Up From the Wilderness

by Cynewulf

X. Up From the Wilderness

Two ponies trotted down the streets of Canterlot. It was a momentous occasion. It was not often that a noble house rose from the ashes of history to sit at the table with the Houses Major, and even rarer that someone as famous as an element bearer, a personal friend of the Princess according to the gossip, should be its new High Lady. And to top it all off, a wedding of the sort few had seen in years. All in all, it was a wonderful time to live in Canterlot.

But of course, the strangest thing about rumor, about pomp and circumstance, was that it captured things which did not always exist. Or that did exist, but faded. Or that had existed and remained but altered. And so it was that two ponies went relatively unnoticed on the streets of Canterlot, and neither of them minded much.

Negotiating living quarters, dividing time between home and Canterlot--these things would take some time. But time was something that Rainbow and Rarity had in abundance. There was world enough and time.

The clank of the prosthetic on the cobblestone drew attention, but never for very long. The unicorn whose leg was gone did not seem to be impoverished in any way. She smiled. She walked with surprising grace, and with ease parted the sea of traffic with only charm and composure. No stallion with an eye for mares remembered the iron leg, for all of its adornment and fine craftsponyship. They all remembered her face, and the music of her laughter.

Rainbow remembered it too. She knew it far better than they, and she loved it.