Dashie: Twenty Percent Cooler

by Kieva Lynn


Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon.

Earth: Day One: Brian Dashell awoke early in the morning from a restless night of nightmares. He grumbled to himself as he rose to his feet and walked to the bathroom. After taking care of his morning needs, he went to the room that had been his daughter's. Only a nondescript office now stood there, no sign whatsoever of the many years Dashie had called it home. He sighed. As he awoke, Brian had hoped against all hope that it had all been a dream, that she was still with him. But the previous day's events had been all too real, and his daughter was back where she belonged.

Walking down the stairs and into the kitchen, Brian poured a bowl of cereal and sat, eating and looking through the photo album Celestia had been kind enough to leave intact. It was all he had of her now. All that was left of fifteen years of his life.

“No.” Brian insisted to himself, forcing that notion out of his mind. “No, the album isn't all that's left. I've got the memories in my mind, the love in my heart. Nothing can take that away.” He chuckled to himself, as he had to admit that the temptation was indeed there to drown himself in his sorrows, and it would be hard to blame him for that. And indeed, he would need to call in sick to work, take a few days to pull himself together. “But I can do it. I can do it, and for her sake, I will do it. After all, it would be a slur on the memory of our time together if I didn't...”

Earth: Day Thirty: Brian was doing better than he expected. He was getting out, spending time with people outside of work. He hadn't did anything of the sort for a long time, not just since Dashie had come into his life, but since before his parents had died. He was even thinking of trying to work up the courage to ask a particular co-worker out on a date. It wasn't that he was over things, not by a long shot. He still couldn't look at the photo album without crying, and still had nightmares of the day Celestia had showed up at his door. But dreams of the good days were beginning to outnumber the nightmares, and he could even watch his DVD's of the show without breaking down. It was nice to see her, even if through that medium...


Equestria: Day One: When the ponies arrived back in their own world, Rainbow was unconscious. Applejack was worried, but Twilight explained that the condition was a to be expected part of the memory-spell process. She would sleep for perhaps a full day before waking up with her old memories intact and the new memories of Earth repressed.

“So she'll be the Dashie we know again?” Pinkie asked.

“She should be.” Twilight answered. “We'll know for sure once she wakes up.”

Before anything else could be said, there was a puff of green smoke, followed by the appearance of a magical scroll addressed to Celestia. The Princess read it aloud:

“Celestia: Please return to Canterlot as soon as you can. The royal astronomers require your attention for a matter of some immediate import. - Luna”

“Odd...” Celestia murmured. “Astronomy issues are usually my sister's province.”

“Would you like for me to come along Princess?” Twilight asked.

Celestia shook her head no. “Stay, my student. Keep watch over your friend.” With that the sun princess vanished as she teleported away.

Five ponies gathered around the sleeping form of their friend. “So what'da we do?” Applejack asked.

“Yes. The poor dear is going to wonder about the fifteen days of our time she's missing.” Rarity agreed.

“We'll just have to tell her that there was an accident and she had a concussion that knocked her out for two weeks.” Twilight said. “What else can we do? At least it's half-true in the accident part...”

Equestria: Day Eight: Rainbow's friends were worried. At first, it had seemed that the memory spell had worked perfectly. She had awoken early on the second day with no signs of anything amiss. She accepted the 'concussion' explanation and joined them for breakfast before rushing off to her weather-control job. She hadn't even flinched when Pinkie had unthinkingly called her “Dashie.”

But as the days passed it was clear that the experience had not left Rainbow unscathed. She seemed tired, as if not sleeping well, and there was a subtle difference to her personality. It was Fluttershy who finally put her hoof on the difference. When they were gathered without Rainbow, discussing the issue, she whispered “The arrogance is gone. She's still Rainbow Dash in most ways. Still loves athletics, competition, bad practical jokes... Still loves to win, still has pride in how fast she is... But she's not stuck-up about it anymore.”

“But how could that be?” Applejack asked. “How could her life on Earth have changed her when she doesn't remember it?”

Twilight Sparkle shrugged helplessly. “I don't know... I just don't know...”


Earth: Day Forty-Five: Brian stepped into the diner, holding the door open for his date. Miri was such a beautiful woman, five foot ten with amber eyes and blonde hair, ten years his junior... He was shocked when she said yes to a date. One date had become five, and he was getting used to the idea of a steady girlfriend for the first time in his life.

