The Drawbacks and Advantages of Combination

by zekromthepokemon

Chapter 1: TwiPie's Beginning

Pinkie Pie sat in her room at Sugarcube Corner, looking at the stone box. She had taken it when Spike fell asleep and now she was free, finally free... to open the box. Now that she had the box, she was unsure of if she should continue. What could lay in this box? Treasure? Dark Magic? The best cake recipe there is? The mare just didn’t know. She took a quick look out the window,observing the night. Suddenly, Pinkie’s curiosity couldn’t bear it anymore. Wildly, she ripped off the top of it, sending the top flying. She ignored the vase that was crushed by the top of the box.
“What in the hoe-down is that?” she asked, confused at the contents of the box.
Inside the box was a blank photograph, ripped across the middle with tape sadly holding it together. Pinkie carefully picked it up with her mouth. Suddenly, the left half of the photograph lit up. Yellow and blue balloons with pink behind them filled the side, flashing brightly. Pinkie let it go with shock. As soon as she did this, it returned to its regular, gray background. Pinkie cocked her head in bewilderment and put it back in the box, ignoring it changing back to her cutie mark. “I’ll just ask Twilight about it in the morning,” she said as she walked to her bed. Quickly, she drifted off to sleep.

“Pinkie you what!” Twilight yelled. Pinkie recoiled slightly, meekly setting the box down upon the stone, library floor.
“I just wanted to see what it was...” Pinkie muttered, sitting back on her flank. Twilight felt a little guilty. Even though Pinkie could be the most annoying pony in Equestria, she was a decent friend.
“Alright, fine, I’ll tell you what it is,” Twilight said, regaining her composure. Pinkie immediately perked up.
“Tell me!” she chittered excitedly.
“Well, what it’s supposed to do is combine ponies together.” Pinkie listened intently. “I have been so excited to work on it ever since Celestia gave me the task. She said it was optional, but I said yes because I mean, just think about the possibilities! You remember how you had decided to clone yourself using that lake in the Everfree Forest, right?” Pinkie nodded.
"Well, before the incident, I happened to be practicing a combination spell. I had a strange fascination with the spell and begin to research on it, but I was displeased when I found out how limited it was."
Pinkie continued to listen silently. Twilight was a little perplexed on how interested and not bored Pinkie Pie was. She however, continued. "So, ever since, I had this on the back-burner, but I occasionally still wondered about how it would work on a larger scale. Now that I have finished this charm though, I am finally able to see all the-"
Just then, Spike came running down the spiral staircase, interrupting them. When he reached the alicorn and earth pony he held his stomach and burped up a scroll, quickly grabbed by the alicorn's magic.
“What-“ he burped again, “Does it say?”
“War? With the Diamond Dogs?” Suddenly, Twilight grabbed the box causing it to immediately fall apart.
Twilight then tried to pick up the photograph, noting to herself to use metal instead of stone next time. The second her muzzle touched it, it lit up.
“Gosh darn,” the room then exploded with light. Spike shielded his eyes. When the light subsided, Spike opened his eyes and they nearly popped out of his purple head. What stood before him was one of the strangest things in the entirety of all history. The new pony that was there was a earth pony and had a purple coat, pink, Twilight style mane cut, pink Pinkie Pie tail, and her eyes, her horrible, horrible eyes. One was blue and one was purple.
“Help!” Spike screamed, running out of the castle.
“Who am I?” said the abomination. It was up in Twilight’s room, looking at the mirror. “Part of me is saying I’m a pony named Twilight. The other says Pinkie Pie...” Her voice had Twilight’s pitch and tone but Pinkie Pie’s speed. “I should go see Celestia,” she suggested to herself.
“Wait, how am I supposed to do that without a horn?” The pony pondered on what to do. Nevertheless, couldn’t come up with anything. “I guess I could solve a different problem since I cannot think of a solution for this one,” she remarked. The problem instantly came and she instantly solved it. “I will call myself,” She cringed a little, “TwiPie.”

Spike sat, frightened, on Rarity’s couch, slowly rocking back and forth recollecting what happened. “...and then they both disappeared in a flash of light and there was th-this creature in their place.” His eye twitched a little at the memory. Rarity looked at him with a confused expression.
“Darling, are you sure that you haven’t been sniffing Twilight’s quills again?” Rarity offered.
“No! It was real!” he shouted, hopping off the sofa. “Come on, I’ll show you!” he began pulling Rarity by the hoof.
“Oh boy,” Rarity sighed.