Frozen Equestria

by Flashburn37

Chapter 21: What's mine is Mine

Chapter21:What's mine is Mine
"So, you've acted before?" Anti-Freeze asked Rarity. As they trotted down a hillside in Freezer territory, neither were very worried about running into Freezers. Rarity had deflected three patrols with her charm already!
"More or less darling, I did a stint with the Hearth's Warming Eve Pageant that's worth mentioning, as well as a bit of training. Most of it just comes naturally to me." Rarity explained.
"Well, you handle yourself well in crisis situations! I thought we'd have to fight our way out of the first one, but after the second one? Pfft! I knew I could trust you."
"Thank you darling! But you mustn't down play your part! You handle every back story I improvise like a pro!"
"That's because I am! I'm a spy under the orders of Celestia herself, or I was before Auto recruited me. You know, you have a knack for this kind of thing. Have you ever considered espionage?"
"I could never leave my friends or my fashion career behind, sorry, and spies often get... well... they often have to fight or whisk away in the dark of night into the murk of the *gulp* wilderness."
"Wilderness? If you don't like it out here that much why aren't you more fussy?"
"Oh trust me if it weren't for the dire need of our mission I wouldn't be caught dead out here."
"Then why'd you go in search of Starswirl the Bearded's staff? In the middle of the jungle?"
"Well, I wasn't supposed to! I went to study foreign styles and decided to wait outside for the rest of them to come out. If I hadn't done that, why, who knows what would've happened?" They saw a pillar of smoke in front of them. "Oh, looks like we are here! Now, I am... Diamond! The mine supervisor!"
"As I am Pix, a miner at your mine which is in the Crystal Mountains and,"
"When the Empire returned Celestia turned over my mining rights to the Crystal Ponies."
"Correct! You are here find a new mine for the metal they will need for weapons and I'm here to start it once you do."
"And all of this is under the orders of General Absol." They nodded. "Now, let's get to the makeovers! I've always wanted to try a light blue coat! I guess now I can!" Diamond giggled. "I don't think I'll like the new style of mane, or the white color... I still can't believe Shadow keeps her mane that color, I swear if she went purple it would be much better!"
"Well, you're lucky! I have to have," She reached into her pack and pulled out a note, "A short, spiky, pink mane and I'm bright red..."
"Hmph, I guess you're right dear. Well, let's get started then!" They dyed each other's manes and coats. And Diamond helped Pix cut her mane. "Snip by snip, clipping your mane..."
"What are you doing?" Anti asked her, slightly creeped out.
"Why, singing dear."
"I... didn't realize I was doing it..."
"Odd... You might want to stop, we are rather close to an enemy encampment."
"Alright then, I think you're ready now."
"Thank you. Now, are you ready?"
"To sleep indoors? You know it! Now, let's get to it!" Diamond trotted off and Pix followed her towards the rather large encampment. It consisted of a wooden wall around a stone building over a mine. "I think I know why they chose these aliases. Luckily I know a few spells that will make me seem like a miner! Have I told you how I got my cutiemark?"
"I don't believe you have." Pix admitted.
"How to begin? Ah! There was a play going on at my school and I was making all the costumes, but no matter what I tried they just never seemed quite right. I had almost considered giving up on being the Fashion Queen I am today, but one day, just before the performance my horn pulled me out into the mountains. Literally it pulled me. I was excited because I knew Unicorn magic didn't act on its own for just anything! It was my destiny! After a little while I got quite bored but finally it stopped. In front of a huge boulder! Now you must understand how this upset me. I thought it was leading me to my destiny and I got a rock! It was all made clear though when what I now know as Rainbow's Sonic Rainboom shattered the boulder revealing it to be filled with gems! I returned and fixed the costumes with the gems! During the performance I got my cutiemark. I've since refined the spell and can use it at will to detect nearby gems and jewels."
"Interesting story! I guess finding gems and jewels will come in handy when we get in!"
"Oh it will be simply smashing!" The trotted towards the fort's wooden gate. "Excuse me! Excuse me are there any soldiers on duty here!?" Diamond called out.
A face appeared as a hidden window opened up in the door. "Hello Miss, how can we be of service?" A smiling young gentlecolt recited.
