Brought Together

by Dream Treasure

Part Four

Rarity's sobs are louder than a sonic rainboom. The 6 mares sit in the same funeral home as they did not even a day ago. Rarity and Sweetie Belles family have come from all over Equestria, the cousins who would visit Sweetie once a year, the aunt and uncle who would babysit them when they were young. and then her mother and father.


"two in just two days. ah think thats a record." Apple Jack looks up to the sky, looking at the clouds.

"Its supposed to rain in 3 minutes, you know." Rainbow Dash nudges her.

"Ah don't care." Apple Jack spits into the grass.

"Don't become depressed. I know every thing is going down hill, but soon it will go up." Rainbow Dash attempts to cheer her up, not being her usual cocky self. "Life... Could be 20% cooler right now." A tiny grin forms on Apple Jacks face.

"Ah'm not even gonna ask where thats from." Apple jack rests her head on Rainbow Dash's shoulder when the rain starts pouring down around them

"I told you." Rainbow Dash shrugs Apple Jack's head off and stands up. "Why don't we go see Twilight?" Rainbow Dash suggests. Apple Jack stands up, the small grin that was once there is gone, her face is long.

"Or why don't we see how Scootaloo is holding up?" Apple Jack walks to the edge of the tree, where the leaves end and the rain begins.

"Good idea." Rainbow Dash pulls Apple Jack close and nods her head. "Lets go" The two mares begin running across the field. The rain creates mud around them below the grass. Mud kicks up around them as they run.


The blue Pegasus knocks on the door of the young Pegasus filly, the only cutie mark crusader, her house is small, lightly colored, but on the ground, as the young filly is handy capped, and cannot fly. The door swings open to reveal a young orange pegasi filly. her purple mane is in tangles and eyes are tired, tried tears wet the fur on her cheeks.

"Rainbow Dash?" The orange filly runs into The rainbow Pegasus's hooves. She cries into her fur, and rainbow leads her inside the house, away from the rain, Apple Jack follows behind and shuts the door. "Rainbow Dash I'm so scared."

"why, scoots?" Rainbow Dash asks smoothing the fillys mane out.

"Whats going to happen to the CMC? whats going to happen to me?" She stops crying and looks up to her mentor.


"What?" The orange filly questions

"You still have Babs in the Crusaders. You're not alone, Scoots" Rainbow Dash sits on the couch, beside Scootaloo.

"You're right. Apple Jack?" Scootaloo looks to Apple Jack.


"could.. could you ask Babs if i can come stay with her for a while? In Manehatten?"

"'Course, Scootaloo, I'm sure she will say yes."

"Thank you, Apple Jack."