the change of one

by Dj Shadowstrike556

what my heart feels right

Shadow crept through the forest of apple trees slowly and silently. It’s been a while since shadow was at the castle. He has seen the ponies help the one named Daring Do and even the ponies getting sucked into a book. So far they haven’t caught him. Shadow was now on Apple Jacks farm, avoiding a newly formed Flutterbat. It was dark out and Shadow wasn’t able to use any of his magic to create light. He formed a pair of night vision goggles and put them on. The world turned into a green and black combination as Shadow continued his way into the apple forest. He walked calmly when he heard a loud ear shattering screech. He heard the ponies shout. Around he looked, but Flutterbat was nowhere to be found. A hiss was heard in the distance; Shadow stopped and crouched down behind the nearby brush. He peeked over and saw Fluttershy who had been transformed into a bat. She sat down munching on an apple. Shadow stared at her eat the apple viciously. Fluttershy looked up from her apple and stared at the sky. All of a sudden she took off. Shadow lost her for she was quick. He frantically searched for her spinning his head around. Shadow got up slowly and started to walk away. An apple rolled in front of him. Shadow looked up from the apple but saw nothing. Sweat flew off of shadows head as he walked the pathway back to his infiltration point. He felt like he was being watched. Shadow spun around but saw nothing but trees. The hisses of the flutterbat filled the silent air along with the screams of the ponies as Shadow waited under a bunch of fallen trees. After a while the ponies caught The Flutterbat and turned her back into Fluttershy. The ponies gave their little after lesson which he has been writing down. Shadow then swiftly exited the forest.
It was sunny the next few days. Shadow had transformed back into his cover and was sitting outside a café in Manehattan. He took a drink of his soda and stared across the street at the ponies who were looking for a taxi. Shadow saw them walk away with no luck as drops of rain started to pour down on Manehattan. The soda bottle emptied as shadow sipped his last drops of soda and threw away his cup. Shadow arrived at his hotel room and quickly checked in. As soon as he opened his door, his body burned back into his changeling state. He gasped for air as his body transformed into the changeling he was. Finally he had finished. He quickly regenerated his energy and continued on to rarities show.
Shadow walked behind the alley way to the building which contained the contest. He scanned his surroundings and pulled out what looked like a fly. Shadow set up the mini drone and flew it through an open vent. Shadow navigated the drone through the maze of vents until he came upon a room filled with cloths.

“My, your collection is gorgeous!” a voice echoed through shadows headset. Shadow flew the drone into the room and landed on a desk behind a mirror.
“Oh, Now I'm sure your collection is equally lovely if not more so.” Shadow aimed the head at Rarity and smiled. Gotcha!
He listened in the conversation. It was just about cloths when all of a sudden, the one pony left rarity alone. She bolted pretty quickly after Rarity handed her a piece of her fabric. Shadow considered following her but decided no.
Shadow spied on Rarity for a little while before calling his drone back. He called it a day and went back into his hotel until the competition began.
The drone quickly made its way back into the theatre but this time he landed on a chair in the main hall. He saw two contestants before rarities friend came on stage. Shadow was at a shock to see her with rarities fabric. He tuned in the mike and listened to her talk. Rarity bolted for her competition and started to yell. Shadow listened through his camera. That’s kind of a jerkish thing to do! Shadow thought. He saw rarities eyes fill with tears as she stormed off. The changeling felt something inside of him. He felt a somewhat burning sensation inside of him and decided to follow the pony named Suri Polomare and her assistant Coco Pommel. Suri treated her assistant Coco like crap. Shadow disliked this. They sat down at a café and Coco bought her a coffee. Suri spit it out and yelled for Coco to give her another one. Coco frowned and simply said yes. Shadow snapped at that moment. He flew the drone onto her head and waited for Coco to bring her another coffee. Shadow looked at the Coffee and flew the drone into it. Suri shouted and fell back as coffee spilled all over her. The drone was destroyed but it lasted long enough to fill shadow with satisfactory that justice was done. Back at his hotel room he heard about the ponies working in their hotel room. Shadow sent out an ant drone and went inside. He saw the ponies working on multiple sewing machines. Twilight mentioned food. Shadow saw rarity turn into a rude and bossy pony. She started to freak out. Shadow started to feel sorry a little. He drove the Drone back and went to sleep.
Shadow walked past the security as his pony form and sat down. He watched multiple contestants go up and applauded to each one of them. Suri walked up onstage and immediately frowned. He knew she cheated her way and he didn’t like that. Shadow watched as she showed of her cloths to the oblivious crowd. Shadow was the only one who didn’t clap. Then he heard Rarities name and he looked up. She actually redeemed herself. Shadow spied her looking through the curtains with a large gaping smile. Shadows face for some reason smirked and nearly clapped at the sight of a happy face. But soon her face turned into a frown. Shadow also knew what happened. Her friends weren’t there. He remembered the way she treated them. Shadows brain fogged up with thoughts and memories. At that moment, shadow got up and left. He walked and sat in the restaurant across the street and ordered another soda. He thought of his actions throughout this event. He remembered his mission, but for some reasons his thoughts of today and yesterday flooded over the thought of his queen and the uprising. Suri left the building as Shadows thoughts clouded himself. He focused and saw Suri and her assistant Coco along with the trophy. They hopped into a taxi and drove away. Shadow quickly searched around for anypony watching. He shot a tracking spell at the taxi. He felt his body burn. His time as a pony was almost up. He quickly left the restaurant and went down the street towards his hotel. He was in the main lobby when his legs started to burn the worst. Shadow glanced down and saw his skin burn off slowly. There we a lot of ponies in the main lobby. He quickly stumbled into an elevator as his hoofs started to turn into the changeling he was. The elevator stopped and opened up. Shadow came face to face with Rainbow Dash. She wasn’t looking very happy.

