Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.4: The Final Showdown of Trahzo & Deezutra.

by trahzo

Ch.7: Red Sis.

"Next is...Macareiner, the R63 Big Mac, well that sorta makes sense since these 2 were the 1st 2 male characters, then one day people started doing yaoi ships, but anyway, Trixie thinks the only other story who has done this ship between Spike & the R63 Big Mac was Spike's Gals by Spikerules302. Anyways, let's begin the story!"

Spike had just made it to Sweet Apple Acres to help out with the new farm animals!

"I'm here guys, don't worry!"

"Howdy Spike, so glad you could make it!" Said Applejack. "Could you help Macareiner with the Sleepy Sheep? They keep-on jumping around, which is very dangerous, because they might touch somepony and cause them to fall asleep, and I already am having problems trying to make Emboar and Grumpig not fight!"

"Will do A.J. you can always count on..." Then he slammed into a Moo Moo. "...Me!"

Then as the Moo Moo fell over..."Granny, a bandage for Applebloom! *Slam!*

"....Oh-no, I'm so sorry Applebloom...wait a minute...yes! With the leader out of commission, I don't have to worry about the CMC for a while! Yes!" Then Spike victoriously ran off. "Freedom!"

The Farm had a big variety of animals, and wow where they much more fun than the regular everyday versions! There were Cluckbooms, Mareeps, Moinks, oh my! Blazikens, Cuccoos, and they even have a bunch of Gogoats to! If you think having these many animals is impossible well you can take it up with the Moblins! Soon, Spike made it to Macareiner, the farm's big beauty. Spike then greeted her.

"Hey Mac!"

"Spike, I told you, it's Maca, if you cal me Mac, it's as if you're calling me a boy."

"Sorry, buddy, let's just get to work."

"Good, go pick-up that rope, and gloves, if you touch a sleepy sheep bare, they'll make you fall asleep."

"Yes Ma'am!"

Then Spike managed to get the jumping Sleepy Sheep tied down. Then Macareiner pulled out the sheers and sheered the sheep.

"Phew, finally, thank goodness you came to help us Spike."

"You're welcome, but why did you guys buy so many of these creatures?"


"Fluttershy asked you to buy them with money she left so when she comes back from vacation tomorrow, she can collect them, right?"


"Of course."

"Well, wanna help me with mah other chores?"


So they spent the day doing a big list of chores, they enjoyed each other's company a whole lot, it was as if they were made for each other, and were almost finished, they had just one more chore to do, and it was in the barn. Spike and Macareina had just opened the door and that's when they saw it! Rarihick and A.J. making out on a pile of hay! Macariener saw that Spike was shocked and decided to chew out them both.

"Applejack! I thought we agreed that kissing was forbidden in the barn! Also Rarity, remove that offensive get-up! Do what I told you 2 now, or I'll be forced to use violence!"

"Let's go babe, Macareiner gets scary when she gets this way!" Then they ran out, and Rarihick's clothing flew off.

Then she put a hoof on Spike's shoulder.

"You feeling fine boy?"

"No...I just lost my only chance at romance."

"Spike, if it means anything..." Then she lifted his chin-up. "...what we've been through today, has proven that you aint no boy to me, you're a big strong man!" Then she rubbed her nose against his. "And don't you forget it!"

"Are you sure?"

"Fuck eeyup, you assisted me in chores that a creature with your non-muscles couldn't do."

"Gee, thanks!"

Then they began laughing.

"Sugar, come here & gimme a hug, I'd actually want you as mah bo."


"Yeah, I think you're great! If I was a boy, we'd be close like brothers!"

"That's cool...but since we're different genders, we can be together." Then he hugged her!

So Spike and Macareiner held each other close and lied on a hay bail. She then puckered her lips.

"H-hey, I thought kissing wasn't allowed in here."

"I'm the one who made that rule, so I can break it whenever I want."

"You crooked cop." Then they kissed.

"Who here actually wants to date Big Mac?"

Then no one said I.

"Yeah, he maybe handsome, but he isn't a conversationalist! Get Trixie the next letter!"


"You're all kicked out of my train, better have fun walking the rest of the way to Canterlot! That's what you get for destroying my Train, furthermore..."

"No wonder Link never speaks." Commented Blood Brandy.

"Guys, a side step says that we have to tie-up Toon Link and hijack his train if he starts lecturing, and used the enclosed rolls of duct tape!" Said Fatboi.

"Trahzo sure thought of everything, let's get him!"

Then they ambushed Toon Link, tied him up with the tape, and left him there in the middle of nowhere!

"Next stop, Canterlot! Full steam ahead!" Commanded Black Kirin.

Then Toon Link struggled to free one of his arms because they at least had the kindness to leave his equipment with him, and the Master Sword was just a few inches away from him.