A Colony of the Night

by Novalis14

The time is almost here

The sun was at its peak as Luna strode through the empty town. She was so very proud of how it had turned out, construction workers had erected the buildings in the past weeks and had offered to do the landscaping but Luna had turned them down. Everything had to be perfect and she trusted only herself, and it had turned out perfect.

She went over a mental checklist as she looked at everything. “I have houses for the lunar pegusi, a school for the foals to attend, a dormitory for the foals to live in, a play ground, a food garden” As she listed each of these she faced them from where she stood.

The buildings were arranged around a circular square which had flowerbeds and a fountain. Two roads left the square in opposite directions. One was lined with houses and ended in a field, the other led to Luna’s palace. It was small by most standards, it consisted of a grand hall, a kitchen, servant’s quarters, and her personal rooms.

Luna took one more look around her before she entered one of the buildings. It was the grandest of all of them, even the palace was plain in comparison to this. It was Luna’s academy of the night, it was currently unfinished as she wanted to get every detail right. Currently two parts were open, The observatory, which was decorated by star maps and held an expertly built telescope, the second part was a library. The library was filled with books, many having been created using a copy spell, the topics ranged from fiction to deep science.

However Luna walked past both of these and continued to a door with a large lock on it. Luna knew from personal experience that to put a do not enter sign was the best way to invite young adventurous foals in. She used her magic to unlock the door before entering.

The room was large and circular with a large glass dome where a ceiling should be, the ground was currently bare dirt. It was Luna’s hope that she may recruit the young ponies in building a beautiful garden, part of their studies would be about the plants and animals of the night.

She had even filled the small forest that surrounded the colony with examples of her wondrous flora and fauna. Of course she had been careful to keep the more dangerous creatures away from where the ponies would actually be staying.

As Luna sat she used her magic to slowly blanket the bare earth with a soft fuzz of grass. The foals had been selected and letters had been sent to them, all that was left was to wait for their answers, Luna hoped with all her heart that they said yes.

It was lunch when the twin received their letters. It had surprised them both, mail for the foals was unusual and usually consisted of letters from foster or potential adoptive parents, or friends that the foals had met while being fostered. Neither Sprocket nor Aurora had received either kind for years. Sprocket had eagerly torn his open and read it

Dear, Sprocket Watch

We Princess Luna of the Night wish to extend to you an invitation. We wish for you to join us in a colony for ponies to revel in the night. You have been chosen because you have shown an interest in the night and myself. We would be very much pleased to have you join us and await you answer using the enclosed note.

Sprocket looked once more into the envelope and found a second slip of paper. It was much more decorated covered in curly-ques with Princess Luna’s seal at the top. In the center of the paper where two check boxes: YES, NO. On the back was Sprockets name typed out in silver.

The note was sorta sloppy Sprocket thought, especially for an obvious insert name here letter. It was like some one had planed something very extravagant and tried to simplify and shorten it. It also didn’t give him much info, he had been invited to move to a town where he would live at night, that was all he had gotten from the letter.

Then again that was all he needed. This letter had been geared towards foals, not only foal but foals who had nothing. The choice was simple, stay where they were and take their chances with finding a family or take this offer and try something no one else had.

“So what do you think Rory?” Sprocket said putting the papers back into his envelope and turning to his sister. He should have known better, she had already finished reading the letter and was now staring into thin air. Sprocket shrugged it off, it would be better to let her think it all through. When she finally snapped out of it she would give him a summary of the pro’s and con’s and they could decide together.

The young colt put the letter in his saddlebags and continued to eat his hay fries.