A study of Harmony

by Sugar Dove

Ghost Light

Ghost Light
The sun was at its peak and the lunch time rush was very much in flow in Ponyville. Sugar Dove had left Midnights place bright and early and had packed herself a picnic. She stopped by a few of the sights like the boutique that Rouge had told her about, checked in on Dusty at the library and even booked a flight on the balloon service. For a short time she stopped at the postal Pegasus office and arranged a delivery. She had arranged with Dusty to send the scrolls that D had found to Princess Luna. If Dove was correct about their relevance to the studies Luna had her conducting then they would prove vital. It would be twice as amazing if they were the lost texts that Celestia had mentioned some time ago at her last research summary.
Now however Dove was standing in a cue in Sugar Cube Corner. She had planned to get there much sooner and beat the rush but some things just couldn’t be helped. Ponies jostled and jested as they picked out their choices and left. Dove being near the end of the cue took the opportunity to look around and take in the amazingly old yet colourful establishment. It was hard to believe it had been around for a hundred years or so. At the counter Dove was greeted by a young pair of ponies, a unicorn and an earth pony. The pair smiled brightly coats of blue and pale yellow covered in flour; their flanks adorned with baking implements and cakes.
“Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner! Been in the cake family for a Hundred years! How can we serve you?” The earth pony mare smiled.
Dove beamed back at the pleasant pony placing an order for a selection of cupcakes. Midnight had told her they were amazing so what better to get for a picnic. “So it’s true your family have been doing this for a hundred years?” She asks as the colt fetches her order.
“Oh yes,” the mare replies. “My husband is the full blood who took it over from his father and so on and so forth. We’re proud to serve Ponyville. It is just such a shame we couldn’t have been around when this place was first established,” she mare looked a little grey faced at the thought but soon brightened up, “I’d have loved to meet the original Mr and Mrs Cake. I bet they were amazing bakers!” The colt returns with Doves order which Dove takes and slides into her picnic basket.
“Thank you very much!” Dove adds before picking up the basket in her mouth and carrying it happily away.
She headed to the Ponyville garden and park. There was a nice fountain there that had recently been renovated and she wanted a nosy.
The park was full of ponies; young fillies and foals playing and running around, other picnicking ponies and a few gardeners doing their jobs. Dove sneezed when she got too close to a flower patch. The fountain was indeed a marvel and Dove would have admired it more if not for the foals playing around the edges. So instead she settled for finding a picnic spot.
She settled herself in one of the open field areas and set down her basket which she then pulled out a blanket from and sat herself down. She was glad to have packed her camera which she immediately took out and took some shots of the edges of Ponyville and the tree’s behind her. For a while she just sat and enjoyed the peace, occasionally taking a snack out of her basket and nibbling away at it. Not far from her some fillies were playing. Even from a distance away she could hear them talking, fillies weren’t quiet at the best of times.
“I’m telling you I say her!” One was complaining to her friends who seemed less than convinced.
“No way! It’s an old mare’s tale!” Another retorted.
“I did, I really did. I saw her out my bedroom window. She was all glowing and strange just like Granny said. She was moving at the edge of the Ever Free forest. I’m telling you the ghostly mare lives in that old witch’s house!”
Dove was instantly drawn in by the little filly’s story. A ghost mare? Witches house? It sounded very interesting. She had never heard any such stories about a ghost mare near Ponyville. “Excuse me!” Dove called, sitting low so as not to seem threatening, “I believe you! Can you tell me a bit more about this ghost mare?” She looks hopefully at the fillies. They look amongst themselves and then at Dove. “I’ll trade you a cupcake for the story and you don’t even have to come near.” She says leaning towards her basket. One of the fillies comes over slowly. Wild red mane and flashy yellow flank, the little one gave her a curious glance. “I’m not going to bite.” Dove loves placing a cupcake from the basket in front of her.
The filly smiles and waves her friends over. “I’m Zap.” She declares. “Short for Zap Apple.”
“I’m Sugar Dove. Will you tell me the story please? I’m only visiting Ponyville and I’ve never heard such tales.”
The little ponies all gather round, telling tales always seemed to start like this, and Zap begins to tell the tale.
“Well firstly I live at Sweet Apple Acres so all my family knows of the ghost mare. They see her sometimes at night at the edge of the Ever Free Forest. They say that in the woods there is an old witch’s cottage that is all over grown and that one day a pony went in and got cursed. And from then on became the ghost mare! At night she wanders the edges of the woods because she wants to keep fillies and foals from coming in and becoming like her.”
“That is kinda noble of her don’t you think? Protecting little fillies from becoming ghosts.” Dove says as she takes out cupcakes for the fillies. They merely look confused by her statement.
“I’m not scared of the Ever Free forest!” announces one.
