My Little Pony: Twilight's Requiem

by Pika53

Chapter 10

As they continued to travel through the deserted city, Jaden wondered where the others might be; and hoped they were ok. Although they had been walking for roughly forty minutes, fortunately they hadn’t encountered any opposition. Instead, the area was as silent as it had been when they’d first arrived in town. The effect of which was distinctly creepy.

Passing what could have been another restaurant; the pair came to a halt and exchanged glances as a shout of “WHAT?! NO MORE CAKE OR ICE CREAM? THE APOCALYPSE IS NIGH!” was heard from somewhere inside followed by a chorus of ‘SSSSSHHHHHHHH!’ noises.

“Guess this means we found ‘em.” Jaden remarked.

The pegasus stared dubiously at him for a moment before rolling her eyes and murmuring in reply.

“Everyone still awake?” Jaden called out as they entered the building.

The pair entered into what resembled a damaged lobby and saw most of the other ponies lying around looking miserable. They looked up as Jaden and Dash approached. Minutes later, Pinkie appeared from an adjacent room; looking distressed at not finding the mythical confections she’d described. As he let his gaze drift, Jaden noticed that Desi seemed content to lay on the floor beside Rarity; the site was unusual but somehow seemed to fit.

“Glad to see ya’ll are ok.” Applejack remarked.

“Eh, it was nothing.” Dash boasted.

“Where’s Twilight?” Jaden asked, noticing somepony was missing.

“We got separated. She and Princess Luna should be at the castle by now.” Tess replied.

“I see.” Jaden said as he walked over to the cart and began loading ammo into his bag.

As he did so, Jaden wondered how the bag was able to hold all the stuff that was in it and still have room for more in addition to being so light. He put most of the ammo and grenades in the bag but left some in the cart just in case they needed it. The ponies meanwhile, looked to one another in confusion.

“We have to hurry.”

“They’ll wait for us, we have time.” Tess remarked.

“No, we have to hurry!” Jaden snapped a bit more forcefully than he’d intended as he turned and headed back toward the street.

Once again, the ponies looked to one another, exchanging opinions between themselves without uttering a single word before following him.

Trotting briskly around the bend of a torch lit hallway, Twilight clutched the plaque piece tightly with her magic as she followed Princess Luna. So far, getting in and moving around the castle had been surprisingly easy. No traps or creatures had impeded their way. Twilight wasn't sure yet if that was a good or bad sign. She only hoped the others were ok.

As they continued along the hallway, Twilight was surprised by how fast they had been traveling. For reasons she couldn’t understand, Princess Luna had been in a rush to reach the palace throne room and didn’t seem interested in what was happening or why. Twilight noted that such behavior was unusual from the princess. Tense minutes passed before the pair reached the doors leading to the throne room. Upon entering, Twilight could see that nothing had changed from her previous visit.

She had to admit the sight was distinctly creepy. Princess Luna meanwhile began pacing the room restlessly.

“Now all we need to do is find a way out of here.” Luna muttered.

Twilight quickly approached the pedestal beside the series of inactive oval shaped lights.
Studying it briefly, Twilight was sure the plaque piece she had would make the device work.

“I think I can get it to work.” she said.

Princess Luna nodded in approval.

“Shouldn’t we wait for the others?” Twilight asked.

“I’m sure they’ll be along shortly but we need to go.” Luna replied dismissively.

Twilight blinked. That hadn’t been the reaction she was expecting. She briefly pondered the princess’s strange behavior before shrugging inwardly and set to work on the puzzle. Unknown to Twilight, a dark figure stalked her from the small utility passage adjacent to the throne room. Moments later, Twilight beamed as the series of inactive oval shaped lights burst into life.

“Congratulations on solving the test.” a familiar venomous voice spoke up behind her.

Turning, Twilight was surprised to see GLaDOS standing behind her next to the princess. Princess Luna meanwhile, seemed to be observing at her in a strangely detached manner that gave her the creeps. Twilight was about to ask what was going on but thought better of it. Minutes later, the door they’d just passed through burst open and Twilight was relieved to see the others were ok.

“Sorry we’re late, got caught in traffic.” Jaden muttered.

Twilight noted rather curiously that both GLaDOS and Princess Luna seemed to regard the others arrival with disdain.
Jaden meanwhile, seemed to be amused by their response.

“So good of you to join us.” GLaDOS growled.

“Did you really think we’d miss this party?” Jaden retorted.

“Ooo a party… I can think of lots of ways to liven this place up!” Pinkie Pie squealed.

Everypony turned and regarded Pinkie Pie with confusion. Moments later, Twilight groaned
and facehoofed at the comment. GLaDOS meanwhile, seemed to be watching them intently.

“So, you think you can defeat me?” she asked, assuming an attack stance.

“Let’s dance.” Jaden replied, assuming an attack stance Twilight was unfamiliar with.

“Oooo, I love a good dance like I love a good party!” Pinkie shrieked.

“What dance should we do? Oooo, maybe we could do the conga, or the jive, or line dancing, or maybe even the pony-poky.” she continued.

The party balloon flanked mare fell silent only when Tess jammed a hoof into her piehole with a sigh. Jaden meanwhile, shot Twilight
a curious glance. With a sigh, Twilight rolled her eyes and shook her head. Shrugging, Jaden once again assumed a fighting stance. Letting her gaze drift, Twilight wondered where Princess Luna had suddenly disappeared to. She was interrupted from her musings as Jaden suddenly lunged at GLaDOS.

