The Docile Adventure of Twilight Sparkle

by Kuroy

Pink and Dangerous

I wonder how goes Twilight's morning. I know my staff isn't amused by his antics. It's ok though I understand he is just anxious and acting out. If only I could find a way to put his energy to use...Now there is an idea, and the best part is he won't say no, or maybe the best part is the Cake?

Mmm Cake

Back in Ponyville the time is noon, the sun is high and dust billows in the wake of the farm mare. Eyes intense, focused, shadowed by her stetson, her mouth in a grimace as she approaches her opponent and all he could do was stare and wait.

"You need ta give it back."


"I'm serious Bic Mac it isn't yers ta be playin' with."


"Listen I know you like havin' yer 'Tea Time' with Mr. Smartypants, but he isn't yers he is Twilight's ragadoll. Why can't you just have tea with Applebloom and her friends?"


"Is it because of that time Sweetie Belle tried to make tea?"

The crimson stallion made a face of pure fear and disgust at the evidently traumatizing experience of what a mare, that can liquify toast, apparently tries to make something that is already a liquid.


"Then WHY??!?"

Big Mac took in a deep breath preparing to explain. Applejack, who was at a loss for her brother's strange obsession with the doll, leaned in closer to hear what he had to say.
Seconds past
"BIG MAC!!!"

Cus Granny Smith wouldn't let me have one.


"Cus Granny Smith wouldn't let me have one. She said colts don't play with dolls and I always wanted one."

Applejack gave her older brother an incredulous look. Not noticing her friend coming up behind her

"Applejack, I was looking for you."

"Oh Hey sugarcube...How long 'ave you been standing there?"

"Not long, I heard you yelling and I came right over. What were you and Bic Mac talking about."

Big Mac opened his mouth only to find his sister's hoof firmly inserted into it. Applejack had a paniced look to her face as she tried to think of a way to tell her friend what just transpired, or at least avoid the subject altogether.But Twi is smart and ah can't lie to my friend. What in the holy horse apples am I gonna say? Apples?

"Apples."It's not a lie we were talkin' bout the apple family that's right...Apples

"Riiight. Well I just came by to get you. Princess Celestia has asked that we come to Canterlot. There is something or someone important there."

"Discord doesn't have relatives does he?"

Twilight Blinked...."No, but...How? Never mind. The princess didn't say who it was she just said come to canterlot and to bring everyone. I sent Fluttershy to get Rainbow Dash and I was hoping you could get rarity and meet us at the train station while I get Pinkie Pie."

"Saving her fer last huh?" Applejack then realized she still had her hoof in Big Mac's mouth and took it out."Sorry bout that Big Mac."

"Eeyup." Replied Big Mac and Twilight simultaneously.


Sugarcube corner was by no means a regular establishment. It looked delicious, it smelled delicious, and everything inside it was delicious. It had seen countless parties since Pinkie had moved in with the Cakes and it was one of the most popular spots for ponies to meet.

Ignoring the fact saw more cannon blast then the combined wars of Equestria,

Sugarcube corner stood.

A bastion of Confection.

A beacon to all who love to party hardy.

These things Twilight knew, yet nothing could prepare her for whatever lay beyond that chocolate colored door with a candy cane frame.

A barrier between reality and...

Pinkie Pie.

Maybe she's not home. What am I thinking of course she is home, she's Pinkie Pie she's everywhere at once. I bet I won't have to even Explain why I'm here.

"Of course not silly I already know."


"Since...huh I don't remember. Did you have morning mouth this morning?"

"Never mind Pinkie let's just get to the train station." Twilight sighed, sometimes it was just too much to ask for a simple letter from her teacher and to open her door and her friends already be ready and waiting. At least I know I can count on my friends to keep my mornings eventful.

"Are You KIDDING?" Yelled the Pink Mare, "That was the most anti-climatic way to introduce my character and I expect you to do better next time or I won't let you do that thing with my party cannon."


