The Mole: Pony edition!

by Key Lime Pie

Episode 2, Part 1: Chinese Mimes

It was the next day after the elimination, and the nine remaining ponies were enjoying breakfast in the hotel. Applejack mushed her oatmeal around with her spoon.

"Gosh darn it, y'all. I just didn't know eliminations would have such a big impact on me." She told the rest of the group, getting nods in agreement back. Pinkie peered over Applejack's bowl. Looking down at the bowl then back up to Applejack a few times, Pinkie grinned widely.

"Ya gonna eat that?" She asked in a perky tone. Applejack shrugged. Pinkie took this as a yes and scooped the bowl away from her fellow Earth Pony, before burrowing her face in it, eating sloppily. Rarity recoiled in disgust.

"Really, Pinkie. Ponies invented spoons for a reason, so use them!" The white unicorn stated, levitating a napkin over to Pinkie's face and giving her a good scrub. Pinkie blushed, although it was barely noticeable due to her already bright pink coat.

Bon-Bon polished off her savory muffin and wiped her mouth with a napkin. "I wonder what sort of challenges they'll have us doing today?" She asked to anyone who would reply. Getting nothing, she continued her sentence, "I mean, they'll only get harder as time goes on, won't they?"

"That is something for us to know and for you to find out." Came a familiar voice. The 9 ponies spun around to face Carrot Top and Derpy Hooves, the two (in)famous presenters for this show. "It seems as if you've had a good breakfast. Which is good, because your challenge starts very soon." Derpy said, to which there were mixed reactions from the ponies.

Pinkie Pie: I missed out on the challenge yesterday, so I'm glad I'll finally get to do another task! Pinkie Pie, reporting for duty!

"This task is called Chinese Mimes. It's a lot like the game Chinese whispers, but, as it implies, you will be doing actions instead of speaking. And instead of being very close together, you will be spread through the town." Carrot Top told them. Ponies exchanged confused looks, to which Derpy shook her head.

"All will become clear soon. For now, I ask you follow us to the Town Square." She told the rest of the group, who finished their mouthfuls of food and followed the two presenters to the town square.


"This task is called Chinese Mimes!" Derpy Hooves announced when they arrived at the town square.

"You said that already." Trixie told them. Derpy ignored her and carried on speaking.

"Each of you will go to a different location in town. Now, I'll go along the line and tell you where you have to go. Number 1 in the line will stay here, so that's Twilight."

"And then," Carrot Top continued, "Rainbow Dash will go outside the library. Bon-Bon will go to the grocers, and Lyra here will go to the Green Grass Hotel..." Carrot Top continued, telling each pony where they had to go.

"Twilight here will go to Rainbow Dash and perform an action that we tell her to do. Rainbow Dash will then go to Bon-Bon and repeat the same action. This continues until you reach the last pony in the line - Fluttershy, who will wait by the fountain." Carrot Top continued, carefully explaining the rules to make sure everypony understood them.

"And this task is called Chinese Mimes, so if we catch any talking, then the challenge is over and you won't get any prize money.

"That's a point. How many points is this challenge worth?" Rainbow asked.

"5000 bits." Carrot Top answered swiftly.

"So, go to your destinations, and await your friends! Feel free to amuse yourself at the location, but if you leave it, then I'm afraid the challenge is over!" Derpy told them sternly.

Trixie:We did so well yesterday. I think we're gonna do great today as well. Whoever the Mole is isn't doing a great job! Honestly, if I was her, there wouldn't be a single bit in that Team Pot! Ha!


"Okay Twilight, everyone is in place. The action you have to perform is...making a sandwich!" Derpy Hooves told her. Twilight stood there for an instant, before running towards the direction of the library.

'I normally make food and the like with my magic, but I can't act stuff like that out. I'll just have to be as obvious as possible when it comes to this.' Twilight thought to herself, turning a corner to find herself at the library, where a bored looking Rainbow Dash sat on a bench. Twilight walked over and tapped her on the shoulder. Rainbow saw Twilight and nodded, confirming she was ready for the action, whatever it was.

Slowly but surely, Twilight lifted her hoof up and put it down again, stopping suddenly in mid-air. then, with her hoof, she made spreading actions where she had stopped her hoof previously. Rainbow nodded, starting to get it but still focused. Twilight then repeated her first action, following on to pretend to pick something up and took a very obvious bite out of it.

Rainbow Dash: She was making a sandwich! She did a great job of it as well. This challenge is in the bag for sure...

Twilight watched as Rainbow ran off towards the grocers. What did she do now? Could she talk? What was she meant to do in a giant library?

Twilight's mouth opened, and she let out a small giggle. She trotted into the library, ready to do some serious reading.

Rainbow Dash sped towards the grocers at high speed, slowing down and stopping just before a cart of oranges. She spied Bon-Bon quickly and trotted up to her, Bon-Bon standing up straighter as a sign she was ready for the action. Repeating what Twilight did earlier, Rainbow made the distinct movements: hoof up, then down, spreading action, up and down again, take a bite. She nodded at the end to check if her fellow contestant had picked up what the action was, and she got a nod in return. That was enough, and the rainbow maned pony sat on the floor in relief of doing her part successfully.

Bon-Bon smiled and waved goodbye to Rainbow, making her way back to the Hotel where Lyra awaited her. She went at a leisurely pace, aware of the fact that she had some time. She decided to take in some of the scenery.