The mare of darkness quickly dodged a high kick, blocked a low kick, and parried a punch with a forehoof before Twilight even knew what happened. GLaDOS countered with a swift buck followed by a jab that knocked the wind out of the boy and caused him to stumble into Pinkie and Fluttershy before hitting the ground. Rainbow Dash charged forward and began to hurl a series of punches and bucks. GLaDOS easily blocked the blows and counterattacked, knocking the pegasus out of the air.

After exchanging glances Applejack charged forward and began to hurl a series of punches and bucks of her own. Rainbow Dash meanwhile, had recovered and lunged at GLaDOS again. Smirking, the mare of darkness blocked every attack they offered with ease then countered by bucking the earth pony in the chest before following up with another buck that seemed to sweep Applejack off her hooves. GLaDOS continued the assault by knocking Rainbow Dash out of the air with a pulse of magic before teleporting behind the others as Jaden and Tess lunged for her.

Twilight readied herself for battle but quickly found herself lying on her back when Rarity suddenly collided with her after GLaDOS used another pulse of magic. After struggling to her hooves, Twilight saw Jaden throw another punch, only for GLaDOS to side-step it and retaliate with a surprise buck and chop that dropped him to the ground just as Tess rushed at her once more. Tess hurled a punch that GLaDOS blocked. The dark pony countered with a left hook followed by a buck to the chest that stunned the alicorn before grabbing a foreleg and flipping her onto the ground as Rainbow Dash rushed forward once again with a flying kick and a yell.

“This is madness!” Rarity grumbled, shaking her head and sighing.

Twilight was inclined to agree as they watched the pegasus get flung into Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Trixie. Moments later, she and Rarity dived out of the way as a pulse of magic was directed at them. Scrambling to her hooves, Twilight saw Tess lunge at their adversary once again. Unfortunately, the alicorn was blasted aside by a pulse of magic as Jaden hurled himself at their assailant once more with what appeared to be some sort of flying kick. The two then began swapping blows at a frantic pace. After several long minutes, the pair stepped away from each other and into fighting stances as they slowly circled one another.

Moments later, the sound of shattering glass grabbed everypony’s attention.

Turning toward the room’s entrance, Twilight gaped as she saw dozens of those freaky insect-things
and zombies clashing with one another as they approached from the adjacent hallway.

“Uh, time to go! Quick, head for the portal!” Jaden called out before lunging at GLaDOS again.

Nodding, Twilight whistled and pointed toward the portal. The group began to stagger toward the gateway as quickly as they could. Passing through the opening, Twilight watched as most of the others collapsed to the ground in exhaustion. Moments later, Jaden passed through the opening.

“Sealing the door.” he said as he tossed something back through the portal.

As the portal closed, the boy collapsed to the floor with a pained groan. Twilight meanwhile, gazed around at their new surroundings. Curiously enough, they were in another bland hallway similar to the ones she’d seen during the first set of tests. Returning her gaze to the group, Twilight noted that they were all in rough shape.

“Boy, howdy, Jaden! You look more worked over than that busted old plow of my brother's!” Applejack commented.

“I certainly feel like it.” Jaden replied.

“I don’t think I can handle another mêlée like the last one so if it’s all the same to you let’s not do that again.” he continued.

“Agreed.” Tess gasped.

“Um... I... could take a look at it for you. That is... um... if you want me too.” Fluttershy meekly offered.

Nodding, Jaden slowly removed his bag and rummaged around in it for a moment before handing a white colored box to Fluttershy.
He then removed his shirt and Twilight noted several nasty bruises as the animal caretaker began treating him. Letting her gaze drift, Twilight couldn’t help but wonder where Princess Luna had gone.

“Where is Princess Luna?” she asked.

“I hate to say it but Luna was never really here.” Jaden answered, gaining everypony’s attention.

“Twilight, do you remember when I told you about where I was from?” he continued.

Twilight nodded.

“Well, it seems GLaDOS is personifying all the negative aspects of it in a curiously detached clinical manner.”

Taking a seat, Twilight frowned as she reflected upon this newest revelation while Jaden continued speaking.
As she did so, Twilight felt a fury she hadn’t experienced is quite some time began to build within her.

“I was watching her behavior, particularly at the bridge. Something just didn’t seem right. ”

“Then what did we just face back there?” Applejack asked.

Jaden took a moment to compose himself and put his shirt back on before responding.

“My guess is that it was some sort of flesh clone. Interesting that it knew how to perform martial arts.”

Twilight released an exasperated sigh; noting the put upon expressions some of her
companions were wearing as well. Apparently, she wasn’t the only pony that was upset.

“So, what do we do now?” Rarity asked.

“Well, since that portal led deeper into the facility rather than to an exit like
we all thought perhaps it’s time we paid a visit to our esteemed hostess.” Jaden replied.

“Fine. Let's just go already!” Rainbow Dash yelled, bolting to her hooves.

Over the murmuring from some of her fellows, Twilight frowned and gained a thoughtful look.
After all, the boy did have a point considering that plan sounded better than just standing around.

“Desi, you can lead us to where GLaDOS is right?” Jaden asked.

As everypony began crawling to their hooves Twilight blinked; what was he talking about now?

“Uh, yeah I think I can do that.” a timid male voice replied.

Twilight felt herself blush as she levitated Desi into her saddlebag; she’d totally forgotten about the strange little sphere. Apparently, one of the others had thought to bring him through the portal. Tess meanwhile, helped Jaden to his feet and the group began walking down the hallway before them. As they traveled, Twilight couldn’t help but wonder what would happen next.