"We are here to survey the area for a mine under the command of General Absol." Pix grunted.
"Oh, here on business I see! Well, let me open these gates right on up for you! The Overseer will want to see you!" The door closed and a scuffling sound could be heard as with a crack the doors swung open. The young gentlecolt reappeared and bowed, saying, "Follow me, Milady." He turned and walked into the big building. Diamond winked at Pix who smiled back as the followed a step behind.
"... So you see, we move our operation up here, and you get weapons faster!" Diamond finished her proposal with a flourish.
The Overseer laughed and nodded, "Why yes it all does make sense! I suggest we make a move on this immediately! But you must be tired after your journey from the Crystal Mountains, why don't you rest while I have my ponies prepare a bit hmm?"
"That would be lovely, but unfortunately our tent got damaged in a storm, could we maybe get a room?" Diamond asked politely.
"Of course! Whatever you need we shall facilitate! Please, umm, Private!" An armored unicorn trotted in the room and bowed. "Take them to the... ah... the Element room!" The soldier nodded as the Overseer went on, "We are currently guarding an Element of Harmony and the room next to it basks in its glow! A single night there rejuvenates even the most tired. Please stay there as long as it takes to find the ore you are looking for!" He gestured for them to follow the unicorn.
"This way Milady." The mare instructed them. "If you ever need anything just ask, most here are really free with their things. Our motto went from we mine the mine to what's mine is yours." She chuckled. "I used to be a stickler and hated giving others things freely but after spending some time here... I see the value of sharing. Ah the room is on your left. Now I recommend that you move your beds to the back right wall, it's the closest to the Element and you get the best rest there. Now, if you'd pardon me, I have duties I must return to."
"See you later!" Pix waved. The shut the door. "So... I guess we should try to get through that wall."
"Oh look at how luxurious this room is! Feather beds! Soft carpet! And even a mint on the pillow of each bed! Oh it's just like the suite I once had in Cantorlot!" Diamond fawned.
"We need to get to the Element."
Diamond chuckled embarrassedly, "Oh yes... of course. So, shall we take shifts?" She smiled.
"Alright, since I'm more used to this life I'm probably not as tired. I'll take the first shift." Pix shivered.
"Thank you dear, but you seem a bit cold. Are you alright? It's kind of warm in here for me."
"Sorry, ever since I got frozen solid and almost died I'll get these occasional flashes of cold. Almost as if I'm still frozen you know?"
"No... Sorry, I've never experienced anything like that. I try to live a peaceful life..."
"It's fine, just go to sleep I'll wake you up later, okay?"
"Alright, whatever you say, Pix."
Diamond was finally asleep when Pix finally start chiseling away at the wall under the bed. She stifled a sneeze as dust began to flow in the air. Her head felt hot. She made sure to chisel slowly to keep the noise down so nopony could hear her. Slowly small chunks of wall began to fall away. At this rate they'd be lucky to crack through the wall by the time they were expected to return to the train station. Her head felt hot. She held the chisel in the other hoof and rolled over to get a better angle. This mission was what she was trained for, but the first of its kind that she had, had to deal with. It was one thing to read and be told what to do and do so in the training ground and another to actually look into a ponies eyes and lie to them about your very identity. Her head felt hot. As she chipped away at the stone slowly time began to pass. A few minutes passed... or maybe a few hours? She looked at her work... there was no way she could have done that in just a few minutes... her head felt hot... She coughed a bit. She covered her mouth with her hoof and when she pulled her hoof away it had blood on it. She stared at her hoof for a minute... or was it an hour? Her head felt hot. She looked down. The ground was getting closer. Her face touched the nice smooth, cool, white carpet and she shut her eyes. Her head was hot...
Diamond slowly opened her eyes and sighed. What a beautiful way to wake up... She rolled over feeling well rested. Hmm I guess the Element really does make you feel more rested! She thought then slowly a troubling thought edged at the back of her mind. Shouldn't Anti have woken me up by now? I shouldn't have slept long enough to feel like this! She sat straight up and glanced around the room. She couldn't hear any scraping! If Anti hadn't woken her up she'd still be chiseling! "Pix?" She whispered worriedly, "Pix?" She got out of the bed and stepped on something soft. She looked down A pair of legs were sticking out from under the bed. They weren't moving. "Pix!" She dragged Pix out from under the bed and checked her for signs of life. She was breathing but only shallowly. She was covered in dust from under the bed and from the stone wall. Diamond quickly cleaned her of dust to remove suspicion and then called for help. "Somepony! Anypony! Help! My friend Pix collapsed and isn't breathing right!"
