The Plague of War

by Thunderclap421


The morning of the second day with the arrival of Thunderclap, over in Canterlot Luna was very cheery that morning. She had asked Celestia if she can visit the colony on the moon. No, not all of the ponies there are banished, only a few are but they live separate from the colony. She was hopefully going to get a warm welcome from the residents. The only problem was that she had to wait until Celestia said when she can go...That was four hours ago. Luna knew how to keep calm and patient, but for some reason she was getting antsy.
"Come on Celestia, finish up with whatever you are doing and let me go," Luna said to herself.
"Do not worry princess, she will be done sooner or later," one of the handmaidens told Luna.
"It is the 'later' I am worried about," Luna mumbled. Just then, Princess Celestia walked into the room and saw Luna sitting by her bed.
"Ah! There you are Luna, I was just looking for you," Celestia said.
"Well, may I go now?" Luna asked as kindly as she could.
"Yes, I well help you with the spell you need to get to the entrance of the colony," Celestia answered. Luna Jumped up excitedly, caught herself, regained her posture, and followed Celestia to the teleporting room. When they got to the room, Princess Celestia showed Luna the spell on one of the scrolls. When Luna was done, Celestia looked at Luna and said, "Alright, I do hope you have a wonderful time up there and you may stay as long as you wish, but don't be gone too long,"
"I won't, goodbye Celestia," Luna hugged Celestia.
"Goodbye little sister, be safe," Celestia said, letting go of Luna. Celestia and Luna started casting the spell, bolts of light shot everywhere and a bright white orb surrounded Luna, until it completely surrounded her, then a pop and she was off to the moon.

There was a bright light all around Luna until it melted away to reveal the enormous dome that protects the colony from the vacuum of space. Luna walked over to where the building she had lived in was and walked up the steps to the front door. There stood a lone guard that looked at her with wide eyes. "P-princess Luna! how unexpected to see you here so soon!" The guard said, standing straighter.
"Don't worry, I am only visiting," Luna said while walking into the building. It looked darker than usual, aside from the fact that it is mostly dark outside. She walked through the hall to the main gathering room and open the door to it. When she did, It was pitch black inside and she walked in, closed the door, and fumbled for the light switch.
"Looking for something?" A deep gravely voice asked that came from the center of the room.
Luna froze and tensed up, "Who's there?" She said, looking over to the center of the room. Her eyes fell on a large hunched over silhouette with blood red evil eyes on the head. Luna couldn't clearly see the thing, but saw a faint outline of it. It stood up to its full height and appeared to be about five feet taller than Luna, a hunched over head with horns and a long thick neck, large body, thick arms, and legs that had the thigh be down and forward, the shin be back and down, and the large foot coming back forward. From what Luna could see, it was an unusual creature. "What are you?" Luna asked.
"I am a Y'kt Rra and my name Zn' Jija," The large alien replied while starting to pace around Luna.
"What are you doing here?" Luna asked, doing her best to stay calm.
"To help you, of course," Zn' Jija said.
"With what exactly?"
"Your pride, honor, and your respect," with saying that, something opened from below his palm and a mist surrounded Luna, which she could not see due to the pitch black room. Luna unknowingly inhaled the mist just like she would inhale oxygen. Just then Luna's mind was not her own, like somepony took over her mind and is saying things she wouldn't say. "Now tell me, what is your opinion on your sister, Princess...Ah, Princess Celestia?" Zn' Jija asked coolly.
"She is the princess of Equestria," Luna said.
"Do you think she is a tyrant? Ruling Equestria with an iron fist and not being fair to all the ponies she rules?"
"Yes and yes," Luna said, staring straight ahead like in a trance.
"Would you, if you had the chance, remove her from the throne and take her place?"
"If war was waged, would you lead its forces to bring down Princess Celestia?"
"I will with my life."
"Good...Very good...We will start now. But first we need an army."
"I will call for the Ibex Empire, they have enough colts, filly's, Mare's, and Stallions for the army. Also, they never truly liked Celestia's rule."
"I will provide the supplies you need to defeat her forces."
"Her army goes by the name of The Solar Empire, and what kind of supplies are we talking about other than food?"
"Weapons, war ships, fighters, armor for your soldiers. All advanced enough to best your current technology."
"The New Lunar Republic."
"I want my army to be The New Lunar Republic."
"Nice touch, since it originated on your moon. You give the call to arms, I shale call forth my forces to start building your supplies needed to defeat The Solar Empire." Luna bowed her head and left the room to start a war. after she left the building, another Y'kt Rra appeared from another room, still pitch black. "I would have thought her mind to be strong enough to repel my Kaktn mist."
"Well, you do have to remember that her mind was still healing from her last form," the Y'kt Rra said.
"Nightmare Moon...Yes, at least her mind is now ours to control."
"We will use her to start this war and when she merges victorious, we will enslave all. Their resistance will be futile."
"Toh rh Y'kt Rra, Zijbinfu di yhl," Zn' Jija and the Y'kt Rra sang in unison.
"Come on, we have a race to enslave," Zn Jija said wickedly. With that, they left out the back of the building, 'forgetting' about the three gagged, tied up, and whimpering handmaidens in the closet.