Bon-Bon: If a challenge pops up that requires knowledge of street names around this place, I'd be good at that. I'm pretty good with memory and I've already got a few locations and routes to locations in my head.

Noticing she was nearing her destination, she stopped thinking of the island and thought of the task at hand. Rainbow Dash had made those distinct movements...she could remember what they were exactly, but what she was trying to idea. All she could do was repeat the actions and hope for the best.

After greeting Lyra with an off smile, Bon-Bon cleared her throat and began miming what Rainbow Dash had done earlier. She made the very precise hoof movements up & down, before the 'spreading' motion and then the hoof movement once more, before lifting it up and putting it towards her face. Lyra grinned wildly, nodding to show she understood what was being told to her. Bon-Bon nodded in return, before entering the hotel. She might as well relax a little before the next mission starts.

Lyra made her way to the lighthouse, on the lookout for the distinctive white coat and purple mane that made up Rarity. Arriving at the destination, she couldn't spot Rarity anywhere she looked. She didn't leave the location, did she? Lyra began to doubt herself, wondering if she'd gotten the destination wrong or something. She must have done, because Rarity wouldn't just leave like that...

Lyra looked all around the Lighthouse, before finally looking onto the beach right next to it, where sat a white unicorn, sunning herself on the sand. Lyra jumped down onto the beach and shook the Unicorns shoulders, causing her hat to fall of her head. Grumpily picking it back up and putting it back on, Rarity opened her mouth to say a few choice words, but stopped herself, remembering the challenge.

Lyra frowned at Rarity, pointing at her making a confused face, trying to express her confusement and dismay. Rarity began to mimic these actions, much to Lyra's shock. Did she think this was the actions? Lyra, wanting to backtrack, shook her hooves and head frantically, making a shocked expression. To her dismay, Rarity copied her movements exactly. Lyra face-hoofed and decided all she could do was complete the actions. She made the up down motion just as Bon-Bon had done before, before the 'spreading' action, and the biting. Rarity followed Suit and, without waving goodbye, cantered off to the next location, leaving Lyra on the beach feeling like she'd done a terrible job.

It wasn't too far away from the market square where Pinkie Pie awaited the arrival of her friend Rarity. When she did arrive, Rarity went straight to the actions, pointing at Pinkie angrily in an overly dramatic manner. Of course, she wanted to show off her fine acting skills! Suddenly, she adopted a worried look and shook her hooves and head firmly from side to side, hair flicking back and forth as she did so. Finally, she finished with an array of up-down motions with her hooves, as well as side to side. Pinkie stared at her friend.

Pinkie Pie: I had no idea what in the hoof Rarity was meant to be doing. That's what she normally says about I act that weird all the time?

Finishing with a biting motion, Rarity sat down on the floor, signalling a job well done. Pinkie slowly rethought what had just occurred and went on her way to the next location.


Several moments later, Pinkie arrived at the park where Applejack awaited her. Applejack took off her hat as a way of saying hello, and Pinkie went to do the same, before realizing she wasn't wearing one, almost laughing at herself in the process.

Applejack pulled a disgruntled face and tapped the ground to remind Pinkie of the task. Pinkie thought hard and tried to remember what Rarity had done. She remembered the actions, but they seemed...random. Oh well. She'd do her best! Pinkie started with the angry point, moving into the worried head shaking, and ending with the hoof movements. While they were accurate, they were much faster and closer together than Rarity had performed them earlier. It almost looked like she was challenging someone to a fight, and then proceeding to fight them.

At least, this is what Applejack thought of the situation in her head, as she made her way to the florists, and Trixie.


'That was...weird' is what Trixie thought as she made her way back to the Plaza, where Fluttershy, the final pony, should be waiting for her. Applejack had seemed to make motions that depicted a fight taking place, with bucking kicks and hoof punches thrown into the mix. Weird as it was, it was all Trixie had to go off, so as she approached the Plaza, she greeted Fluttershy with a small smile and starting performing. This is what she did best.

She starting with the distinct point. She decided to add a smirk in there as well. This was a vital part in the composition as it signified the 'challenge'. She then did the worried head shaking, making as dramatic movements as possible. It was all too easy. Fluttershy seemed to be nodding in understanding.
Trixie finished off with a few fake punches and kicks, even throwing in a few bites as she had remembered Applejack doing a few of those as well.

Performance completed, Trixie sat down on the floor just as Rarity had done. Fluttershy tilted her head, wondering if this was part of the act, but thought against it. At least she got away with having to act anything out. She wasn't much of a good actor and if she had tried to do that, it would have been awfully unconvincing. It was a fight scene, or at least, that's what Fluttershy knew her answer was going to be to Carrot Top and Derpy Hooves, the two ponies who awaited her on the other side of the plaza, where the challenge had begun.

"You can talk now, Fluttershy. So tell us, what do you think Trixie was trying to do there?" Derpy asked, to which Fluttershy took a sharp intake of breath.

"Was it...a fight scene?" Fluttershy asked, barely managing to form the words in the case they were wrong.

Carrot Top winced. "I'm afraid Fluttershy, that is wrong. The correct answer would have been 'making a sandwich.'"

Fluttershy made a face that can only be described as one of confusement, anger and a little bit of hilarity. How could 'making a sandwich' fit the description of what Trixie had just done?! It couldn't have! Something had either gone spectacularly wrong, or there was some serious mole-ing going on...


And so the task draws to a close, with nothing gained but a very confused and suspecting Fluttershy. See how the other ponies react next time, and see what challenge awaits the ponies next time in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - The Mole!