Fate's a Funny Thing

by Honest Wisdom


I yawned and stretched. Something was supposed to happen today, the feeling nagged in the back of my head as I walked over to the bathroom. I took a bath and preened my wings. I flapped them twice and yawned again. I slouched down the stairs to see a large amount of decorations and ponies running around the castle. The most frequent was Twilight who looked like she was having a freak out.

Discord hangs from the perches set up around the palace and chuckles darkly at the Chaos. I Flew up to him and took a place next to him. He Snaps his fingers and makes some popcorn appear. "That better be butter-less." I glare at him. It had taken several weeks and an attempt at the Stare* to convince** him to slow down on all the treats. I even managed to convince him to start a magic-less Exercise regimen. And if he did snack excessively I just smacked him with a wing.

"Of course not!" He shouted appalled. "What kind of Draconequus do you take me for? I am insulted!" While he was acting offended I popped a kernel into my mouth.

"It's caramel coated." I grin. "I'll allow it. I won't Tell Fluttershy if you give me my own." Another red-and-white striped bucket popped into existence and I snatched it up. "Come here you delicious candy coated treat!"

I stuffed my head into the bucket and began munching happily. "Tho'," I ask through the Popcorn. "Waz gon on?"

Discord began to say something but Twilight ran past. "Cadence Is Coming!"

"Huh," I stifle a giggle at Discord's expression. "Really, And how is that important?"

Before he can answer Twilight runs past again triple-triple checking her checklist. "She's the best foalsitter ever and she's married to my BBBFF and she's a princess like me!" I snicker.

Discord Growls and a rain cloud appears over his head^*. I nudge him. "Conceal don't feel." I mumble. A smile plays at his lips and the Storm cloud doesn't disappear. I grab the cloud and break it in half.the cloud becomes lighter in color as I shove them out of the window.

"Sorry, I have a lot on my mind."

I munch on some Popcorn. "Wanna' talk 'bout it?" He blushed and I gasped. "It's about Flutters ain't it?"

He mumbles a response. I poke him in the ribs. "I'm thinking of asking her out."

It's all I can do to keep my magic under wraps. "Doitdoitdoitdoitdoit!" I Grab him by the horns and pull him close. "DO IT!!!"

He pushes me away with a slightly terrified look on his face. "Okay, okay. Geez' and I thought SunButt was obsessed with my love life." He rubs his lion arm with his eagle talon. "Or lack there of."

"Ha! No," I pat his shoulder. "I'm concerned about Flutters. She's almost a Hermit as it is. If it wasn't for her Friends she'd be shut up with her Animals all the time." A memory of her pet rabbit surfaced in my mind. i shuddered from fear. "I think Dating would be good for her, plus neither of you is good with people. You're adorable together!"

Fluttershy, Discord, A bear and I sat at a table with tea and cupcakes. I sipped my tea thoughtfully and watched the two across the table. The bear had magnificent manners, even engaging in civil conversation with discord, who for some reason understood every word/growl.

"And then what happened?" he asked the bear as Fluttershy refilled his teacup.

"Arrraugharr Grr roar." the Bear...Err... Growled? Yes, growled.

"No! That's horrible!"

Fluttershy giggled at the pair. I look at her. "What are they even talking about?"

"Fish." She sipped her tea calmly. It was amazing how such a strange sight was fine to her but the minute she was pointed toward something completely normal and she'll freak.

I grin evilly as a thought occurs to me. "Attention Everybody!" I stand on my hindlegs and clear my throat. "Salmon is better than carp. That is all." I sit back down. At that moment all Chaos breaks loose.

"Ahh, good times." I say fondly.

"Where are the Kumquats?" Twilight shrieks from some part of the palace.

Discord sighs. "It's just, I've never been on a date."

"Awww, you're like a baby." I pinch his cheek. "Don't Worry, Auntie Wisdom will teach you everything you need to know."

"...I'm two thousand years older than you."

"Firstly, don't make it about you, Whenever my boyfriends started droning on about themselves even when I didn't ask made me wanna..." I stop. "Moving on. Try taking her someplace special, not exactly romantic but you can try that if you want. Oh, and her Favorite flowers are tulips! Get her some of those. Maybe you can Get Bearry to help find a nice place to take her, you two made up right?"

"NEVER!!!" he shouted nearly launching me clear off the Perch.

I cough. "Okay then, Let's go ask Rarity."

"YOU'RE FIRST DATE??!!??" She screeches. Discord's mane is blown back stick straight. "WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING YOU'RE WHOLE LIFE? You don't date, you don't have a Job, Darling you simply must let me design an outfit for this momentous occasion."

"Actually," He begins, Before he says anything else he's wrapped in a light blue aura and dragged into the back room. "Save me!"

After a few minutes of screams, pleads for mercy, and power tools for some weird reason, Rarity emerges from the room victorious. "I... Have completed a masterpiece!"

Discord steps out off the room. I stare in amazement. "By Celestia, you're a miracle worker."

The New Discord looks down at his outfit frowning "I feel silly."

I snap my talons and make the outfit appear, folded, in a box. "Thank's Rarity, What do we owe you?"

"Oh please, it's on the house. What are friends for?" She waves at us as we leave. "Applejack owes me Fifty bits as it is."

We wave back. "What did she mean by Fifty bit's?"


Twilight rubbed her temples. "I'm telling you, he's going to ask out Pinkie!"

Rainbow crossed her fore legs. "He obviously likes Celestia, I mean flowers! Come on!"

Rarity flipped her mane. "You two can't be more clueless! He and Fluttershy are soul mates! Have you seen the way they look at each other"

Applejack scoffed. "I'm with Rainbow on this one."

"I agree with Rarity!" I wave my claw in the air. "Let's make a bet, Fluttershy, Pinkie, or Celestia."

"Deal" The four ponies in the room exclaimed. Spike ended up holding the bits.

"She fixed Jackie's hat!" I stuff the box into his arms. "GoodluckGottagoBye!" I zoomed off before he can ask anymore questions.