Tree of Harmony gives a box?

by Uncle Knot

Aunt Nought

Later in the airship captain’s cabin …

“Su … I mean Captain, recon patrol Gilda reporting”

“Yes, Gilda”

“All quiet in the north”

“Not unexpected, relax Gilda. We (meaning you, me and Dusty) have a very difficult assignment ahead.”

“Does that mean, we don’t have to call you ‘captain’, captain?”

“Yes, Dusty, I think we can make an exception to that rule, at least for the moment”

“Understood captain, I mean Sunset”

“It has been a long time since I heard that name”

“Because of the confusion it might cause?”

“Yes, Gilda, the Sunset Shimmer from this world went to another. I am the Sunset Shimmer from that world who has come to call Equestria and this airship home. And if I went about calling myself Sunset, which would certainly, cause a lot of confusion.”

“So if this airship is your new home, does that mean we’re family?”

“Like sisters?”

“No, more like spoiled nieces”


“Ha, ha, ha, we have an auntie Sunset”

“More like aunt not”

“No, call me Aunt Naught. So family, our next assignment is one of my own inventions. It will probably be unpleasant for all of us.”

“We can handle it captain, I’m the fastest flyer in Equestria, and Gilda is the toughest”

“We can take on any job Sunset”

“Even returning to Ponyville?” (Pause) “Eh?”

“That would be … messy”

“I know. Rainbow Dash and the other Elements of Harmony still live there. They will need our help. They just don’t know it yet.”

“That could be difficult; we didn’t exactly part on the best of terms”

“What will they need our help with?”

“The tree of Harmony has given a box to Twilight Sparkle, except it isn’t a box; it is the fruit of the tree and inside is a seed”

“So we could send her an amorous note, she doesn’t need to know it’s us”

”Yeah, send a note, problem solved”

“No, that isn’t all; we have to be willing to risk something so that she and the others will believe us. We are going to have to risk our pride.”

“So what is so important about a seed?”