A commotion broke out down the hall as a nearby patrolpony galloped to help. He yelled out to her, "Help me take her to the medic's room!" He and Diamond lifted Pix up and the galloped down the corridor.
"Oh, I hope she's okay!" Diamond cried in frustration. She knew something had been wrong! She should've forced Pix to sleep first! The rounded a corner and almost bowled over a pony that was running towards the commotion. "Keep the hallway clear in front of us!" Diamond screamed at her.
"Yes Ma'am! Make way!" The pony ran in front of them. They made it to the infirmary and threw the door open. "We have a sick pony here! Help!"
A dodgy looking older pony with a red heart for a cutie mark hopped out of a cot in the corner. And yawned, "Always while I'm asleep... What do you know?" He checked for a pulse and felt her head.
"Well, she was recently frozen during a false alarm in our travels..." Diamond began, "And she's been mining recently."
"Hmph, well then. I think I'll have to put a stop to that! Her lungs were damaged in the ice and by inhaling dust she aggravated the wounds. She will need bed rest and to take some medicine." He scratched his head with his wing, "Yes... I think I have some here. Believe it or not the "Freezers," as the Equestrians have been calling us, have experienced this sort of thing before." He began shuffling through a cabinet. "Ah, here we go! Give her a few drops of this for a few days and she'll be able to do light work for about a week and then she can go back to heavier lifting. I wouldn't recommend her doing any mining for at least two moons though. Maybe three." He opened Pix's mouth a dripped three drops of the medicine into her mouth. "I want her to stay in here until she wakes up just to be on the safe side." He glared at Diamond, "And next time somepony get's frozen on the job you take them to a doctor immediately!"
"Yes Sir..." Diamond resigned. "You think she'll be alright?"
"She won't die but she may have lifelong difficulties breathing when dust or other small particles are around. You may have to be prepared to move her to a desk job in your mining company. Either that or fire her. This is for her safety." Upon seeing Diamonds incredibly sad and worried face he amended his statement, "But that is not a guarantee, she may come out unhindered and with no permanent side effects!"
"Thank you doctor."
That night Diamond attacked the wall with abandon. She moved the bed so as to increase airflow and soundproofed the door with blankets. She used her spell, she could feel her element's gem calling out to her. She was getting closer... For Anti.
"Dad?" Anti whispered as she slowly opened her eyes and saw the face of an old stallion looking over her.
A raspy voice replied. "Sorry but no, I'm not your father. I wish I was though. To have kept pushing through the illness and to keep it hidden this long? While working like that? Hmph, I wish my kin were that strong."
"Where am I?" She asked.
"You are in Fort Iron. More specifically you are in the infirmary, more broadly you are North of Equestria. In the unclaimed almost unlivable North."
Anti remembered it all at once and immediately got back into character. "How long was I out?"
"A few days, but I must ask you a few things." He pulled out kit of medical tools including a small chart with letters that got progressively smaller "What does the chart say?"
"A E D F G H Q W L T J M N N L Y N T G Y P R S T U V... W Maybe another V?"
"Alright vision's good. Now can you tell me how many times you here the bell?" He rang a bell from behind a piece of cloth four times.
"Hearings good."
The doctor showed her a small needle and laughed. "Okay you're feelings returned. Can you smell what this is?" He put a covered plate in front of her.
"It smells like... Freshly picked flowers."
"It's your dinner! And as it would seem, two tests in one! Sample it and tell me if it tastes normal." He uncovered the flowers. "By the way I think you may have also had a minor allergic reaction to the dye you used on your coat. You youngsters... Always changing with the newest fad." He laughed. "Now, I've been watching you for far too long for my weary bones. If you need anything just wake me up, I may be a bit cranky but I'll help."
