The sentient changeling

by mtthws

chapter two: The Overly Happy Pink One

Fear. Fear was heavy in the air after my little display. I could taste it and damn was I hungry. That was what Chrysalis never wanted us to find out. We could eat any emotion, love was just Chrysalis's addiction. She wouldn't let us eat anything else because we lived in fear of her, and if we realized we could feed on any emotion, what need of we a queen? Fear kept us line.

Fluttershy *eeped* and whispered "He's even scarier than Chrysalis. "

That stopped my anger. I wasn't like her. I'm not oppressive. I didn't enslave my entire race. I don't use fear to ... fuck.

"Hey I'm sorry, I just lost control of my anger. I just really need to talk to Twilight Sparkle. Can you please help me? "

All I received were faces of fear and distrust. I sighed and bowed my head. And then i felt a new emotion in the air. The only thing I could describe it as was pink. I nearly wretched at the flavor of it. It was ridiculously sweet.

"Hey girls, who's this? *gasp* Is he a new friend? Ohmygosh that's awesome, we have a changeling friend. He looks so cool, not like a drone but more like Chrysalis! Are you two related? Are you mean like her? Are you as strong as her? What's your favorite color? ..."

I couldn't stand it anymore I gagged on the happiness. I looked up and saw a woman about as tall as Applejack, but she had a ridiculously puffy hair style.

"Hi I'm Pinkie Pie, I knew you were going to ask. Everyone does. What's your name? "

"Uhh, my name? "

"Yeah what are you called? "


"That's a pretty funny name. "

"Wait, no I don't have a name. "

*gasp*"Ohmygosh, that's so sad I have to give you one hmmmm let's see. .."

"Pinkie Pie get away from him, he's really dangerous. He almost crushed us by turning into an ursa major!" Applejack shouted, throwing the rope over me again

"Really, the fucking rope again?" Wait no mouth stop! No! "Does the cowgirl have a fetish? They do say it is the one you least expect, and Applejack was definitely not my first choice. Which was Rarity. Rarity is the one I suspected to be into BDSM. "

Have you ever been kicked in the face by high heels? It fucking hurts. And blood, my green blood leaked out of a small cut on my face, and I should have stopped there but..."See she is totally getting off on seeing me in pain!"

This time I wasn't hit. All I heared was laughter from Pinkie Pie.

"Hahahahahha Rarity look at your face. You're almost as pink as my hair. "

"Pinkie, does this, this rogue not offend you with his foul mouth? !"

"I would say I'm more like group cleric or wizard but..."

"Oh shut up you." I guess Rarity was done with my shit.

"Hey that could be his name, how about rogue? "

"I just said -

"Then it's settled! "
