Let the fight begin

by Scoutdashie

The portal wil open (Wrong game!)

Rainbow dash soared through the air a rainbow streaking behind her as she did.She tore through the sky bashing past clouds.

"Ahh what a perfect day"she smiled looking down at the village.She dove down ganing speed.Rainbow didnt plan on creating a sonic rainboom again she screeched to a halt flapping her wings.

"RAINBOW!"yelled Pinkie bouncing towards her friend.

Rainbow groaned and slapped her forehead.

"Pinkie? not now"she murmered under her breath hoping the bouncy pony couldnt hear.

"Rainbow guess what?!"she yelled her blue eyes filled with exitment.

"What?" Dash groaned.

"Princess Celestia has asked Twilight to see if she can cast a spell and make a portal to another universe"bounced Pinkie.

Dash's eye's widened in interest

"Pinkie come on!"yelled Dash speeding in the directoin of Ponyville.
Pinkie followed Bouncing her way there.

*At the library*

Twilight groaned as her horn glowed brighter creating spark's.Rainbow burst into the library

"Twilight! whats going on!"she yelled.

Fluttershy put her hoof againt her lips

"Twilight's trying to concerntrate."

Rainbow shifted her hooves on the floor

"oh right..".

Applejack and Rarity sat on the floor next to each other.

The spark's grew bigger and louder as Twilight screamed in agony.

"Twilight!"yelled Rainbow.

Twilight managed a smile

"Rainbow...dont worry!"
The light burst into the room Fluttershy,Applejack,Rainbow dash and Rarity shielded there eye's.Pinkie was,somehow,wearing sunglasses and eating popcorn.

"WOW! .this is amazing!!"she smiled.

The energy light flittered in the air for a few second's against the bookcase knocking off every book then everything went quiet.Twilight shook her head.

"Is everypony ok?"she asked.

Everypony nodded.Twilight sighed.

"Good...Well there's no way of moving this thing.."she pointed to the portal that was attached to the bookcase.

Soon enough everypony left(exept Rainbow.),after they had ordered some food, and Twilight walked up the stair case walking to her bed.She snuggled in the sheets though the portal that was still atached to her bookcase.Rainbow snored lightly on the double bed at the end.

A loud thump woke Rainbow she raised her head seeing Twilight was asleep she tiphoofed out of the bed.She hopped down the stairs to see a blue pegasus laying sprawled out on the floor.He was wearing a hat that had some sort of head piece that wove its way down to meet his ear.He also wore a blue top with dog tags jangiling around his neck as he pushed himself to his hooves.

"Wha..huh..where am i"he muttered wiping his eye's to see Rainbow dash

A tear rolled down his cheek in seeing her but then his pupil got smaller and he paniked


Rainbow snorted

"WHO you CALLING a Horse!"she sniffed.

The colt soon crashed into a bookcase causing all the books to fall on him.Twilight ran down the stairs she then tripped falling.
when she had reached the bottom she poked her head up blinking..seeing Rainbow dash and a colt covered in books.

"It...worked"is all she could breathe.

Scout looked over the pile of books

"J-just stay away"he whimpered.

He soon flapped his wing's rising up his hoove's over his face.He moved his hooves down to look over his shoulder to see the blue flapping wing's.

"w-what?!"he murmered before he thudded to the ground.

Twilight looked confused."He fainted"she finnaly sighed.

Rainbow dash shrugged like she cared.

Fluttershy tapped on the door before it fell over.

"Oh..im sorry"she whimpered.

She fluttered in the pushed the door back up.She then stared at the fainted colt and avoided him whimpering.She floated past the portal when a unicorn toppled onto her from the glowing portal.
The unicorn stood up his wiped his blood-stained hoof on his lab coat.

"Oh...heh sorry about that.."he stopped in mid-scentence as he looked up and stared at the three pony's infrount of him.

"How fasinating"he smiled.

He then looked at his hoof.

"...Can one of you horse's tell me where i am"he asked gestering a hoof to any of them.

Fluttershy fainted on hearing the word 'Horse'.

The lab-coated pony stared at Twilight.

"Um..Ponyville.."she began "Equestria.".

Rainbow dash charged pinning the docter to the wall

"Ok..mr ...docter pony! stop calling everypony a horse".

Medic began to laugh "everypony..oh ho...that's a good one"he chuckled as he wiped the tear's from his eyes.

Rainbow raised a hoof ready to punch when Medic kicked her in the shin.Rainbow let go whining in pain as the Medic jumped onto the floor.
Fluttershy sat up on the floor coming face to face with Medic.She squeaked instantly hiding.
Medic tilted his head to one side.

Twilight cut in."Look who are all you ponies?"she asked curiously.

Medic adjusted his glasses "Well..my name is Medic i am the healer for team BLU."
Twilight lost it for a minute Team.BLU what,..?!. She then snapped back

"Right..right..Who's that then?"she asked pointing to the fainted pegasi on the floor.

"Oh..him..He's name's scout.."murmered Medic looking around.

Scout rose his head up "Uh...whats going on"he then leaped to his hooves hiding behind the book.

"Uh..Scout its ok"growled Medic.

Scout walked out trembling then stepping up looking like more of a young colt.

"Um.."he coughed instantly.

Rainbow dived and hit Scout pinning him to the ground

"YOU!"she growled.

"Rainbow,Calm down!"yelled Twilight.

Rainbow hissed at Scout her anger suddenly dropped as she stared into the eye's of the young colt and she felt something she had never come across before.She snapped back then leaped off him.
Scout shook his head un-aware of what was happening.He then trotted over to Medic

"Doc..what the hell is going on here?"he asked.

"Well..it seem's we have all been turned into ponies!"he chuckled.

"I dont see what's so funny?"asked Twilight.

"Ponies! talking ponies!"laughed Medic.

Rainbow flicked her tail in annoyence.
Who were all these's ponies and where did they come from? thought Twilight.