"Oh, you'll find out soon enough Twilight, and the after party will be EPICcccc." said Pinkie making sure to fade out the epic into a squeak. Twilight just stared for a bit giving Pinkie a confused look. Remembering that some things were best left to Pinkie, Twilight started to walk towards the train station.

"Ok Pinkie lets just get to the train station and get to Canterlot first."

"Okie Dokie Lokie."


The train ride was uneventful, but the city of Canterlot bustled with action as always. Couples had tea in outdoor cafes, mailmares flew by on deliveries, and small families played in the parks.

If ever their was a more blessed hive of love and civility...

Beautiful as it was the girls were on a mission and they headed straight to the castle. As they climbed the stairs to the castle they passed many nobles that were leaving.Day court must have let out early today. Twilight mused to herself. Usually Princess Celestia let out day court around six O'clock but it was only half past four. A feeling of foreboding creep-ed into the usually composed alicorn making her feathers shiver.

As the doors to the castle opened the girls stopped all conversation. The silence was deafening, you didn't need to be a unicorn or an alicorn princess to feel it, the air was chilled but warm at the same time. Pinkie's hair deflated alittle, Rainbow Dash landed on the ground near Fluttershy who was slowly retreating into her hair. Applejack was the first to speak up about this sudden change in atmosphere.

"Is it just me, or does anypony else feel that? It's like ah just bucked two fields and ran a marathon while weight training."

"It's not you dear." Rarity responded rather meekly. "The magic in the air, it's all but drained. Usually talented unicorns can sense the change in the magical atmosphere but this...This is severe. There is hardly a speckle of magic in the whole place."

"Yea, like as soon as that door opened my wings felt like lead and I felt so cold, I've never felt cold like this. Not even in the coldest blizzard."

Applejack just looked at Rainbow Dash quizzically. "Rainbow, ah don't feel cold at all. What are you talkin about?"

Twilight just stood there wide eyed staring into the void. The castle looked completely normal from the naked eye but what she saw on the magical spectrum was like nothing she had ever experienced. The castle was monochrome and eerie. The sun's magical light still shown through the windows, but it's light was tangerine and alien casting tiny specks of yellow magic into the halls like dust in an ancient fortress reflecting in a sunset glow.

Twilight snapped to and heard everything her friends had said. "Magicless, pegasi are kept warm by the magic that is contained in the air and it helps them to fly, just like the magic in the earth gives strength to earth ponies. But, this can't be. There is no magic in the castle."

Her friends just looked at Twilight with concern. "But how is that possible?" replied Fluttershy who was huddling with Rainbow Dash in an attempt to stay warm.

"I don't know Fluttershy," Twilight said with a look of determination on her face, "But we are going to find out, come on girls lets go."

Feeling something bad was happening the girls, with Twilight in the lead, started galloping towards the throne room. Twilight charged the grand doors and bucked them wide open.

"Princess Celestia we are here to save you!!!' Using the royal Canterlot Voice was not something that she liked to do but something in her heart told her that her beloved teacher was in danger and she was going to let anything tormenting her know that she ment business.

Princess Celestia sitting comfortably on her throne let out a soft chuck. "Really Twilight? You know how to treat a mare like a princess." said the sun goddess with a wink. Twilight could only blush uncontrollably and stare. She was embarrassed by the comment but she was also enraptured by the princess. Through the magic spectrum she looked again and as sure enough the castle still maintained it's rustic look the sun's magic not changing in color as it shone through the stain glass records of equestrian history but one light was different. With the shine of a live and bright sun, Celestia's aura shone out and faded into white gentle wisps across the throne room.

"But if your not in danger then why is the castle completely drained of magic, I've never heard of such a thing, this is unprecedented."

"Calm down Twilight and I will explain."

She did just that and approached the throne her friends following close behind. Nopony was at ease and it was only until they where fully engulfed in Celestia's radiance did they finally relax.