"Thank you." Pix was worried. If he noticed she died her coat he may have told others! She wondered if Diamond was okay. How much progress had she made on the hole? Was she having difficulty maintaining her persona? Had they been discovered and this was just some sick joke? She shook the thoughts from her head. Worrying wouldn't make a lick of difference. The old doctor was just settling in when Pix asked a question, "Can I go back to my room? No offence but the beds are more comfortable in there!"
"Of course! As always if you have any questions for me, just come and find me! By the way if you just keep taking left turns you'll find your room."
"Thank you!" She slowly got out of the bed, she was still a little woozy, and made her way back to the room. She passed a few guards and made small talk, apparently her getting sick was the most interesting thing that had happened in weeks! She got to her room and tried the door only to find it locked.
"Give me a minute! I'll open that door right up! I was just going over some paper work!" A voice from the other side of the door called out. Sounds of furniture being moved could be heard and then a soft sound of blankets being levitated away. "I've already told I can't seem to find a spot that still has a rich enough..." She opened the door and saw Pix standing there. "Oh! It's you! You're better! Come in! Come in!" As soon as Pix got into the room Diamond used her magic to cover the cracks around the door with blankets and move the bed where they were digging out of the way. "I've made quite a bit of progress as you can see, but I have a feeling our cover won't last very long. This place was emptied of minerals a long time ago and no new ones have grown. How are you doing by the way?"
"I'm fine, sorry for passing out like that."
"You should have told me! I swear sometimes you're as stubborn as Rainbow or Apple. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to digging and you have to rest. Go on, sleep. Now."
"Alright but don't think I'm useless just because I passed out. I still plan on digging."
"I will hear none of that! The doctor told me that you shouldn't be doing that for a few moons! Besides as I get closer I need to make sure the guards on the other side of the vault can't hear anything. Alright?"
Pix yawned, "Yeah... Alright... I just want to be useful..."
"Oh you are sti," Pix snoring interrupted Diamond, "ll useful... Wow you are in need of rest." Diamond giggled as she began chipping away at the stone again. She felt her element more than ever. She would have it by tomorrow.
Pix wandered the halls making small talk until she finally made her way to the door of the vault. A stallion trotted up to her and said, "Sorry, but this area is restricted. But maybe if you tell me where you are headed I can point you n the right direction!"
"Oh, I'm just wandering. The Doctor told me to rest and walk so my lungs can get better faster. I'm Pix by the way, who are you?"
"I'm Swifty the Head of the Vault Guard! Wait... You're the one who got sick? Please sit down! You must be pretty tired! Are you hungry? You can have some of my rations!"
"No thank you. So Vault guard huh? That sounds fun. Anything interesting happen recently?"
"Not really. I mean late last night I heard a scratching noise but it was probably just a rat. Really I just sit here all day. Telling ponies this is a restricted area. Speaking of..." He shrugged.
"Ha ha, I got the hint." Pix laughed as she walked back towards her room.
Diamond sat in the meeting she had been trying to avoid for a few days. The Overseer went on, "So, none of our mineral claims are large enough?"
"I'm afraid so. I still have a few more to check though, who knows. It will probably be the last place we check."
"I guess sometimes that's how the world works. Alright, I'll give you another day, but it should be known that there is another place that may need your company. Another fort only a few miles away. I've heard they are mining over there and you could probably speedup the process considerably."
"Thank you, now if I am to be ready to depart the day after tomorrow I simply must get to my room and begin packing."
"Ah! An early packer! I'm the same way. Do you need any help? I'd be glad to relegate some ponies to help."
"Oh no thank you, I have a very particular system and everything must be just so. I'm sure you understand."
"Completely! Well, then I guess I'll let you go now."
"Thank you once again." Diamond got up a hurried to her room.
Swifty's plan was coming together nicely... Soon he'd save the day! Nopony would expect it until it was too late. The enchantment he put on it was too strong! Everypony would think him a hero no matter who won!
Pix waited patiently in the room for Diamond to return. She looked at the wall. It pained her that they were so close but she couldn't do anything to help. Why did she get these problems? There was always something wasn't there? Whenever she was around her allies for long it seemed like something went wrong. If it wasn't her family it was her friends, or her. She sighed and tapped the top of the footboard on her bed. She picked up a dagger and threw it into a target she had set up earlier. "Bulls eye... again..." She got up and pulled the daggers from it again. Maybe practice was the way to go. She threw four daggers at once and each hit the target, then another three, she spun around and threw two into the headboard and her last flew straight into the bulls eye. She gathered her blades again and this time set up a punching bag and went about conditioning herself.
