Acheron's Call: Chronicles of a God

by Talon19912

Chapter 2: Birth of the Sun

Chapter 3: Birth of the Sun

Many years passed and Talon’s children came into their own. Sombra was an intelligent and kind hearted young colt, he was inquisitive and fairly friendly, but he had a short temper.

Moon, as she preferred to be called was a quiet and withdrawn pony, she was incredibly shy and a bit clingy, she tended to stick close to either Talon or Chrysalis at any one time.

Discord was a character. He was always in some kind of trouble, and had a tendancy to run his mouth, but he was highly intelligent and strong willed, he was also a bit of a goofball.

Chrysalis was a whole other story. She was highly respectful and intelligent, she had a kind heart, and was a loving individual, she fit a mother role perfectly. Talon imagined her as a perfect queen, and that’s what he got the perfect queen. She was the disciplinarian of the group, as well as the strongest followed closely by Moon.

Talon waved a hoof and suddenly he was back on Equus, apparently some time had passed since his last visit Gaia and Terminus were Now married and expecting their first foal. He had missed a lot Gaia was a highly successful artist and Terminus was now a city guard. The two of them were still nearly inseparable, is was kind of sweet really. Talon supposed it was time though.

“Discord, you remember the plan?” Talon asked.

“Of course pops! Who do you think I am?” Discord gloated. Talon gave him a level glare with a quirked eyebrow.

“Do you really want me to answer that?” Talon asked.

Discord only shrugged. “Meh, I don’t really care either way, but are you sure about this pops? I mean this goes against all you’ve taught us,” He said.

“Of course I’m sure, think of it this way, this is your final test, If you can pull this off perfectly, you will have taught the inhabitants of Equus a valuable lesson, plus if you go too far you know I’ll step in to deal with it personally, but remember, in time I myself will start to work against you as well, you will recognize me at once so don’t worry about it and get down there to cause some havoc,” Talon said.

“Hai Taichou,” Discord said with a salute and the sudden appearance of a samurai helmet on his head added to the scene. Discord suddenly vanished in a puff of smoke.

“Crazy kid, Moon prepare yourself, your part in this will come soon,” Talon stated.

“Of course father,” Moon replied.

“Chrysalis, how’s your army coming along?” Talon asked his ‘Oldest’ Daughter.

“Well father, we’re ready to leave when you give the word, the children are eager to do as you command,” Chrysalis replied

“Good, How’s Sombra coming along with his studies,” Talon asked.

“He’s making excellent progress, and has decided to take up acting to make the part he’ll play all the more convincing,” Chrysalis said. “He’s doing really well,” she stated.

Talon nodded at that “Alright, prepare the horde to go into hiding, and send a few of your changelings into the masses to spread the teachings of light,” he said.

“Is that wise Father?” Chrysalis asked.

“Not really, but it will be interesting to see what happens, and I can always smite them if they go too far,” Talon replied in an amused tone. Chyrsalis’s only reply was a sweat drop.

“Father, all that power has gone to your head,” Chrysalis said.

Talon blinked at her. “Really? You think so?” He asked. Chrysalis shrugged in reply.

Talon turned back to the screen, it appeared that at least ten years have passed, The foals of Gaia and Terminus had been born, botth fillies that resembled their parents to the point of being clones only younger. What caught his attention though was the kind of ponies that the two turned out to be.

“Now that’s new,” Talon said in awe

Talon stepped forward and materialized into the mortal plane in the form of an elderly version of himself.

“It’s time to take the stage,” he said as he uses magic to pull the hood of his cloak over his face and stepped out into the streets.

He walked down the orange cobblestone streets of the village of Neigh York, he took in the sights, and they were reminiscent of New York in the 1700’s back on earth. Brick buildings lined the road and as he passed by various shopkeepers cold be heard trying to sell their wares. He came upon a familiar art shop; it was Gaia’s shop where she sold her paintings. On display in the shop window were many different paintings and portraits, one caught his eye instantly. He was incredibly surprised to find a landscape he was all too familiar with. It was an exact replica of his realm. How was that possible, he could only wonder, with is curiosity piqued he decided to enter the shop.

