Mistaken Arrival

by SureFreeD

The Truth

Chapter 4: The Truth

"Five seconds"

The sarge looked at his watch, it was still showing 00:01, he looked over to the battlefield and then to the dead soldier, but he wasn't dead at all.
The young marine coughed, spitting blood, the sarge's eyes gaped in excitement that his friend wasn't dead at all.
The bullet had penetrated the first layer of Kevlar on the helmet, but it did not the second.
"Fucking rubber bullets." The sarge thought to himself as helping the young marine up.
He took his hand, rising him up. "Well, looks like those bullets are actually made out of rubber."
They laughed, but their humor was short to be lived, flying fighter jets flew over them, dropping napalm bombs.

The bombs dropped, splattering napalm allover the sand, as they covered behind the rocks.
The fire didn't reach them though, but hot air can be felt.

They looked at each other then out from the rocks into the battlefield.

Hundred have burned to death, some still alive but not for long, the smell of burning flesh and screams.
They were all dead, the battle was over, no one had one, lost their lives, the families of the dead ones will mourn them...

As they were walking across the dead land, they saw something shiver, it was another marine, hiding behind cover, still young not even 17.
The 2 marines walked up to him, he looked in shock and fear, his left arm slightly burned from the fire.
They patted him, no reaction. "Leave him... he's froze." the sarge spoke as walking away.

The radio came alive.
"Confirmed that area grid 6 has been neutralized?"
Another voice came.
"Grid gone, wait, I see 3 marines, getting satellite footage now, yes, It's our marines!"

A few helicopters flew over them, now floating in front and landing on the sand.
Marines came out of the helicopter, they carefully picked up the wounded marine and placed him unto the helicopter.
Both marines were inside, safe and sound.
"Your safe now, there is nothing to worry about we WILL get you back home."
The pilot spoke to them.

The helicopters flew off in the distance.
Silence remained in the desert as usually.