Haunted Memories

by XtremelyXtreme

Ch 2 - Accusations

Haunted Memories

Written by XtremelyXtreme

Chapter 2 - Accusations

Scythe enjoyed the crisp smell of the fresh air and cool breeze, pointing his head upwards and letting his mane flow. He couldn't help but smile. After a few minutes, Vinyl finally stepped outside and put her signature sunglasses on.

"Aaaaalright. Let's go." She said happily. Scythe noticed the tone in her voice and smiled.

"You sound eager." He said playfully.

"Well, I'm looking forward to sleeping for a week in my own comfortable bed. Two days of sleeping on a hard wooden hospital chair really sucks, you know." She said with a chuckle.

"Heh, It must."

--Meanwhile, up above

Rainbow Dash was surprised to see the famous DJ-PON-3 walking with this stallion. The cyan Pegasus was hovering above the clouds, just high enough so that she couldn't be seen, but she could see perfectly. As the two ponies on the ground came closer to the cloud that Rainbow Dash was standing on, she got a closer look at the stallion. She immediately recognized him.

-Hm...- She thought. -I think I'll follow him...-

--Back down to Scythe and Vinyl

The two ponies entered the main section of Ponyville. It was busy, as usual. Ponies shopping, eating, talking, enjoying life. All that stuff. Vinyl suddenly stopped. Scythe looked at her curiously.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Ehh...Ponies can get really crazy when somepony they consider a celebrity walks into their town..." She said with a frown. It was true. Last time Vinyl had shown her face in Ponyville, a riot nearly ensued from the mass amount of DJ-PON-3 fans clamoring to get a look and a chance to meet the famous Unicorn. Scythe nodded in understanding.

"True. Should we go AROUND the busy section?" Scythe asked.

"Ah, buck it. My place is still on the other side of town, so we might as well just push through..." Said Vinyl with an annoyed tone.

They continued on through the busy section of Ponyville. All seemed normal, until they were spotted by the ponies walking around. Vinyl muttered something barely audible and hung her head low.

"Hey! It's DJ-PON-3!" Somepony shouted. Vinyl said something she very rarely says. A curse word.

"Shit...Too late..." She was looking directly at the ground, much to Scythe's amusement. He chuckled, but as he looked at the other ponies, they were giving him some sort of stare. A stare of...Hostility...
Scythe stopped laughing and smiling. Confused, he just continued walking.

"Uh...C'mon...Let's go..." He said slowly to Vinyl, not taking his eyes off the ponies staring. As Scythe and Vinyl approached the crowd, all the ponies seemed to back away from or try and avoid them. Listening carefully, Scythe could hear them whispering as they walked past. They were saying things like 'It's him.' and 'Stay away from him...'
One mare pulled her little filly away, whispering something that nearly made Scythe's heart stop.
"Don't go near that terrorist..."

Scythe darted his head in the direction of the mare, who was now walking away, glaring at Scythe.
"Wh--...Terrorist?" He asked softly, barely audible. Looking at Vinyl, he asked "Vinyl...Did you hear what she just said?"

"Huh? Who?" She responded quietly, still looking at the ground. Scythe sighed.

"Just...Let's just get out of here, okay?"

They moved briskly through town, catching the eye of everypony, much to Scythe's confusion, and eventually frustration. It was starting to irritate him that all the ponies were whispering about him and staying back. What bothered him most, however, was what that mare had called him. A terrorist. Scythe? A terrorist? Thoughts swam through his head.

-Does all this have to do with...However I ended up in the hospital?- Scythe asked himself mentally. His thoughts were interrupted by a mass amount of ponies lined up at a local news vendor's stand. It seems they all wanted a copy of the newspaper for some reason.

"Vinyl...What's going on? Why is everypony acting like this?" He asked his sister.

"I don't know, Scythe..." She said flatly, gaze still focused on the ground. Scythe was slowly getting frustrated. As they neared the center of Ponyville, the avoidance and whispers of the other ponies were almost too much for Scythe. Wanting something to do to get his mind off of everything, and noticing that Vinyl was very quiet and cautious, Scythe tried making conversation.

"So, uh...Would you mind...I don't know...Telling me about this place?" He asked. Vinyl finally looked up.

"Uh...Sure. Over there is Sugarcube Corner." She said, pointing a hoof towards the candy-decorated shop. "They make awesome sweets and pastries."

"Really?" A grin grew on his face. He loved sweets.

