A Guide to Recent Equestrian History

by mint20

A Message from Princess Twilight Sparkle

A Message From Princess Twilight Sparkle

Having recently been elevated to the prestigious position of the Princess of Friendship, I have come into contact with many ponies. As a Princess, they often turn to me first as a source of information about the past. Some of the most commonly asked questions is “Who is Triek?” or “Why did Discord betray us?” or even “How did the Royal Sisters come to power?”

This is not acceptable to a civilization of our standards. While at Canterlot, all ponies there are extremely well-educated, I am shocked and somewhat appalled at the lack of understanding of Equestria’s past within Ponyville, which is so close to the seat of our government. While some may just shake their heads and keep walking, I believe that we cannot walk away with “good enough” when we are talking about our great nation, especially with its history. I toyed with the idea of teaching a community college on the topic, but decided in favor of this book for two reasons: one being that Equestria is a great and long-lived land, with a deep, rich, fulfilling history. This history is long at best and is boring to some minds. Due to this, a book on the matter is much more easily accessible and probably more appreciated. In addition, my royal duties may greatly inhibit the amount of time I can teach any hypothetical college course.

Bear in mind, however, this is by no stretch of the imagination a "complete" history book. Think of it more as an "pocket book", if you will. I have little to no time to collaborate with fellow historians.

I appreciate you reading this, as our nation is strengthened by those who care about its history.

With regards,
Princess Twilight Sparkle
Princess of Friendship, Head of the Council of Six