They sat at a table and ordered, exchanging small talk while waiting for their meals. “So,” Miri asked, “What made you move out here from the big city? Kind of the middle of nowhere for you isn't it?”

“At first it felt that way, but that's what I wanted.”


“Yeah. The city was dying. And dangerous.” He decided to take a small risk, just enough truth to explain himself without looking like a kook. “I wanted to get my daughter out of there.”

“Daughter!?” Miri exclaimed. “I didn't know you had children.”

“I don't anymore. She's... gone.” Realizing what that sounded like, he added “Not dead, you understand... She wasn't really my biological child. I was just caring for her when no one else could, until her real family was able to come back for her... It's a long story.”

Miri said “I'd like to hear it sometime. But, not now, I can see the tears trying to start, as good a job as you're doing of holding them back.”


“Sure thing. And who knows, maybe you'll get to see her again someday.”

“Not likely.” Brian thought, but he simply said “I hope so.”

Earth: Day Sixty-Four: Brian led Miri through the front door into his home. It was her first time here, and she looked around with interest as he gave her the tour, one thing in particular really sticking out to her: “No pictures?”

Brian chuckled. “I've got pictures everywhere.” He said, “Look, here's me with my parents when I was ten.”

“You know what I mean. No pictures of the girl you took care of. You considered her your daughter, but you don't have any pictures up of her?”

Brian sighed. The truth, of course, is that there had been tons of framed pictures of Dashie on the walls, until Celestia magically cleansed everything but the photo album. Luckily, he had a believable explanation: “Well... I still miss her so much... I couldn't bear to look at them.”

Compassion came over Miri's face. “I see. Well, maybe someday you'll feel able to want them back up again.”

“Someday.” Brian answered. “Anyway, we're here to watch a film. I'll make the popcorn, you look under the TV for something you wanna watch.”

Miri nodded and began looking through the collection. She passed the feature films and found a number of television show collections. And in the midst of it... “Oh my gosh!” she exclaimed. Brian stepped back into the room as she held up a box. “Friendship is Magic!? The girl's, or were you a closet brony?”

“A little of both. What of it?”

Miri grinned. “Cool.”


Equestria: Day Fifteen: Rainbow Dash tossed and turned in her sleep. A close look would reveal the tell-tale indicators of REM sleep, a sure sign that she was dreaming. For most of the dream, she had been still, even smiling. But now her face contorted with distress and fear, until finally she burst into wakefulness, a scream caught in her throat. She shook herself off and flew into her kitchen for a glass of water. “What's wrong with me?” She thought. Something was different, but she didn't know what it was. As much as she hated it, it was time to seek help. Fortunately, she knew just who she should go to.

Twilight was woke by an insistent pounding on the Library door. Unable to wake up Spike, she went to answer herself, grumbling about it being two in the morning. Opening the door, she was greeted by a haggard Dashie who said “Twi, what's wrong with me?”

Ten minutes later, pegasus and unicorn were seated across from each other in Twilight's kitchen, each with a cup of hot tea. “Tell me what's been happening?” Twilight asked.

Rainbow sighed and began “Ever since I woke up from that concussion... Something's been off. I'm not the same mare I was before. I remember how my attitude used to be, but that's not me now. And, on the one hand I'm glad. I like who I am now better. But I also remember how I was, and I don't understand how I could have been that way in the first place, or why I'm different now.”

“Dash...” Twilight started to say, but Rainbow continued...

“And, I can't get rid of this strange feeling like there's something missing from my life. Some huge part of me just not there. And the dream... I never remember it, but somehow I know it's the exact same dream every night... It stars out good. Happy. Probably happier than I remember ever feeling, but it turns scary somehow at the end, and I wake up afraid...”

“Dash, I'm so sorry...”

“Just give it to me straight Twily... Did that accident mess something up in my head for good?”

“I really doubt it.” Twilight answered. “But maybe you should go to the doctor tomorrow just in case.”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Good. So, you wanna stay here tonight? I've got the guest room...”

“Yeah, thanks.”

They finished their tea, and Twilight showed her friend to the guest bed and waited with her until she was asleep. She then crept back to her own room and forced her assistant awake. “Spike, “ she said, “Take a letter to Celestia...”