As he entered the door way he caught sight of many beautiful paintings. “This is quite the collection,” he said to himself. He heard the sound of hooves against a wooden floor.

“Sir, can I help you with anything?” a voice asked.

“Huh? Oh sorry! I was just looking to ask about a painting in the window?,” Talon replied as he turned to face the mysterious speaker. He noticed no one was there. He looked around a little more.

“Ahem, down here,” the voice said.

Talon looked down and noticed that the speaker was none other than Gaia’s oldest daughter. She was a carbon copy of her mother. Pink mane, white coat, even her eyes were an exact match.

“Well, little one, I just wanted to ask about a painting in the window,” Talon said.

“Wait a moment, please,” the filly said. She then rushed into a back room.

Talon waited for only a moment before Gaia appeared before him.
“Can I help you, Sir,” she asked.

“Yes, I was just exploring the town when I happened upon your store, well a certain piqued my curiosity and I hand to ask about it,” Talon explained.

“Oh? And which of my humble paintings caught the eye of a powerful individual such as yourself,” Okay now it was getting weird.

“Just how would you know how powerful I am?” Talon asked.

“Your magic sir, I can feel how powerful it is, it frightening really,” Gaia replied.

Talon just chuckled. “Yeah that’ll do it, truth be told I’ve never been good a surpassing my power, even before my ascension,” Talon replied.

“You’re an Ascended one?!” Gaia asks in shock.

“That I am,” Talon replies.

“Mom what’s an Ascended one?” Gaia’s daughter asks.

“Well dear, an Ascended one is a Unicorn or Pegasus that reaches the peak of their abilities, but there is something in there blood that makes them able to shove aside their natural limits and their bodies have to change form just to handle their power, it is said that no mortal being can truly harm an ascended one,” Gaia explains.

“The process actually takes place and is decided while a baby is still in its mother, the natural magic of the mother and father actually combines when the baby is forming then the baby itself will absorb the magic and be given life, but eventually the magic must return to the mother, when it doesn’t is when the process of ascension actually starts and doesn’t finish until the baby is born and reaches full maturity,” Talon explained.

Gaia was in awe from Talon’s explanation; Ascension was a mystery and out of nowhere came a stallion who just blew hundreds of years of research out of the water and debunked every known theory that existed.

“Talking of ascension, to you mind if I do a little test in the shop here?” Talon asked.

“What kind of test?” Gaia asked.

“Oh nothing much, I just want to confirm something, don’t worry the test is completely harmless, if it fails” Talon said.

“And if it doesn’t fail?” Gaia asked apprehensively.

“Your life will be changed forever,” Talon said cryptically.

“Aright do your little test,” Gaia said.

Talon nodded and his horn began to glow surrounded with bright silver light then a silver orb materialized out of nowhere.

“Alright it’s done all you have to do is touch the orb with your horn and channel your magic into it,” Talon say.

“Alright,” Gaia says unsurely and touches the orb with her horn.

As Gaia channels magic into the orb it starts to glow faintly.

“Hm interesting,” Talon says.

“What is?” Gaia asks.

“Well you definitely carry the ascension gene on your blood but it never activated, but I wonder-,” Talon glances at Gaia’s Daughter.

“Little one, Now I want you to try,” Talon says to the filly. “Do you mind?” he asks Gaia.

“Go ahead,” Gaia says, genuinely interested.

“Alright Little One, do what you mother just did,” Talon instructed.

Gaia’s daughter nods and steps towards the orb.

She places her horn against the orb and channels her magic. Suddenly the orb flares to life pulsing brightly and continuously, then she herself is engulfed in silver light. Both Gaia’s and Talon’s eyes widen. Then the light suddenly stops. The filly backs up and looks around in a daze.

“What was that,” Gaia asked.

“It’s just as I thought,” Talon says.

“What is?” Gaia asked.

“Your daughter is an Ascended one,” Talon says seriously. “And potentially an extremely powerful one,” He states.

Talon looks at the filly. “What’s your name little one,” He asks.

The filly stands op straight “My name is Celestia,”