“I’ve been in the edges with my Dad.” says another.
“I saw the witch’s house!” proclaims Zap.
Dove giggles at the little ones. “Can you get in to see the house?” She asks curiously.
“Not really.” Zap confesses. “It isn’t safe in there; there are nasty plants and timber wolves. I only went in to get my scarf that had blown away. My Pa says it isn’t safe in the woods. I saw the house and galloped back.”
Dove smiles at the little fillies; she is starting to feel a little adventurous. She thanks them for telling her their story, passes them their cupcakes and watches them canter off giggling amongst themselves. Straight away Dove packs up her picnic gear.
That filly said she lived at Sweet Apple Acres when she saw the mare and at night. Well Dove wasn’t brave enough to sneak about at night. She did know about Sweet Apple Acres however, the best producers of Zap Apple Jam in all Equestria. Dove figured that she could do two things that she wanted to do at once. Visit the farm and sneak around to find an opening into the forest to look for the ghost mare. She didn’t believe in ghosts but she did like old buildings and stories.
So that is what she did. She cantered along merrily through town again and this time took the town bridge out to the country tracks. The estate was large and went on for miles so it wasn’t difficult to make out the apple orchards. The farm buildings looked reasonably new and outside the long road to the family house was a sign which read “APPLE FAMILY, PRODUCERS OF CIDER, PRESERVES AND THE FINEST APPLES IN EQUESTRIA.” Certainly a modest family Dove thought to herself.
For now Dove decided that going through would be rude so instead she followed the fence back to the river then along the river until she came to the forest edge. She then trailed further along until she could see the house again. She tracked the windows and made a guess at which one would be the fillies. When she was sure she turned to look at the trees. They loomed tall and scarily above her. A minute passed and Dove was still staring at them.
Taking a deep breath Dove slipped through some prickly bushes and into the woods. It was like jumping into a different world. The light almost completely gone and all the colours changes to dark greens, browns and blues, the ground however was surprisingly clear and Dove was almost sure she could see what she thought was a path. There were broken twigs and crunched up leaves all across the ground along that area. Dove decided to follow the apparent path.
It went on for quite some time. From time to time Dove would have to duck under branches or leap over roots. Occasionally she would snag her wings on the bushes and drop her basket. Sometimes she thought she heard noises; snapping twigs or birds and wolves and she couldn’t shake the feeling that somepony was following her.
After what felt like a half hour of walking she came to a small clearing and in front of her was a tall think hollowed out tree. It seemed to be converted into some sort of house. An old wooden door slightly ajar and coming off its hinges, and old charms and animal bones hung from the branches. Strange however was that there was a light flickering inside through open spaces which Dove could only assume were windows. Dove approached with caution and tapped the door with her hoof. “Hello?” Dove said slightly quieter than she had intended.
The door swung open. T here was small brackets on the walls lit with dull blue flames, the kind that a unicorn with a greater magic level might cast. There were charms, and old books, and foreign relics all over the room. Dove laid aside her picnic basket outside of the door and stepped in slowly. Instinctively ducking down and looking up and around. Dove felt that there had to be something around, ghosts didn’t have magic that would light torches. Not to her knowledge anyway. So she looked around. She picked up a few books and flicked through the pages; she admired the relics and gave the torches a closer look. The more she looked the more she thought that somepony was actually staying here and when a branch snapped outside she knew there had to be.
She leapt to attention and spun to face the door. Standing there was a mare unicorn. Tall and slender, she looked youthful and her mane seemed to glow eerily like a ghost, on her flank was a cutie mark of fungus or mushroom that had brightly lit spots on it much like those on her legs. There was a stern look on her face as she stood tall towering over Dove. Dove ducked down folding her wings in tight and tensing all her muscles, partly from fear and partially because she felt she had done something wrong.
“How dare you disturb the sanctity of my domain!?” She raised her voice to a terrifying pitch.
“I...I...I’m s...s...sorry...I d...d...didn’t know.” Dove stuttered hopelessly.
“Get out!” The mare stamped her hoof adamantly, stepping back from the door, making a small space for Dove to leave. As she moved back she knocked over Doves picnic basket and looked over to see what it was. Dove’s camera had fallen out along with a few leftover cupcakes.
The mare stared at the items; Dove just crouched petrified that she was in trouble. “I....I didn’t come to disturb anything.” She mumbled slowly moving forward.
The mare turned back to look at her, as Dove crept past keeping her eyes fixed to the ground. She moved round behind the mare, picking up her belongings and backing slowly away. While backing away Dove snapped a twig beneath her hoof, the sound startling her so she turned and galloped away. The last thing she saw of the mare was her deep blue piercing eyes like swirling waves.