"Yep. Way over there..." Vinyl continued, again pointing a hoof. "...Is the Carousel Boutique. It's a fashion shop. It's actually where I got these shades about three years ago." She finished, pointing the same hoof towards her purple tinted sunglasses.

Scythe and Vinyl continued on through Ponyville, Scythe unaware that he was being followed by Rainbow Dash, and Vinyl still pointing out certain places. He was genuinely interested, and forgot about all of the ponies who were behaving strangely towards him. They eventually reached a path, where a large tree with a door and multiple windows could be seen.

"That's the Ponyville Library, it's run by a Unicorn named...Twilight Sparkle...Or somepony. Not quite sure." Vinyl said the last three words with a questioning tone. But what caught Scythe's attention was the mention of his old friend, Twilight Sparkle. He went wide eyed and smiled.

"Twilight's in Ponyville, now? Why'd she move from Canterlot?" He asked, seemingly to nopony. Vinyl answered anyway.

"I'm not the pony to ask. I don't know her." She said with a small chuckle. Scythe was getting a little impatient. He wanted to see his old friend A.S.A.P.

"I DO know her! She's a longtime friend of mine. Come on, let's go see her!" He said excitedly, his ear twitching in anticipation. Upon noticing the annoyed look on Vinyl's face, Scythe reassured her. "We won't stay long!"

She sighed and smiled. "Okay...Let's go, then."

Scythe respected Vinyl for many reasons, and one of them was because of her patience. Vinyl had more patience than Scythe, and could wait long periods of time without getting annoyed.

--Up above

Rainbow Dash was still watching the two ponies walking towards the library, more interested in getting a closer look at the light brown stallion who had become very infamous around Equestria in the past week. A few feet above, Derpy flew by and noticed Rainbow Dash lying idly on a cloud.

"Hey, Rainb--" She flew face first into a cloud and landed painfully on top of the cyan Pegasus.

"AGH! Derpy!" She said loudly, annoyed. Derpy quickly got up and smiled.

"Sorry, Rainbow Dash!" She started apologizing, albeit very loudly, and flying in a small circle around Rainbow. "I guess I wasn't looking where I was goi--" Derpy explained loudly before being cut off by Rainbow Dash, who pulled her down onto the cloud and put a hoof to her mouth.

"Shh! They're gonna hear you!" Rainbow Dash hissed. She looked angry, but Derpy took no notice.

"Who's gonna hear you, Rainbow Dash?" Derpy asked, again loudly. Rainbow Dash facehoof'd.

"They're not gonna hear ME, Derpy! They're gonna hear YOU!" She said frustratedly.

"Well, who's YOU?" Derpy asked innocently, the smile never leaving her face. Rainbow Dash was cringing her teeth, frustrated that the grey googlie-eyed Pegasus didn't get what she was saying.

"YOU! Derpy Hooves! YOU are Derpy Hooves! They're gonna hear DERPY HOOVES!" She shouted frustratedly, before gasping and looking down towards the two ponies walking toward the library.

--Back down below

Scythe and Vinyl both heard shouting from somewhere, and looking around curiously.

"Did you hear that?" Asked Vinyl, looking around for the source of the shouting.

"Yeah..." Scythe replied. He narrowed his green eyes and looked up at the clouds. He could have sworn it came from the sky. After a few more seconds of looking around, Scythe and Vinyl continued on towards the library.

--Above once again

When the two ponies stopped looking and continued walking, Rainbow Dash declared it safe to get up. She turned back to Derpy sharply.

"See? They almost saw us because of YOU, Derpy!" Rainbow Dash said strictly.

"See? See what?" Derpy asked, causing Rainbow Dash to facehoof again with a sigh. Derpy leaned forward, and gasped when she saw who the stallion below was.

"Isn't that a bad stallion? Didn't he made those explosions? What is everypony calling him, again? Terrururur...Terray...Terruh...Terrorits...Terrorist?" Derpy seemed to have had trouble saying terrorist. "And why is DJ-PON-3 with him?"

"I don't know, Derpy! Why do you think I've been following them?" Rainbow Dash asked, but upon seeing Derpy with a thinking look on her face, immediately stopped her. "Don't answer that. Look, don't you have...I don't know...Muffins to eat?" She thought of that excuse on the spot. Derpy smiled widely.

