Twilight said looking at Mr. and Mrs. Cake.
They both looked at each other and answered hesitantly, "Uhhhh.....sure."
"What do you remember about the day when your shop had exploded?" Asked Twilight.
"Well, I was showing Ditz-" Mrs. Cake was interrupted.
"I know about that, but what were the last few things you remembered before the place had exploded?" Asked Twilight anxiously.
"Hmmm.....well...... I remembered smelling something a little peculiar, like frosting but with a sour tinge to it..." Mr. Cake then began making motions with his hooves as if he were calculating something.
"Ahhhh, that's right, I had given Pinkie the job to bake the most amazing batch of muffins she could ever bake for a special client that was coming into town. She seemed so overjoyed when she received the request. She headed straight downstairs to begin immediately." Mr. Cake said.
"I see, so what could have caused the whole place to com bust like that?" Twilight asked confused.
"I know why!" The figure of a pink pony singing happily hopped to them.
"Pinkie!" Yelled everypony in unison.
Sorry for any errors ahead of time, this is the first fanfic I have written. I will more than likely upload Chapter two by either tomorrow or tuesday.