Streaming, Unintended!

by Ponyess

Realisations: 4


What she had told me that fateful day, it had puzzled me, taunted me. For the longest of time, until the instant of realisation. The discovery is mine, as is, whatever could possibly come out of it.

There will always be consequences, whatever you do, or do not to. There was no escaping it. Now I had a claim to stake. It's my destiny, as expressions goes? I couldn't escape it.

Good thing, we did have a University in town. Not only that, I'm free to enter the premisses. Besides, I know a few friends, who either work or study there. I'd be asking my way, in search of what to do.

Luck, of all luck. I had been offered a ride, from my very doorstep, directly to the university. That settled it all, the matter closed.

“Thanks for the ride!” I pronounced, as I slipped out of the vehicle.

“You're quite welcome!” she replied with an emphatic nod, just as I ran off towards the office I had been directed to seek out.

I had entered the first entrance door, and followed the directions towards the office of the research director of our local university. It had been easy to find the way, in part, due to the signs on the wall, and in part because I had been told where it is. Naturally, there had been no point in making it hard to find her office, now would there?

Once I found her office, I read the sign, 'Research Director – Chihiro'. That IS the door I had been looking for, and it was located exactly where I had been told it should be.

With that, I pressed the button indicating I had arrived, asking permission to enter her office with interest to discuss a matter with her. The matter I had in mind, is her responsibility, so she's the one to ask, after all.

An instant later the yellow light came on, indicating she had a moment, deciding on letting me in, or not. Ten seconds later, the light went from yellow, to green. Then I hear a slight click, as the lock deactivated. I'm to enter.

“Welcome to my office. How may I help you?” she offered in a jovial manner, and an inviting smile on her face.

“I was to see if I could have some help with a project I had in mind, based on an incident from a few weeks back. Firstly, duplicate the situation, secondly, explaining exactly how and why it occurred, and thirdly, if possible, counteract and reverse the effects, if at all possible. I'd need a small room, and some equipment, but it should be a fairly small project, by the initial impression of the experiences!” I informed her.

“I do have a few small rooms to spare, I'm interested!” she continued.

There was a small change of her smile, if I had not imagined it, but it looks as if she is amused?

“I still have enough of the initial equipment and materials, but for a reproduction, I would need to start over. Just as I would need a few assistants for the same reason. The incident included a girl, a reflector telescope, a doll, and a polish, from what I had understood!” I pointed out.

“Since you only asked for a small room, and the required equipment is of next to insignificant economical value, if you can find anyone who accepts to assist, I can grant you the first month, on evaluation, just to see how it pans out. Then I'd need your preliminary report, in full to renew your grant!” she stated.

“Thank you, Chihiro!” I said, leaving her a fully detailed outline of the project.

“I'll notify you, when the first assistant arrives, but the equipment, such as you stated, should be there by tomorrow morning, in the room I granted you!” she then pointed out.

Since I had delivered the package, there was basically nothing more to do, so I left her to her duties. The door closed behind me with a discreet click, I never really heard, since I did not listen.

I walked along the path towards the exit, stopped by a rather excited girl, I guess she had heard of what happened to my sister, or she just wanted to talk to me?

“Hiya, how did it go?” she just blurted out, incapable of hiding her excitement.

“She granted me a room for a project. The equipment will be there by tomorrow. Now I'm just waiting for an assistant!” I pointed out.

“Congratulations!” she exclaimed, in all earnest, still bubbling over from her excitement.

“An assistant, how odd, it is exactly the position I had been looking for. From what I've heard, you may just have what I had been looking for!” she then continued.

“It's an easy job, if you're up to take what I may have to offer!” I nodded.

“So long as it is as an assistant for a research project. I need the accreditation from the position. It's required for my studies, as it were!” she pointed out, emphatically, nodded with an amused smile on her face.

“Taking notes?” I enquired.

“Or is it more of assisting me in the actual research?" I continued.

“I could use both, though the later is more critical here. If you have an idea as to what is up for grabs?” I pointed out.

“I will not get very far, unless I have someone who is prepared to stand on the opposing edge of this razor, as it were. Though I think we'd go over these details in private, and leave you with time to see what I need, before you continue!” I finished.

“Sounds reasonable. I'll see the Research Director as planned, then we could discuss further at your home?” she pondered.

“Seems like a plan. I'll check a few details in the library, before I go home!” I told her.

The director had not left her office and none had entered, so she did not need to wait long.

“See you later today, at your place!” she just responded, as she continued on her way to the office, she had intended to see, before she had met up with me.

Then I continued to see what the library had to offer me, on what I had at hand. Never hurt to go over what's known on the subject, before getting too deep?

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