Equus is Dying

by Silver Nightshade

Chapter 8

-----Night Watch-----
We saw the explosion and the tower fall before we heard it. This was it, the enemy had finally shown itself and they were too late. In a couple seconds the vortex would pull in all marked ponies and they would be safe from this evil. A flash and a sound like thunder filled the sky as the vortex exploded and the packages that were behind me and Silky disappeared. All the mages were panting heavily and as the Guard, we all stood up and got ready for the enemy.
Another explosion, coming from the castle again. They must think the Princesses are still here. "Lets move out soldiers!" I yelled as Silky and my platoons formed ranks around us. My unit moved first, running through the now deserted streets of Canterlot as more explosions sounded in other parts of the city. I run and look from building to building, looking for anypony that doesn't belong. That's when I see it, a pony...I think...that looked to be made of shadows and some form of red energy. It sees us, and lets out a screech that causes my ears to bleed. I hit the ground along with my platoon and when I open my eyes the thing either multiplied, or received back up in the form of exact copies of itself. They all have glowing, red eyes and black, shadow-like tendrils sprouting from their back. I notice that a couple of the tendrils were holding something. They were holding, well more like crushing, members of my team.

-----Silky Dark-----
I heard the screams before I managed to turn the corner and find them. Night's platoon was laying around on the ground or speared on bits of twisted metal on buildings. I found Night among the ponies on the ground and he wasn't in good shape. He had one hoof twisted wrong and his chest seemed compressed.
"Silky," I barely heard him say my name, but he did. "Beware--Shadows." he choked and went limp, his broken body no longer trying to pump air into his lungs. I screamed my sorrow into the air as it turned a dark red with fire dancing across its surface. Occasionally the fire came down and struck parts of the city or the country below. I had a front row seat of it all since I was near the cliff side of the city. I heard a sound like silk and turned, looking at the shadow pony with tears running down my cheeks. I lit my horn and fired a magic bolt at it. It blew apart instantly before reforming. I fired three more and even though it was in more pieces, it still reformed. I closed my eyes and resigned for my fate until I heard an explosion and a pony shouting for me to get moving.
I opened my eyes to see it was what remained of my platoon, they figured out how to kill it.
"Lieutenant, we found bomb and lightning spells are the only way to kill it. bolts or normal weapons won't work as long as any part of the shadow is still around."
"Then what are the pegusi and earth pony guards going to do if they get attacked?"
"They are working on forming a way to either blow the shadow with wind or else hit the red energy and hope it works. Lets move we got to form with the other platoons at the castle Ma'am!" With that we ran, and every time a Shadow pony appeared we either shocked it, bombed it, blew it away, or as luck would have it, stab it in the head with a spear. They never got back up but there were so many of them, and the sky wasn't helping. The fireballs it shot would nearly hit us from time to time.
We managed to get about halfway there before we were ambushed by twenty of the things. They shot red energy at us and one of the orbs managed to hit my flank and created a horrible wound. I was knocked to the ground and looked up into the sky, a fireball was coming down on top of the area. It was huge, taking up probably several blocks at least. I closed my eyes and waited for the end.

-----The End-----
(For Now At Least)