Before Equestria

by Fluttershyfan

Part I, Chapter IV: The Pegasus War

The right flank had been forced back nearly to the grassy knoll where Commander Hurricane had established his base. Despite the restricted space between the valley walls, the superior numbers commanded by Garland and Alouette had more than accounted for the greater skill of Hurricane’s legions.

But the pegasus warlord was not troubled in the least by this development. He had been in far more hopeless positions and succeeded. The final heir to the Greywing dynasty of pegasus rulers had believed Hurricane bested when outnumbered on the order of five warriors to one. And yet, at that battle’s conclusion, Hurricane still stood, and the Greywing dynasty was no more than a smear of red along an otherwise unremarkable hill.

“Alouette’s warriors are nearly upon us,” the commander noted nonchalantly to Master Trueheart, whose Celestial Guard had heretofore stood idly by as the battle had progressed.

“That they are, Commander Hurricane,” agreed the unicorn, as the first flashes of the enemy’s distinctive bronzen armor became visible over the knoll behind which the camp had been erected. “I suppose that now we shall be executing Captain Starstrike’s scheme, yes?”

“Of course,” the pegasus confirmed, giving the foreigner another devilish grin. It was not often that Hurricane utilized a plan which he had not crafted himself, but Starstrike had a tactical mind that very nearly rivaled the Hurricane’s own, and he admired the mare for that—among her many other admirable traits. Beckoning a young lieutenant to his side, Hurricane relayed his instructions: “Advise Starstrike that we are prepared to proceed as soon as the enemy has crested the hill.”

Nodding, the colt took several long strides before launching himself into the air in the direction of the failing right flank. Though the valley was thick with hostile warriors, Hurricane had no doubt that his young messenger would reach his destination safely. Starstrike would keep up the appearance of defeat as best she could, but would never severe the lines of communication between her legions and the commander entirely. She was far too intelligent to be so brash.

A tap on the shoulder brought Hurricane back to the here and now, and Trueheart directed the pegasus’s attention to the top of the grassy knoll. “Here they come, commander,” the unicorn intoned, as several hundred of Alouette’s warriors at last succeeded in breaching Hurricane’s lines. Soon, those several hundred became several thousand, as more and more of the enemy’s warriors poured through the gap.

“Wonderful!” snorted Commander Hurricane. “Trueheart, the Celestial Guard may attack at will.”

“Certainly,” growled the unicorn. With a kick of his hind legs, he bounded forward, barking orders at the unicorns assembled upon the loamy ground of Dream Valley. There was an instant’s pause.

And then, without further hesitation, the Celestial Guard coolly forced each and every hostile pegasus from the sky. They were gifted mages, and their training had honed their skills to the extent that they could exert their will over almost anything—even other ponies. In seconds, what might have seemed to Garland and Alouette to be a certain victory became near-total defeat, as ten thousand warriors writhed on the ground in magic-induced agony.

“Remarkable,” whispered Hurricane, with genuine awe. He trotted up beside Master Trueheart and gave the unicorn a respectful nod. “I never imagined your breed could turn the tide of battle in such a way.”

“That’s because the pegasi have never been foolish enough to make war against us,” explained the mage, as he tossed a pair of unconscious, bronze-clad warriors against the rough slope of the valley wall.

“Fair enough,” Hurricane conceded. Near the top of the knoll, the commander sighted many of his enemies attempting to flee the mighty spells cast upon them by the unicorns. Almost instantly, they were beset upon by Starstrike and a full legion of Hurricane’s warriors, which had been sequestered in the caves along the valley’s eastern wall until just that moment. “I sense we have won the day, Trueheart. From this moment forward, no pegasus legion shall raise a hoof in opposition to the Equestrian League.”