It was late now and Rouge and Dove were settling in for the night.
Dove had come back with leaves and twigs matted into her mane and tail. Nopony questioned her strange appearance, probably because Dove was forever doing strange things. Now that she was clean and relatively relaxed she sat on her bed and wrote her letter for the day. She had barely started when she felt that the story was incomplete.
“What?” Rouge mumbled sleepily.
“If you accidentally walked into somepony’s house and they found you, what would you do? Could you make it up to them?”
“What kind of question is that?” Rouge yawned.
“Never mind. Night Rouge.” Dove said softly as Rouge rolled over to sleep.
Dove felt guilty for accidentally walking into somepony’s home. Who was that mysterious mare anyway? Certainly no ghost. Dove decided that she should make it up to this pony. Then perhaps she could find out a bit about her and this ghost story.

Dove had been on the go early the next day and had left long before anypony had gotten up. Now she was hiding behind the bushes, slunk low to the ground. She was watching the door way of that house, the lights were on as before and Dove was sure that she had heard movement inside. However before hiding Dove had placed a little wrapped up surprise outside the door. She had gotten the bakers to box up their freshly backed cupcakes and Dove had left a note. The note simply read “I’m sorry.”
Dove had been lying against the ground for a while now and was getting stiff; she stretched her wings rustling the leaves around her as she did so. This prompted activity from inside.
The mare swung the door open suddenly, pointing her horn out menacingly. Realising there was nothing around she looked about and noticed Dove’s package. She levitated it in front of her a bit away and turned the label to read it, then slowly opened the box. When nothing leapt out she peeped inside. Seeing the cupcakes she lowered the box and looked around. Dove stayed as motionless as she could even though her wings were cramping up.
“I know you’re out there!” The unicorn declared.
Dove flinched. She paused, holding her breath, not moving despite the cramp now set in her wings.
“I mean it!” The mare shouts, her call is slightly intimidating but mainly because she spoke with authority.
Instinctively as though spoken to by a teacher Dove stepped out, she kept low to the ground, both because she respected the mare and because she was too stiff to move.
“What is the meaning of this?” The mare said calmly.
“I...I just wanted to say sorry. I really am. I couldn’t think of a better way to do it. I didn’t want to invade your space again. So I bought you a present.”
The mare considered Dove for a second. She levitated the cupcake in front of her. She took a bite and smiled. “Thank you.”
Dove looked up, seeing the smile on the mare’s face she knew she was forgiven.
“Are you going to crouch there or get going?” The mare asked.
Dove shook herself, “Em...actually... I er..I just wanted to...”
“Spit it out.”
“I wanted to talk to you.”
“Why?” The mare looked startled, “Nopony comes out here. Nopony speaks to me.”
“I want to. I heard stories, I was curious. I don’t like leaving on sad notes. I hurt your feelings I wanted to make it up to you.”
The mare stared at Dove. She blinked her glowing flank paler in the light coming from her doorway.
Dove wriggled a little on the spot and scuffed her hoof along the ground. “So...eh...My name is Sugar Dove. What’s yours?”
The unicorn stared at her for a moment. Then spoke, “Are you trying to ‘make friends’ with me?”
Dove smiled and nodded vigorously to which the unicorn just continued to stare.
“Em...Nice to meet you.” Dove continued, “Look I really am sorry.”
The pair stood quietly for a minute. Then eventually the Unicorn spoke. “Lantern Light.”
“I’m sorry? What?”
“My name is Lantern Light.” She said turning back into her house. She levitated the cake and wrapping in front of her. “You best come in I suppose.”
Dove perked up and cantered inside. She hadn’t realised how bright the inside had been last time she was there. There was a reading desk, food cupboards and an old rug. The relics and charms were dust covered and the ancient books were stacked high all over the little home. Dove must have been gapping as the mare looked over at her with a look of amusement.
“I’m sorry you’re house is amazing. What is with all the old artefacts?”
The mare settles down. She looks up at Dove and wrinkles her nose. “They must have belonged to the previous owner.” She shrugged and looked grey and sad. “I thought they were unique.”
“So why do you live out here?”
“Do you always ask lots of questions?”
Dove blushed and shuffled her hooves. “I guess I do...”
“I like to be alone. Most ponies find me strange so I like the solitude. There are plenty of fresh plants to eat out here so I rarely need to go to town.”
“Is it to do with the glowing thing?”
Lantern Light tilted her head with a look of disdain, “What do you think?”
“Oh...I’m sorry. I think that’s cool.”
She shrugged again, and gives Dove a look over. “What made you come back? Most ponies around here see ghosts and run for the hills.”
Dove smiled. “I was wondering about the ghost thing. I can see why they would think you are a ghost. Why do you go with it?”
“Gives me peace now what is it that brought you back?”
For a moment Dove looked thoughtful, she sat herself down and wrinkled her nose as she often does when she thinks. “I guess I don’t like leaving on a bad note. I mean you clearly weren’t a ghost. Besides ghosts can’t light torches.” She smiles knowingly.
“You know your magic then? That is uncommon for a Pegasus.”
“I’m a student in Canterlot, they teach lots of things there.”
“I know all about Canterlot.” Lantern tilts her head towards the book pile. “I’ve read all about it.”
“My turn again. You like solitude but why this house?”
Lantern Light looked around and smiled with pride. “I liked it since I was a filly. I heard stories of the witch that lived here. Although living here I realise now that it was an alchemist or a medicine pony. Probably foreign based on the relics or well travelled. I imagine they were just like me. They must have liked solitude as well. I didn’t want it to go to waste or be abandoned forever it would be a shame.” Her glow seemed to fade as she considered the tale.
“Do you mind that I came back?” Dove said with a gentle smile, looking at the nostalgic pony.
Lantern Light looked up at her and considered. “I guess it’s nice to talk to somepony once in a while.”
“Then I have a great idea. It will make up for all the trouble I’ve caused.” Dove smiled.


