Dark Side

by Anna Belle


Everyone and everything has a dark side. Some, are darker then others, while some are as bright as the sun. But darkness makes the world go round, without it the world would be out of balance. It's true that some people embrace their dark side too much, such as Pinkie Pie. She has the darkest side of them all.

It was around midnight, the moon was out and there were hardly any clouds in the sky. Normally, everypony would be sleeping, but, Pinkie Pie was wide awake. She was in the basement of Suger Cube Corner. Now, you might be wondering what the hell she's doing in the basement, but that will soon be clear.

Pinkie Pie was pushing a cart into the small, cramped basement. When she stopped, she pulled of the blanket that was covering it. And when she pulled it of, she revealed many things. And those things were so horrible, that I can not even explain the fear and horror you would feel if you looked at this cart. There were bloody knifes, and bloody tools, there was even a bloody bat. Pinkie Pie smiled, knowing what she was going to do next. She turned on the small light bulb. As the small, flickery light filled that room, it revealed more horrible things. But, the most horrible thing she revealed was a small filly, who was tied up. The filly had a vanilla coat, red curly hair, and purple glasses. The filly was Twist.

Twist looked at Pinkie Pie in horror. She would have yelled at the top of her lungs, had it not been for the rag that was stuffed in her mouth. Pinkie Pie giggled. "Here, let me help you with that," she said, as she pulled the rag out of Twist's mouth.

"P-Please, don't hurt me," Twist begged, as tears fell down her cheek.

"Twist," Pinkie Pie began. "Don't make this any harder for me."

"W-What do y-you mean?" Twist asked. "I know you've killed other ponies, so how should I be any different?"

"Because, I've never killed a filly before," Pinkie Pie explained. "Do you think I enjoy this? Well, I don't. Everyday, I hope that the next person to die isn't one of my friends."

"W-What do you mean?" Twist asked, looking into Pinkie Pie's icy blue eyes.

"I have this system," Pinkie Pie said. "Everypony has a number, your number is five by the way. Everytime I need more of the special ingredient, I draw a number. It's a really good system, it helps me pick who's the next one to die." Pinkie Pie paused for a moment. "But, sadly, my friends could also get picked."

Twist started trembling. "W-What do you mean b-by 'special ingredient,' what do you do to the ponies you kill?"

Pinkie Pie laughed. "Do you really want to know how I make cupcakes taste so good?"

Twist shook her head. "No, not really. But, I can take a guess."

"That's what I thought," Pinkie Pie said, as she got a knife from her cart. "Now, Twist, I'm sorry to say, but your time is coming to it's end." Pinkie Pie began smiling, as she got closer to Twist.

"P-Pinkie, please don't do it," Twist begged again. "I won't tell anypony about this, I swear."

"That's just what Carrot Stick said," Pinkie Pie said, playing with her knife.

"Who's Carrot Stick?" Twist asked, still trembling.

"My first victim," Pinkie Pie explained. "He was a drug dealer and he hit on almost every mare he saw." She laughed. "It's funny what a stallion will do when they think there gonna get laid."

"L-Laid?" Twist asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry, a small filly like you wouldn't know what that means," Pinkie Pie said, as she leaned in closer, towards Twist's face. "Laid is just another word for sex." Pinkie Pie smiled. "I remember how it all happened. I brought him to my room, and when he was distracted , I hit him with a bat. I didn't have as much tools back then, as I do now. So, I just killed him in right there in my room." She put her knife on Twist's neck. "But, don't worry Twist, I'm sure you'll go to heaven, unlike that bastard." Pinkie Pie began laughing, and Twist took that as her opportunity. She headbutted Pinkie Pie so hard that she fell to the floor.

When Pinkie Pie got up, she looked at Twist angrily. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!" she screamed. "I hope you know that I don't feel fucking sorry for you anymore!"

"I don't care!" Twist screamed back, as more and more tears poured down her face. "You would have killed me anyways!" Twist tried to hold back her tears, as Pinkie Pie regained balance, and was now getting closer and closer

"Your right, I would have killed you anyways." Pinkie Pie was about to stab Twist, but suddenly stopped. What am I doing? she asked herself. I can't do this to Twist. Pinkie Pie closed her eyes. Come on, Pinkie Pie told herself. This isn't any different then all the other times. She opened her eyes and smiled, knowing that she was right, this was no different then all there other times. Pinkie Pie laughed as she started stabbing Twist over and over again. Blood poured out all over the floor and onto Pinkie's light pink coat. Twist tried to fight back, she punched and kicked, but, it didn't work. As she stared into Pinkie Pie's dark, icy blue eyes, she thought about all her friends, family, and happy memories And even though Twist was feeling more pain then she has ever felt in all her life, she smiled.