The Flower

by sourichan

The Flower

The flower bloomed a myriad of pinks with layered petals waving lackadaisically in the breeze. Its stalk was a delicate pale green with leaves arranged in a delicate pattern spiralling up the stem.

Rarity paused her morning walk to gaze at the flower, before bending and gently wafting its perfume into her muzzle.

“I do say, you are simply marvellous!” she cooed. “And you would look simply gorgeous on my armoire. Oh! Don’t disappear, little one. I’ll be right back with some shears and a vase to compliment your dashing ensemble of pastels!”

Rarity began her trot back to the boutique humming cheerfully. She glanced around at the brightly painted houses around her, and gave friendly greetings to the few ponies she passed.

“Well, if it isn’t the most perfect of mornings!” she said to herself, glancing up at the cloudless, azure sky. “The pegasi have really outdone themselves today.” She continued humming to herself, and closed her eyes for just a moment to take in the sounds and sights of the morning.

Her hooves clacked on the wood of the bridge. She lazily opened her eyes and suddenly widened them in panic. She jumped back just in time to avoid crashing into Roseluck.

“Oh, I do beg your pardon. I really should mind where I’m--” Rarity stopped short when she noticed Rose’s teary eyes, “Rose, whatever is the matter?” she gasped, putting a hoof on Rose’s shoulder.

“It’s only--sniff--they--” She was overwhelmed with fresh sobs, but managed to gesture behind her to the group of construction workers busy clearing what had just yesterday been an empty, overgrown lot with a few scrubby bushes, some bright wild flowers and locust trees.

“Oh dear.” Rarity walked Rose over to a bench and sat down with her. “That is where they’re putting in the new coffee shop, isn’t it?”

“Y-yes.” Rose sniffed again. “I tried to get here before they started, but it was before dawn. It’s where the best patch of wild roses in all of Ponyville grew and I--I didn’t manage to get any seeds…” She put a hoof over her face. “And now they’re gone forever!”

A sudden breeze lifted Rarity’s mane. She glanced over in time to see a speeding yellow blur breezing past them. Rarity gasped as Fluttershy dove in front of the bulldozer to scoop up something in her arms and spun out of the way just in time to avoid being ploughed over.

“Hey! Watch it!” yelled one of the construction ponies, powering down the machine. “You could’ve been hurt!”

Another one rushed up to her. “Ma’am, are you alright?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Sorry for worrying you,” murmured Fluttershy, clutching something close to her chest.

“Then, if you could please step to the side?” The pony ushered her off the construction zone and waved at his fellow worker to continue.

Rarity and Rose ran over to Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy, what were you thinking?” Rarity gasped at her. “You could have been seriously injured, darling!”

“I had to…” Fluttershy said, slowly lowering her hooves to reveal a kitten nestled gently between them. It mewed up at her plaintively.

Fluttershy sighed. “I-I didn’t make it in time to save the mother,” she whispered, tears forming in her eyes. “The little family had been living in that lot for weeks…I didn’t know--didn’t know today was the day...”

Rarity reached out a hoof and put it around her shoulders. Rose sniffled nearby and joined the hug.

They were interrupted by a loud meow as a striped tabby wound in between their legs.

“Daisy!” Fluttershy gasped, dropping to the ground and nuzzling the cat. “You made it out! I was afraid...after I saw your home destroyed...”

The kitten in Fluttershy’s grasp jumped to the ground and started purring as it leaned up against its mother.

Rarity found herself tearing up slightly as the small family reunited, but she dabbed at her eyes before her eyeliner could be put under jeopardy.

Slowly, they all turned to look at the lot which was nearly cleared.

“I wish they hadn’t done that. Besides the cats, there was a family of blue jays in there.” Fluttershy sighed. “I’m glad they made it out alright.” She glanced over to a nearby tree where there were three birds sitting on a branch, staring into the lot. “I’m sad they’ve lost their home though.” She started over to them. “Um, Mr. Bluejay? I’m sorry this happened to you, but I want to let you know you’re always welcome to stay at my cottage.”

Rarity frowned back at the lot again. “Really. Does Ponyville really need another of those coffee shops? We already have Sugarcube Corner.”

“I don’t know, Rarity,” murmured Fluttershy. “I’m just glad everyone made it out safely.” She started to drift towards the blue jays, Daisy and her kitten following in her wake. “I need to get these critters home.”

Rarity nodded. “I will see you later then, dear.” She glanced back at Roseluck who was still staring dully at the lot. “Perhaps some of the seeds will survive and the roses will return?” Rarity bit her lip. “It’s always possible, Rose.”

“I suppose you’re right, Rarity.” She sighed, wiping a last tear from her eyes. “There’s nothing I can do about it now…I’m...going to go water my other roses. I still have them, afterall.” She nodded at Rarity before trotting back across the bridge, her head hanging low.

“Oh dear,” Rarity murmured to herself. She glanced once more at the cleared lot, then tossed her hair. “That shop won’t be gaining my patronage!”

Rarity resumed her trot off towards the boutique. “That was quite horrible, but there’s absolutely nothing we can do now. It’s over and done with…” She reached the lawn of the boutique and paused, staring back over her shoulder, before snapping her head forward again. “Now, I mustn’t forget the reason for returning home. I’ll just step in for a pinch go and bring back that gorgeous flower!”

She opened the door of the boutique with her magic before trotting over to a cabinet and opening that too. “Now, which vase would look best with the colors?” She pulled out several, holding them in her magic and looking at them critically. Finally, she decided on a deep purple with an inlaid silver pattern. “That ought to do the trick!”

She summoned her shears from her workbench before turning around and heading back out the way she’d come. She trotted past the lot again, giving it a dirty look, back over the bridge and into the field where she’d seen the flower.

“It was just about here--ah.” She spotted it and again was struck with it’s simplistic beauty. “You are just perfect!” she breathed. She readied her shears, careful to line them up with the ground to get as much of the stem as possible and was about to cut--

A green inch worm stuck his head up from the leaf, causing Rarity to pause. “Well, hello there little fellow!” She reached her hoof forward and waited for the worm to inch its way onto it. “Let me just place you here so I don’t take you home with me!” She set him down on a neighboring flower where he remained upright, watching her.

Rarity hummed gently as she again lined up her shears. She was again distracted by the buzzing of a bee. It dipped gently and landed on the brightest petal. It crawled down into the flower, gathering nectar. Rarity sat back and watched the bee for a moment.

“Ever busy, aren’t you little bee?”

It flew out of the bloom and buzzed idly past her face, pausing to look at her.

Rarity frowned slightly and looked down at her shears. She knelt down next to the flower and again sniffed its rich scent. She reached out with her shears once more, but instead bit her lip and lay them down at her side.

Instead, she eased herself back on her haunches, careful not to sit in any mud, and just gazed at the flower and all the flickering life surrounding it.

Several minutes later, she got to her hooves and trotted away.

The beautiful flower blew in the breeze, its stem bending slightly down, almost as if in a bow.