A New Leaf for Twilight Sparkle

by rainbowdashrules95

Chapter 2

Twilight And Rainbow Dash finally arrived at the Empire.
“Do you remember the teleportation spell?”
Twilight's horn started to glow. She poofed outside the castle. Rainbow Dash opened the door.
“Guess Who I Found?”
The whole gang was happy to see her.
“Where's Cadence and Shining Armor?” Twilight asked.
“Shining Armor is upstairs with Cadence. Cadence is taking a rest.” Fluttershy said. “She needs it.”
“Can I go see them?” Twilight asked.
“Go ahead.” said Fluttershy.
Twilight trots upstairs.
“Shining Armor?”
“Twily. Come on in but be quiet.”
“I'm sorry about this.”
“It's okay. Spike told me all about it.”
“Speaking of which, where is my little assistant?”
The bathroom toilet flushed in the next room. Twilight looked over. The door opened.
“Ssssh.” “
Sorry.” “I thought you were gone forever Twilight. All of a sudden I saw you go downstairs and you disappeared when I went down.”
“Is everything okay up here?” Twilight asked gently.
The ponies enter the bedroom.
“I entered a door and I arrived at the Canterlot Castle, and I was told that I was banished from Equestria, and that I was not going to continue my studies.”
“Why would Princess Celestia say that?” Pinkie Pie said with worry.
“I don't know. All of a sudden, I heard that the empire was taken over and she said that I failed the test.”
“Something can't be right about this.” Rainbow dash said. “I don't understand why she would say that to a pony that never fails.”
“Well we have to do something about this.” Twilight continued. “I don't believe that a princess that I know for a long time would banish me from Equestria.”
“Yeah, we have to figure this out.” Rainbow Dash said, thinking. “I Got It!” said Rainbow Dash with excitement.
“Ssh.” the girls said.
Then all of a sudden, Cadence woke up. As her eyes open up, she saw Twilight staring at her.
“TWILIGHT!!!” Cadence got out of her bed with excitement.
“Sunshine! Sunshine! Ladybugs Awake! Clap Your Hooves And Do A Little Shake!” They both sang together. Then they started to laugh.
“Sorry I woke you up Cadence.” Rainbow Dash said.
It's alright, I was already going to wake up anyways.
“Alright, I was thinking that Twilight should go back and get the crystal heart.” Applejack said.
“But how? King Sombra has all the crystal ponies enslaved. We lost.” Twilight said.
“Hmm. You're right.” “Then what are we supposed to do?” Rarity asked.
“I Got It!” Spike said. “Twilight, do you remember the spell you learned that will let you go back in time?”
“Yes, but there is one problem.” “Oh yeah, it doesn't let you stay there permanently. Only for about 30 seconds.”
“Then again, WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO?!” Rainbow Dash shouted with worry.
The girls stood there thinking.
“What about the library?” Rarity thought.
“That's a good idea! Come On, Lets Go Girls!” Twilight said with excitement.
They ran down the stairs.
“Hold on girls!”
Twilight's horn started to glow. They all disappeared out of the castle.