Combat Fliers

by Elfpen

Chapter 1: Training

Chapter 1: Training

“We train how we fight!”

My eyes were closed. The cool midday air rushed over my face and body.


The smell of the crisp cool fresh air at this altitude was a welcome break from the warm salty sea spray on the ENS Manehatten.  


My Multi-Weapon Mounting System, or MWMS as it was called, was lighter than usual.


"Target lock." My wingmare, Guns Blazing, said nonchalantly.

"Huum" I mumbled back at her.

"No. Not Target Lock, as in ‘you’, 'tar-get l-ock'..." She emphasized, "As in, you're being painted..."

What? If I was being painted my Combat Control Computer would...



My eyes snapped open. The first thing I saw was the horizon. The sharp straight line where the light blue cloudless sky met the green and brown earth. The second thing I saw was my HUD. The green overlay in my goggles, provided by the MPU (Magic Power Unit) running the 3C attachment.

On the middle right of my HUD were three stacked rectangular boxes: My airspeed, altitude, and location. On the bottom center were two egg shaped icons, side by side, that represented the weapon pods of my MWMS, mounted below my wings. The pods both displayed the letter “G”, for guns. The pods were also shaded in completely, meaning I had full ammo in both pods. To the left and centered was an angry red rectangle displaying the word “LOCKED”. I mentally acknowledged it to my 3C and the insistent beeping stopped.

“Roger.” I said. “Calling it in.”

“Manehatten, this is Wing 1…” I paused, turning back to my right flank to smile at Guns and officially added “...Lead.” She gave me an exaggerated eye roll.

“Go ahead Wing 1”, the smooth silky voice of Radio Wave said.

“HEY! Radio Wave. Hows it going?” I chuckled. It was no secret that i had crush on her.  

“NO NAMES OVER COMS WING 1!” she responded, shouting through my headset.

“Smooth lover boy” Guns Blazing said sarcastically.  

“Yeah, yeah.” I protested. “Reporting activity at my current location.” I said returning to my official voice.

The response form Radio was even more official sounding. “Roger Wing 1. Have you been engaged?” Was she trying to out do me?

“Negative Manehatten, only target…” I stopped abruptly as a pillar of white smoke rose rapidly from the ground, topped with a long shiny missile spewing fire out its rear end. My "LOCKED" icon began to flash and the beeping started again. “Yeah, I see it.” I mentally told my 3C and the beeping ceased.

“Contact. Contact. Contact. SAM inbound.” I reported as the missile arked in my direction.

“Move your 3C into combat mode and begin evasive maneuvers, destroy all contacts.” Radio Wave said drily.

“Understood” I replied back as drily.

“Ok Guns, you heard the lady. Activate combat mode.” I smirked as I mentally told 3C it was go time.

My HUD changed from green to orange and a targeting reticle appeared. A large circle with four little hash marks sticking out top, bottom, left, and right. In the center of that was a dot surrounded by a small circle, the targeting area for my guns. A pulsing wave of magic from my MPU rolled across the ground. Three types of icons were overlaid by my HUD. A bold dot for personnel, a tiny empty box for buildings, and most importantly tiny empty diamonds for SAM launchers. Lucky there was only one of those. A square box appeared in the top left of my hud. In the center was a blip that represented me and the green solid circle just behind me to the right was Guns.  The other icons were shown as well, great for seeing what's behind you.

I had about 5 seconds till that missile turned me into pony chowder if i sat here.

“Guns, Loopty-Loop.” i said with a smile. She nodded and smiled sinisterly. Should i be worried?

Guns banked right. I banked hard left with a downward pitch. The missile turned to follow. Once the missile was aligned behind me and closing its distance according to my map, i pulled up, starting my vertical loop. I felt the G-Force pull at my body, my wings straining to gain speed. I kept my head back and increased the angle of my accent. There went the horizon line, ground on bottom, sky on top. A few moment of clear blue sky, then the blinding light of the midday sun directly above. I closed my eyes and I took a fraction of a second to enjoy the warmth of it on my face and belly. I was completely upside down now. I pulled my wings in and allowed momentum and gravity to do the rest.