"Oh, yeah! Gotta go! See you later, Rainbow Dash! And don't let that stallion see you, or he might give you some big boo-boos!" Derpy shouted back to Rainbow Dash, flying away.

The cyan Pegasus quickly looked back to see if the two ponies had heard her, and was relieved when they didn't look around. She put her hoof through her rainbow mane and exhaled.

-Give me boo-boos? Ha!- She thought to herself. -He wouldn't even be able to catch me, and even then I'd kick his flank if he tried anything!-

Little did she know about the light brown Earth Pony. About Scythe.

--The Ponyville Library

Scythe knocked on the wooden front door of the library hard enough so that anypony inside would hear. After a few seconds, the doorknob turned and the door opened, revealing a lavender Unicorn who gasped at the sight of the light brown stallion.

"Scythe? Oh, thank Celestia you're alright!" Twilight shouted happily as she embraced Scythe in a hug. Scythe couldn't help but smile and laugh.

"Hello to you too, Twilight." Scythe said softly. Twilight let go of Scythe and noticed Vinyl standing behind him. She was surprised.

"O-Oh! Hello, Miss Scratch! Or Miss DJ-PON-3!" Twilight said nervously.

"Please, just call me Vinyl." Vinyl replied with a smile. Twilight blushed, but invited them in.

"I'll just wait out here. Not really a fan of libraries. No offense." Vinyl added in the last part upon seeing the hurt look on Twilight's face.

"Okay. I won't be in here long." Scythe assured Vinyl, who nodded.

Twilight closed the door gently. Scythe walked forward, and observed the library from the inside. It was a cozy place, real antique looking, too. The smell of old furniture wood and books filled Scythe's nostrils. There were books stacked on shelves all around, except for a balcony up above and a staircase to the far right.

"So, are you feeling okay?" Twilight asked Scythe, concerned.

"I seem to have a huge cut on my back leg, wh--"

"Hind leg." Twilight interrupted, correcting him.

"...On my HIND leg, which makes it painful to walk." He said, lifting up his bandaged right hind leg. "Um...Oh, and these burns really sting.......Sorry...I'm complaining..." Scythe sighed and looked around again.

"Do you want me to see if I can find a spell to ease the pain? There has to be something about one in one of these books." Said Twilight, about to levitate a book.

"Oh, n-no. It's okay. Don't wanna trouble you." Scythe lied. He'd do anything for the pain to go away.

"It's really no tr--" Twilight began, but was interrupted by a small purple and green dragon walking down the stairs. Scythe's jaw dropped.

"Spike?! Is that you?!" He asked in awe.

Spike turned his head towards Scythe, and within less than half a second, a huge smile had crossed his face.

"Scythe! You're alive!" Spike shouted, jumping down from the stairs.

"Yeah, I'm alive! A bit sore, but alive. But look at you, Spike! You've gotten bigger since I last saw you. What, five years ago?" Scythe laughed, causing Spike to laugh.

"Yeah, it's been a really long time!" Said Spike ecstatically.

After a few seconds of laughing, Scythe turned his head and saw a newspaper sitting on a brown coffee table. He remembered how all the ponies were crowded around the news vendor's stand. Scythe turned serious and looked at Twilight.

"Sorry to suddenly change the subject like this, but...What the hell is going on in Ponyville, Twilight? Everypony is trying to stay away from me...They're staring at me, but...What bothers me the most is the fact that one mare called me a...A terrorist!" Scythe explained.

Twilight turned her head to look at the table.
"Scythe..." She started slowly, a look of worry on her face, while levitating the newspaper towards the confused and annoyed Scythe. "Something really bad has happened..." She finished.

The title of the newspaper was 'Equestria News'. Scythe looked at the headline, and nearly dropped the paper.
Terrorist in Equestria, it said, and right under was a picture of Scythe. Now he was truly confused. What was happening? He opened the page and read the article.

Is it true? Is there a terrorist in Equestria?

Nine days ago, two large, shattering explosions occurred, the second occurring approximately ten minutes after the first, demolished and destroyed a nearby town. The death toll is reported to be almost 1,000,000, and it does not seem that anypony escaped.

Seconds after the final explosion, an Earth Pony flew from the same direction of the destruction and landed hard in Ponyville. He was knocked unconscious, but is miraculously alive. The Ponyville General Hospital confirms that the pony is a young stallion named Scythe. This stallion, Scythe, had no family relations found, except for his brother, who's name is Richter. We couldn't find any way to contact him, unfortunately.