"Now where to begin." Celestia mumbled bringing a hoof to her chin. "Oh I know." The goddess smiled as if remembering a fond memory of a time long gone. "I was attending my duties in day court, hearing nobles complaining about this and that like they have for centuries, when my tummy rumbled." Pinkie giggled, "She said tummy." While it was an unexpectedly youthful expression to come from their matriarch Twilight just shot Pinkie a small glare. "He He, sorry continue."

"Well my mind had been wandering and I was thinking of ways to get some snacks without my royal advisers finding out." Celestia leaned in as if to whisper. "I'm on a Royal diet and the only thing royal is that it's a pain." Now it was Rainbow's turn to laugh. She had always considered the princess to be...well she wasn't NOT fun but she didn't seem like the joking type. "So I looked deep within myself and I sought my tummy's desire." Fluttershy giggled. "Cotton candy...And Chocolate, and of course that got me court could use some chaos."


The sudden outburst by the Princess of Magic caught the solar goddess by surprise. She blinked for a moment and stared at her student and she stared right back with almost manic anticipation. "Nooo....But as I was saying, now where was I? Oh yes, wishing for chaos." She smiled, "My wish was granted and in a flash of light a massive cube with a door fell in the throne room. Many of the nobles who were waiting to be heard ran screaming, some fainted, and the ones who were speaking continued to do so oblivious of the new addition to the castle."

"I did what any rule would do in such a situation. I walked up to the cube and I knocked on the door."

The girls just stared and listen, Twilight sported a confused look with her jaw hanging in the wind.

"The door cracked open and there he was. It was so cute his eyes where wide, he blushed and he asked for a moment to change clothes and make himself presentable and a moment I gave him. Eventually he came back out wearing his best uniform. It was very formal and it had so few medals that though very professional looking he also looked quite cute. His face was hard set but I could see in his eyes a sparkle of joy and wonder. He introduced himself with rather lengthy title making sure to state where he was from, the dominion he hailed from, and the military that he also represented. It was rather courtly but it was so refreshing, it's not often you meet a new ambassador to a race, especially when he wasn't expecting to be one."

The princess let them take a moment to absorb what she said. To everypony's surprise it was Rarity who spoke first.

"So your telling us that an alien up and appeared in the throne room...And it wears CLOTHES!!" Glee and wonder were the only emotions that flashed on the fashionista's face.

"I wonder what kind of styles they wear-"

Applejack spoke up as Rarity continued her fantisizing.

"So yer telling us this alien came in all polite and formal and then just started sucking out all of the castle's magic?"

"I wonder if he knows much about fashion-"

"That is why you are here my little ponies. You see the visitor, he is from a dimension that doesn't contain magic, and when these kinds of visits happen the magic of Equis starts to diffuse into the visitor until their own magic generator can develop and support them."

"And you said that it was his best uniform, oh my how I love a stallion in a uniform, though he is not a pony I'm sure he is quite dashing and..."

"JUST STOP!" Twilight was done with Rarity's distracting fantasies. " You said these kind of visits, What did you mean by that?"

"Oh, ok, then I guess I'll have to start back even farther. After Luna and I defeated Discord and harmony ruled Equestria the magic of our world became off balance. In short their wasn't enough-"

With a blinding flash of light and thunder and a couple of party balloons Discord exploded into existence throwing his hands into the air and proclaiming.


Twilight facehooved as the princess continued her story. "And to fix the imbalance our world occasionally would pull a visitor from a more Chaotic dimension to visit. Usually after they caused a fair bit of chaos they would be returned to their world, sometimes they stayed, and some even made settlements on Equis. Though I'm sure the Minotaurs have long sense forgotten. and others still stayed but slowly faded into myth and legend in passing."

Pinkie Pie walked up to Celestia and stared at her princess with a hardened gaze. Seconds passed, everypony stared at Pinkie Pie with anticipation. A bead of sweat formed on the princess' face, being stared at in such a way by one of her citizens was very unnerving.

Pinkie took a breath...And Smiled.