Falling. I had no idea why some ponies hated this sensation. To me it was the best feeling in the world. The weight of the MWMS fell away from my body. My muscles relaxed as they no longer supported any weight. It was like floating. It was like freedom.


I opened my eyes just as the horizon came into view at the top of my vision. Sky on bottom, ground on top. Now where was Guns? Got her. She had banked right a looped horizontally around to fly straight at the point where my vertical loop would end. This was going to be close. I did the quick math. Calculating her speed, my speed, factoring our distance, and the position of the missile, I grinned. Close, but perfect.

To an outside observer it must have looked like Guns was going to crash right into the missile. As soon as i would pass through the intersection of our projected paths, the missile, following me, and her would intersect in a quite spectacular explosion.

Instead, i passed through her projected path as expected, giving her a quick salute and a chuckle. She in return, bit down on both sides of her bit. The chain guns in her two pods roared like a dragon whose mother was just insulted. The bullets took about a half inch off my tail as they entered the intersection. The missile was not so lucky. The bullets ripped the missiles internals to scrap. The missile, having never gotten close enough to me to activate its warhead, sputtered. The fire went out and a black stream of smoke replaced the white. Guns flew right towards it and gave it a good buck as she passed. The “LOCKED” rectangle stopped flashing.

“What the hell Guns!” i said hovering next to her, holding the corped end of my hunter green tail between my teal hooves. “You went too soon.”

She looked up from watching the dead missile tumble to the ground and gave me that sinister smile again. “Nope. I went exactly when i wanted to.” She said matter of factly. “Thats what you get for your little ‘Lead’ comment.”

I snorted. “Well lets get this done, yeah?”

“Oh, sure thing… ‘Boss’.” She said sarcastically.

We began our approach to the target sight. “SAM first.” i directed. I was getting tired of the angry red rectangle.

“Do you want a mane cut too?” she asked

The red “LOCKED” rectangle changed to yellow. They stopped targeting me and switched to her.

“SAM first.” She agreed with a snort.

Before we could get in range the SAM let loose another missile. My yellow “LOCKED” icon began to flash.

“Your call.” i offered.

“Split-n-Flare.” She responded.

I moved closer to her. Extending my right hind leg four times, the pod icon on the right of my HUD cycled four times. “G” for guns, “M” for missile, “R” for rockets, “B” for bombs, “F” for flares. I saw her do the same, only with her left leg, as i came up for behind her. I positioned myself so close to her left side any closer and our wings would touch.

“Steady… Steady…” She repeated as the missile made a beeline straight for her and, by proximity, me.

“Ready.” She calmly added as the 3C warned us of impending impact. We turned sideways in unison, putting our hooves together.

I could read the “ENF training munition” written on the cone of the missile.

“NOW!” She ordered.

We pushed off each other and split, biting the sides of our bits corresponding to the pods we had flares loaded in. The missile passed right between us, so close i heard the hum of the warhead arming. It went right after our flares and exploded in a puff of red paint.

“Nice.” i said happily offering a hoof bump as we returned to formation.

She obliged and added, “Hell yeah.”

“Mind if i do the honors?” i asked sheepishly.

She pouted but said “Yeah… They shot at you first.”

I smiled as i cycled my right pod from Flares to “A”, for afterburners, and back around to “M”. My targeting reticle now a square with a little dot in the center of it. As soon as the little empty diamond came into range i lined it up. Putting a diamond target in the square was less satisfying when the target wasn't moving, but it still looked just like my cutie mark. I was rewarded with the *Ding* i’d come to love so much, as the 3C told me it had the data loaded into the missile.

“Huzzah!” I shouted gleefully and bit down.

I was jerked suddenly as my missile left the pod. It fell free for only a moment before the engine engaged and it streaked off toward it’s target. I had a big grin on my face waiting for that flash and boom.

“Scratch one SAM.” I said confidently.

At that moment my missile went wildly off course. My jaw dropped. “Wha?” I gasped, as my HUD’s targeting system went dead.