There was a knock at the door as the voice of Diamond flowed in, "Pix? It's me dear." Pix went and unlocked the door. "We have to hurry! We haven't time to waste, tonight is the night. We leave the day after tomorrow."
"Finally! While you dig I'll get things ready!"
"Are you sure you don't want to rest?" It was at this time Diamond saw the "target" that Pix had practiced on. "What have you been doing? And is that my... it its!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY MISSION SCARF!?"
"I... um... got bored. So I sort of used it for target practice..."
"You're lucky we have work to do." Diamond huffed as she sound proofed the room and began chipping through the wall.
"We won't make it at this rate!"
"Then what do you propose we do? We don't have much time to do anything else!"
"Well, I do have a plan B..." Pix pulled a sledge hammer out from under her bed. "I "borrowed" one from the supply closet in the mine."
"That will be far too loud!"
"Not if we mask the sound!"
"How do you mean?"
"I talked to the Vault Guard Swifty, and their life down there is really boring so I thought I'd liven it up a bit." She pulled out some miniature explosives. "I'll start by showing one or two at a time and then pull out this one." She pulled out a few dozen that had been tied together. "After you hear three little explosions wait exactly ten seconds. That would be one, one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand and so on and so forth."
"Where did you get those!?"
"Same place as the sledge hammer. Mine supply closets kinda rock."
"It's risky but your right. Give me the hammer."
"You only have one shot so put all your strength in one swing alright?"
"You can count on it."
"Hey Swifty!" Pix called out. "I have a surprise for you and the Vault guards! You know, because you don't have much to do..."
"What is it?" He asked.
"I got some mining explosives! I thought we could blow them up for fun!"
"I don't know... that's kinda risky..."
"What are you chicken?" She raised her eyebrows. "I'm leaving soon, but if you don't wanna hang out with me..." She made puppy dog eyes.
"Sweet!" She pulled out a little one, lit it and tossed it a short distance. A loud pop and a flash of light filled the room. She pulled out two that were tied together, lit them and a huge bang and glare of light went off.
"Can I toss one?" Swifty asked.
"Sure!" She tossed him three that were tied together and he lit it then threw it, a forthcoming satisfying explosion echoed down the halls.
"Hehehe this is fun!"
"I know right!?" She pulled out the big one. Eight one thousand, nine one thousand. She lit it, "Time for the big one!" She tossed it and a defining blast and blinding light filled the room. She was knocked off her hooves! She got up laughing and shook soot from her coat. "Wow! That was bigger than I thought!" An alarm went off. "Oh... Well then.. I'd best be going!"
"Hurry! Go I'll explain!" Swifty laughed.
She Dashed back to the room laughing the whole way. She hoped Rarity had taken advantage...
Pix knocked on the door, "It's me, Pix open up!"
The door was flung open and there stood Diamond, wearing a beautiful necklace. "It worked dear."
Pix moved into the room and shut the door, "Wonderful! Is that the Element?"
"This!? Of course not! This is just something else I found in there. I figured we're stealing the Element... might as well take some other things too..." Pix sighed in disbelief and Diamond went on, "Oh come on! Look at it! They had this beauty stashed in a cold vault. It should be worn and showed off!"
"Alright... I'll begin patching up the hole in the wall."
The deed done Diamond told the Overseer that a large deposit had been found and that she needed to go get her company. She convinced him that a letter would be insufficient as they were still in Equestria. Upon hearing this he offered to have her flown there and after a day of sitting in an air chariot they were dropped off back in Equestria and, after bidding their pilots farewell, they began their journey to the rendezvous point. They noticed that winter seemed to have arrived earlier than usual this far south... As they got closer they saw a pillar of black smoke rising high in the sky. Anti looked worriedly over at Rarity who had fear in her eyes. They hurried to climb the last hill and, as they reached its peak, they saw the most terrible sight imaginable...
"We... we... we were too la... There is still time Rarity! Follow me!" And they galloped towards the secondary rendezvous point. "The others will be there I'm sure of it!"