Its dark, there street lights are glowing softly and all of Ponyville is asleep. Two cloaked figures peek from an alleyway. One is wearing a hooded top, the other a full body cloak of murky brown.
“Hang on its just round the corner I’m going ahead. You wait here ok?” It was Dove, she had grabbed her hoody earlier in the day and spent hours convincing the now cloaked Lantern Light to come outside.
“Ok but I’m not waiting for long.” Lantern whispered back, “Ghost ponies aren’t welcome you know.”
Dove grins and sneaks across to Midnights house where she had planted a present for Lantern Light. She gently pushed open the door and vanished inside. Lantern Light shuffled nervously in the dark. A moment later Dove appeared again. She had a package in her mouth hanging by the string. She set it down in front of Lantern Light looked up at her hopefully.
“What is this? You dragged me out for a parcel?”
“I dragged you out for two things. The best practical joke you’ll ever play and this is a present from me. You can have solitude but you’ll never have to be lonely. This is a writing set. Ok its half of mine. But it has got all my details in it. I’ll send my Dove with a letter and you can send her back with one if you like. You don’t have to though.”
Lantern Light literally lights up with delight. “Like a penpal!?”
“Yeah like a penpal.” Dove smiled softly. “So how about that joke?”
“What do you have in mind?”
“Put Ponyville on the map again? The ghost of Ponyille! You’ll be able to come out on nightmare night at least and nopony would bat an eyelid.”
“Ok the chance to get out more and play a prank on a town. I suppose I could do that.” She plays coy but nods away happily after a second.
Dove grins, “Hide your things and follow me.”

An hour later Dove had Steadfast, Edge and Scribe outside. She didn’t dare wake up Rouge, that would be cruel and D would be too rational to play a prank on. If this worked Scribes writing would make short work of this prank.
“Why on earth are we out here at this time of night?” Steadfast asked as Dove pretended to sneak forward.
“I swear I saw it I saw it!” She mumbled as convincingly as she could.
“Saw what?!” Edge asked excitedly.
As if on cue from leaping onto the town fountain Lantern Light aglow brightly, using her magic to make her eyes glow and horn shimmer, she bellows loudly and bounds forward.
Simultaneously all three colts scream and belt it. Clearly video game ghosts less scary than real ones. Dove canters into a nearby alley. Once all three colts are out of view and sound Lantern Lights joins her and covers herself in her cloak quickly before any other pony is roused by the noise. Once they are hidden Dove and Lantern burst into laughter.
“I can’t wait for nightmare night now.” Lantern Light giggles with delight, “Thank you Dove.”
“What for?” Dove manages between giggles and tears.
“For coming back.”