The thought that Scythe is a terrorist started from the rich business Unicorn named Blade, who claimed that "This stallion landing in Ponyville right after the explosions is NO coincidence."

And continued to say "This pony is a terrorist! Who knows where he'll strike next? It could be Ponyville! It could be Cloudsdale! It could even be Canterlot! We cannot let that happen, and I am taking it upon myself to stop him! I will be starting a large gather-up in Ponyville, who anypony that is against the terrorist is welcome to attend, so that we can find him, and end his evil ways before it's too late! We will prevail!"

Scythe just stared at the newspaper with his mouth open, eyes wide with shock. The shock was slowly being replaced by anger and frustration.

"Uh...Scythe? Are you okay?" Asked Twilight, very concerned. Scythe suddenly threw the newspaper onto the library floor.

"No, Twilight! I'm not alright! I have my own hate group, now!" Scythe snapped. "For Celestia's sake...All this shit is happening to me and I don't even know why!"

"Scythe, please watch your language in front of Spike. Now,you don't remember what happened?" Asked Twilight slowly, unsure of what to say.

"No! I don't remember ANYTHING, and the fact that everypony suddenly hates my guts really peeves me off!" Scythe was letting out his frustration. He smacked his head with his hoof. "Come on! This is ridiculous! Why the hell can't I remember?! UGH!" He slammed a hoof against the wall. "Who is this stallion who's starting this rally?" He asked nopony in particular. He walked back towards the newspaper and looked at the picture of the stallion named Blade. He looked to be a middle aged Unicorn, brown coat and graying mane. Scythe turned away sharply. He was breathing heavily. Twilight was about to speak, before Scythe made an apology.

"Look, Twilight...I'm...I'm sorry for flipping out on you like this. It's just...You don't know what it's like, being blamed for something you don't even remember doing..." Scythe finished an looked down sadly. Twilight walked up to him and smiled.

"It's okay, Scythe. I understand." She said, hugging him.

-- Minutes later

"Come on, Scythe. You can't put on that gloomy look and tell me everything's fine." Said Vinyl commandingly.

"Look, Vinyl, I'll explain everything to you when we get to your place. Just, right now...I need to think..."

The rest of the walk to Vinyl's place was silent. All sorts of thoughts swam through Scythe's head. Two explosions? Me? I can't be a terrorist! I'd never do anything like that! With the last thought, Scythe heard another voice.

You're scum to me now, Scythe!

Scythe gasped and stopped walking. This was the second time he'd heard a voice, seemingly from nowhere. What were they? Could they be flashbacks? No...Why would someone call Scythe scum? Before Vinyl could speak, Scythe continued walking.

They eventually reached Vinyl's place. It was a huge house (She said that a mansion was too big for her) which was painted to be a light blue. It looked like it had multiple rooms and floors. As they neared the front door, Scythe finally spoke up.

"I'm gonna stay out here for a bit, okay?" Scythe sighed.

"Sure. But look, Scythe. I'm your sister. I just wanna know what's going on with you. You stormed out of the library without saying a word." Vinyl explained.

"I know. I'm sorry, Vinyl." He apologized. They moved into a hug.

"I love you. You're the only family I've got left." Said Vinyl sympathetically. Scythe suddenly remembered something and gasped.

"Wait...What about...Where's Richter?" Asked Scythe. Richter was his near identical twin brother. They looked almost alike, except for the notable mane colors.

Vinyl suddenly looked nervous. She moved her gaze from Scythe to the ground.
"I...Uh...I'm not sure, Scythe...I haven't...Heard from him in a while..." She said nervously. "Look, just stay out here if you need to, okay?" She said, unlocking the door and quickly going inside. Scythe raised an eyebrow. What was that all about?

Scythe limped onto the front lawn and sat down. The entire front yard was beautiful. Trees along the sides, with birds singing. Blue rose bushes all over the grass, the blue roses blooming beautifully. The fresh air smelled amazing. Scythe put his hoof through his mane, relaxing. He sighed.

Up above, Rainbow Dash took this as a sign to act. She jumped off of her cloud and flew down towards Scythe. She landed in front of him with a loud thump, causing him to jump in alarm.

"Wha?! Who the hell?!" Scythe blurted out.

Rainbow Dash brought herself closer to Scythe to seem more intimidating.
"So, you're the 'terrorist' everypony's talking about?"

To be continued in chapter 3...