“Manehatten, this is Wing 2. Contact has engaged Magical Countermeasures.” Guns reported.

“Roger Wing 2. Find the source of the MCM and Destroy.” Radio Wave mumbled like she had done this numerous time already to day. Which she had.

“But.. but.. but i had it.” i stammered.

“Yeah, MCM is a bitch. The source is probably hidden. Look for a satellite dish... antenna... thingy.” She shrugged.

“You have no idea, do you?” I said, rubbing my head with a hoof.

“Hey! At least knew what it was i didn't look all stupefied.” She poked at me.

She had a point. “Well i guess they can’t lock the SAM while its on.” If they could we would be covered in red paint by now.

“Yep. MCM is an equal opportunity motherbucker.” She may not like taking orders, from me at least, but she looked like she was at a loss.

“Ok. No problem.” I looked over the camp trying to remember where all the marker had been. “It’s a small camp. Lets just level it.”

She face-hoofed. “Did you even read the mission brief?”

 I shrugged, “oops?”

“Gahhh! Did you not see your ammo count when you were cycling?” pointing at my MWMS.

I hadn't. “I was busy trying not to crash into your fat ass.” Waving a hoof at her nether region.

She looked pissed. I let her brew and rant about her “Ass was not fat.” while i cycled and took stock.

Guns 5000 rounds, 2,500 in each pod, both full to the top. Good.

Missiles 16, 8 in each pod. Damn it. Left Pod 4, right pod 3.

Rockets 32, 16 in each pod. Really? Left 8, Right 8. Ok not panicking, still had bombs! Sweet sweet, flashy boomy, bombs.

Bombs 8, 4 in each pod. OH COME ON! 2 left, 2 right.

Flares 4, again 2 in each pod. Good thing they stopped shooting SAMs. Left 1, Right 0.

 No wonder my MWMS felt light. Speaking of the MWMS how in Celestas name did they get all that in these pods? Unicorn magic? Bigger on the inside? Meh, not my department.

Afterburners… um not sure how much was supposed to be in each? But it mattered little as they were both empty. Made sense, afterburners were for getting up to speed while wearing armor. As this was a training op, we were only wearing flight suits, not armored combat suits.

“So other than guns...” i interrupted her rant. Something about her mother having a big butt and thats where she got it from. “they sent us out here with one ponies worth of munitions.” i stated.

“Yes” She said like i should've known. “It’s all in the brief titled: Low Munitions Engagements.”

“Alright! I get it!” Throwing my hooves in the air. “From now on, i promise, i’ll read all the briefs.”

“Wing 1, Wing 2.” A voice not that of Radio Wave’s broke the silence. “This is op commander.” We both went stiff. “Are you going to hover there all day? Because i’ll fail both your sorry asses right now.”

“Uh…” Really ‘uh’ thats how i started that. “We are formulating the best plan of attack?” Damn it. Ending that as a question was stupider than starting with ‘uh’.

“MOVE YOUR ASSES!!!” He bellowed.

“You take Eastside, I’ll take Westside.” I blurted out.

“No arguments here.” She said looking not the least bit mad i'd her given an order.

As i approached the Westside of the encampment i heard gunfire from the East.

“You ok Guns?” I asked panicked.

There was a drumroll of explosions.

“Yeah. Personnel dummies firing paint rounds. Took care of it. Down to 8 rockets now.” She sounded neutral about it. Sure only had 8 rockets left, but nothing was shooting at her.

Man i was glad there weren't any personnel dummies over here. A barrage of gunfire erupted from the two closest building. Shit. I just had to think it. I pulled up hard, spinning around to bring my pods on target. I was aiming for the middle point between the two building. If i was lucky the bomb would trip both building’s “Hit” sensor and they would go deactive. I activated the right pod to drop a bomb. What i got was a pop and a hiss.

“AFTERBURNERS EMPTY” Flashed on my HUD. I cried a little. How could i be so stupid? I never switched from them after i took stock. No big deal will just pull up and run it again.