“Oh sorry…” The Pegasus stated.
Shadow walked out and saw his mortal enemy close the door to the elevator and go down. The changeling didn’t feel the same way. He didn’t hate them or want to laugh at them. He felt a wave of sorrow engulf him. The pain of his change seemed to disappear when all of a sudden another voice said excuse me. Shadow let another pony passed as his hooves began to show. He ran to his room and pushed it open. The lock clicked as shadow transformed into his changeling state. He gazed into the mirror and thought for the quickest moment. Would they befriend me? Would I be considered a friend? Shadow shook his head rapidly and remembered Suri.
“Are you Coco Pommel?” Shadow asked to the pony.

Yes, who are you?” She replied.
Shadow had snuck into a fancy dinner party with an intent he never thought would happen. He was going to steal the trophy and give it to Rarity, but he needed some help. Coco was an unwilling assistant who knew what was right and wrong. Shadow just met her near a table serving food.

“That’s not important now, what is important is you knowing that statue with Suri belongs to Rarity.” Shadow stated. “I want to steal it and give it to its rightful owner”
Coco understood as they walked to the next serving table.

“Well what have you got planned?” She asked.

“I'm going to create a distraction. Those security agents are my target. I’ll turn the attention to me, but you will quickly steal the trophy and get out of here.”
Coco nodded and sat down next to Suri. Shadow gave out a sigh and headed for the suit wearing agents. The world seemed to slow down as Shadow headed for the men. The guards noticed him and extended a hoof out to stop him. Shadow turned around and bucked one guard as he was sent flying into the drink table. Another guard tried to tackle him, but Shadow grabbed him and threw him down. Everyone in the room stared at Shadow as more men appeared. Coco quickly swooped up the trophy and headed for the door. Shadow saw her exit and figured it was his turn. He kicked another agent away and whipped out a smoke grenade and threw it to the ground. Smoke filled the room and Shadow sprinted to the exit.

Coco and Shadow walked together far away from the party.
“So who are you?” Coco asked the mysterious pony.

“My name is Shadow” he answered

“Why are you helping me?” She asked

“I don’t know…I felt it was wrong after seeing Rarity being generous. “Shadow replied.

“I never liked working with Suri. She isn’t a nice pony. She always treats me like garbage but I had to get a job somewhere.”

“You have to give it to them…I can’t. “ Shadow quickly retorted.

“Why?” Coco asked.

Shadow quickly sprinted away leaving Coco behind to take the trophy to Rarity…