Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.4: The Final Showdown of Trahzo & Deezutra.

by trahzo

Ch.11: Surfing on my Turf!

Pit was then smashed out of the train!

"Ooh, he was suppose to teach you a Final Smash, maybe the next guy will teach you. Anyway, come at me as I teach you the Falco Phantasm, and as a bonus, I'll also teach yah the Fire Bird!"



"Next is...Surf & Turf? Who are those 2?"

"They're those valley girl ponies who cut in front of Fluttershy in the episode Putting Your Hoof Down!"

"We're in trouble now! Just begin the story!"

How come nobody likes Pit? Is it because of the fact he can only fly once a day for 5 minutes or something? In any case, I actually like him because of how he's a weapon master, and the dialogue in his game is hilarious! The final boss battle even had some great dialogue. Pit! Hades! Pit! Hades! Pit! Hades! Piiiiit! Hadeeeeees! Achoo! Excuse you! Damn man, if funny dialogue like that doesn't make you like him, then too bad for you! So any way, Spike had just entered himself in the surf competition and is determined for victory! Because the grand prize, Is a cruise around the world for 3! he plans to have him, Twilight, and Rarity go on that cruise because of his love for both! And also, it's a month long cruise with free everything! He intends to spend this month to finally win over Rarity's feelings once and for all! He feels like he can win, for he's surfed plenty of random times, and his pines make him more arrow dynamic that the other competitors! He was about to meet-up with his friends after signing until suddenly...

"What do you think you're doing little dragon?"

"Surf & Turf, it's pleasure to see you to!"

"Cut the crap boy! That cruise is ours!"

"That's if, you can beat me!"

"Aaaaaaaw, he thinks he has a chance at beating us!" Said Turf.

"Listen here shrimp, this beach is our turf! So you better back down or we'll crush you!" Threatened Surf!

"I do not scare easily bitches, so yeah, back off! (This is my only chance to make Rarity mine, and I refuse to let anyone stop me, especially those 2 annoying ass bitches!)"

"We gotta do something Turf, every time we intimidate a threat, they always bow out!"

"I guess it wont work this time girl, looks like we gotta cheat!"

"Yeah, and let's not forget, it's an anything goes match!"

"Fuck yeah, now let's do this!"

So the competition began with and so many were taken out, but Spike's burning will, made him stay strong! That's when, a Sharpedo jumped at him! Spike countered and punched it's nose! Then Sharpedo retreated to it's Pokeball!

"You girls, are you seriously trying to kill me? Fine, if it's a fight you want, than bring it!"

"Blah, blah, blah! Surf, catch this!" Then Turf threw to Surf, a chain saw! Surf then struck Spike's board, and Spike took the chainsaw, threw it into the wave, then froze Surf where she stood with a surprise kiss! Then Spike laid Surf down on the board she was on.


Then Spike jumped to the board Turf was on, then froze her as well with a surprise kiss! Guess you could say he's as cool as the Ice dragon Kyurem! So Spike won the surf contest, and the prize, unfortunately, Twilight & Rarity got sick being splashed by so much water! Spike then felt disappointed about that fact! Then, he thought of something, so the free cruise wouldn't go to waste.

"Hey Surf & Turf?"


"Here, you can go-onger the cruise, the 2 I wanted to bring got sick."

"You're really giving us these tickets?"

"Yeah, my original plans were derailed, so it seems that this time the bad guys win!"

Then before Spike turned, his left arm was grabbed by Surf, and his right Turf.


"Come with us Spike, it'll be fun, and also..." then they put their lips on his at the same time by having them take a side on his lips each. "Also, that's for what you did to us earlier! So, you feeling like it?"


"Good, we'll see you tomorrow at the docks!" Then after they went their separate ways..."Huh, instead of a beautiful pony like Rarity, I instead got 2 cute ponies."

"Sweet girl, we just got ourselves a free cruise, and a lay!"

"Trixie really doesn't like their accents, get Trixie the next letter please."


"Great job on learning both of my moves! Now I must be off!"

Then after Falco left...

"Hello, I am a random Pokemon Trainer and my Greninja here would like to teach you Blood Brandy, his Night Slash Final Smash!"

"Cool, I'll be just like Strider Hiryu using the Ragnarok!"