*ping* *Ping* *PING* I lurched to the right. I looked back at my left pod and it had three red paint marks. My HUD displayed a red “X” in my left pod. I was going to be a sobbing mess when this was over.

“Guns?” I said sheepishly. “My Left pod took a hit.”

“Is it still active?” She asked panicked.

"Three hits.” i clarified.

“Just find the MCM.” She sounded annoyed.

I returned on the same attack run, this time a bomb loaded in my right pod. I let it loose and there was a satisfying flash and thump, as the two building stopped shooting. Finally, a break.

“Think i found it.” Guns said happily. “Its under some camo netting.”

Two breaks? To good to be true. “Careful, it could be a trap.” I warned. “I’m coming to back you up.”

“I got it.” She said and there was a thump.

My targeting HUD returned along with my map, and a new empty diamond.

“Guns! Another SAM!” As soon as i said it my yellow “LOCKED” Icon popped up and began to flash.

“Two SAM’s running me down Target!” She wouldnt ask for help, but i could hear it in her voice.

“Take them out around the camp. When you turn to come back in pop your last flare. Then come to me and i’ll flare the other one. Fly fast Guns.” I said coolly as i lined up the original SAM and heard the lovelist *Ding* ever and fired.

“Nothing gets away from my missiles.” I said proudly as the explosion took the SAM offline.

“Target.” Guns sounded really panicked. “The flare didn’t work. Coming in with two.”

Ok assess the situation. Looking at Guns, i saw the two missiles trailing her. The flare must have diverted one of them a little, because there was quite a gap between the two. The turn bought her some time. On a straight line no pony could outrun a missile, but on a turn we ponies are far superior. Plan, plan, need a plan. Got it, Guns wasn't going to like it though.

“Heres what we do.” I said calmly. “We’re going to buzz each other.” A term for flying past somepony way to fast. “Now i know it’s going to be hard, but you need to lock that last SAM and hold it till we pass.”

If the missile’s proximity warhead activated when it passed me the safety timer would deactivate it before it hit. Wouldn't want a missile with an active payload wandering off and detonating outside the training area.

“The vibration from the pass is going to make it impossible for me to hold the lock.” She protested. “Missiles are your thing. I do guns.”

“Hey, don't talk to me about impossible.” i chuckled, “...'I' have to use guns”

We both wished we were in each other hooves. I could hold that lock no matter what. She could shoot a missile down lickidy split.

I took a deep breath “Moment of truth.” i said.

We passed each other perfectly. Good thing too. If we had so much as nicked each other we would have been sent spiraling out of control. At that speed, the spiral would cause anypony to blackout. Then there would be the fall. I like falling i really do. The sudden end where you dig your own grave with your face, not so much.

I already had my last flare cycled up. I popped it just before i passed the first missile. I had to throw my legs out to the sides. I heard the same hum of the warhead arming as it went right under me. Must have looked like i was trying to ride it backwards.

“COLLISION ALERT” 3C chimed in.

“Hun?” I looked up just in time to see the missile’s fin.

No time. Too fast. Well I had time to pull my back legs under me, but me fore hooves didn't have a chance. The fin cut my right fore hoof clean off, right at the Fetlock. Good thing it was fast and clean. It only altered my course slightly and i avoided the death spiral.

I opened my mouth to scream but the pain robbed me of my voice. I heard the boom of the missile as it connected with the flare. Missile? What was it about the missiles? I was supposed to do something with the missiles. Pain was robbing me of my senses. Senses, plural. Missiles, plural. A wave of clarity. There was another missile. I looked up and there it was coming fast. I cycled to guns, not even pain was going to cause me to make that buck-up again. I bit down hard on the bit. More to fight the pain then to activate the chain gun. It helped little. I was blacking out. The edges of my vision were closing in. Thats ok, i didn't need the edges of my vision. The target reticle was in the middle of the HUD. I chuckled at that thought, the bit fell from my mouth. There was a flash of red and then darkness consumed my vision completely. I was joining my bit in the Fall. Floating. Freedom.